Archived Sr. TL interviewing for ETL

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Nov 6, 2011
Can anyone tell me what this process looks like and if it's any different from external applicants? Are the interview questions any different and is business college shortened at all?
The senior position is usually given to TL's who are seen as ETL potential but either do not have their degree or need some management experience. That said, they usually have all intentions of making you an ETL when they feel the time is right. You will basically have to go through an interview process similar to your TL interviews, however, they take place with your DTL and usually a call with your GTL. From there, they wait until a position opens and sign you off. They usually won't take you before or during 4th quarter to avoid being down an LOD during heavily shopped weeks.
So, the process is a bit different in that you have a much better shot than external applicants. Business college is the same, though.
What should happen is that you should have a minimum set of interviews with a different district because of fairness and consistency. It should be an interview with 2 STLs and then the DTL. If you pass that then you should have a last interview with your group director for final sign off. Once you pass that the HRBP will call you to offer you an EIT position with your salary quote. You will then be required to fax a background check sheet so they can run a check on you. Once that is completed you should get a call or email from a group/regional recruiter telling you when you will have business college. There are two sets of guides.. There is the campus interview guide that they will use if you just recently graduated college(regardless of your time with target) or if you had your degree for 2 yrs then they will do the experienced interview guide which is just a little bit more complex than the campus guides. Business college is not shortened unless you ask your group training leader and DTL for approval. But it depends on the position. Let me know if you have any more questions as I just went through this process as an internal.
Quick question that is slightly related to this: how long do you need to be a Sr. TL before interviewing for ETL?
I was promoted to TL last May and then Sr TL in October. My ETL wants me to interview for ETL (I already have a degree) in the spring but when she mentioned it to our STL he said I need to be in position for 1.5 yrs, but wasn't sure what "position" that needed to be.
I've been with Target for a total of 14 months, but obviously not all of that was in a leadership position. So when did the 1.5 yr countdown begin - when I became a TL or a Sr TL?
I'm sure my STL will figure it out at some point but if anyone on here is familiar with the process it'd be great to know sooner - he's busy and this isn't exactly a priority.
Generally speaking, if you have a new title, that's a new position (as your common sense intuition surely told you). Thus, your STL meant that you needed to be a Sr.TL for 18 months before he'd support you for an ETL position. It is NOT a company requirement, so he COULD send you for interviews pretty much any time he decides. He could just have a personal practice of not supporting "early" promotions (the 18-month thing is fairly standard practice, despite not being company policy). Or it could be that your DTL enforces such a "rule," or maybe even your GD/GVP.
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