Archived Spot Minimum Wage Increase

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I knew I shoulda been a Brain Surgeon!!!
We were told today that the increase is effective as of March 1st and there is no extra increase above $12 for other paygrades. However, the ETL who announced it is also a massive idiot, so I don't think it's entirely correct.
We were told today that the increase is effective as of March 1st and there is no extra increase above $12 for other paygrades. However, the ETL who announced it is also a massive idiot, so I don't think it's entirely correct.
All other paygrades will go up by $1 (unless your target is already above $12)
So if I get paid on the 16th, 4 days will be at my current rate and 10 days will be at the $12?
Good point. It's probably the first day of the first new pay period after the 1st. Or it's April 1, which is a Sunday.
We were told today that the increase is effective as of March 1st and there is no extra increase above $12 for other paygrades. However, the ETL who announced it is also a massive idiot, so I don't think it's entirely correct.

At huddle tonight my ETL said April for reviews/wage increase.
I am glad they are making the incremental increases opposed to waiting until 2020 to jump to $15. I do wish that the pay would start 50 cents or a dollar under and raise to the new levels upon completion of the 90 day review with a minimum of satisfactory review. Crap workers from day one shouldn't be making the same as long term team members who are being brought up to the minimum. It's discouraging training someone who is making the same as you especially the ones you can tell are likely not to last more than 30 days.
I still think you can find quality people if they know that they will be making X after completing the 90 day probation period.
I think the HR guide says it kicks in starting in May (right in time for BTS)
This its always been paperwork in april first check increase in may. Our store was 12 already due to city raise. Still not sure how I feel about the 15 seeing as how they are dolling only 4hr shifts for everyone in my store. Talked to my etl tonight they said it would be the norm until Q4
The other thing though is it does take away some motivation for anything other than meets expectations. The difference between a $0.15 raise and a $0.40 raise this month during my annual evaluation with be wiped out by the raise in the minimum. I have a friend's wedding next Saturday that I thought I requested off months ago when I RSVP'd but when I saw that I was scheduled for that day, I checked and realized I either forget to do it or didn't click all the way through on the request. I am trying to find a swap but am thinking about whiting that out and just calling out. Even with the call out my attendance isn't going to drop below meets expectations. Yes my attitude here kind of sucks but I am actually quite good at faking a sunny disposition at work even when I am bored out of my freaking skull.
Call out - fuck it.

Unless you think they really care about you...
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