Archived Star Wars Event

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Our TL over toys has been pissed for the last couple of weeks now, since overnight just puts out everything. They can't read "Street Date 9-4-15, DO NOT STOCK BEFORE"

But I keep being told they don't have time to do it right or really take the time to read in order to finish the truck cause being finished is more important than any kind of accuracy. So we burn daytime hours to backstock the tubs of crap they over pushed.. Today was 4 tubs of crap, for just me. And not big stuff like plastics either.. 😡
usually flow just leaves whenever they are intended too without any notice to how much they had left. i walked by bts yesterday and there were just boxes laying all over the floor with tubs scattered about the floor.
Anyone else been told by STL or ETL's that even f you are not working that day, that you will be CA'd if you come in to shop the event?? I was stunned at our huddle. Also we were told that if we were working, that we could not shop it when we clock out on lunch, which is still BS to me, but I can kind of understand the thought process.
Anyone else been told by STL or ETL's that even f you are not working that day, that you will be CA'd if you come in to shop the event?? I was stunned at our huddle. Also we were told that if we were working, that we could not shop it when we clock out on lunch, which is still BS to me, but I can kind of understand the thought process.
Haven't been told that. Fuck them if they try. If I can shop black Friday I can shop star wars...
Anyone else been told by STL or ETL's that even f you are not working that day, that you will be CA'd if you come in to shop the event?? I was stunned at our huddle. Also we were told that if we were working, that we could not shop it when we clock out on lunch, which is still BS to me, but I can kind of understand the thought process.

have not been told this, but i can kind of understand not being able to do it while on break. i was trying to offer my services to set it... but i guess a lot of other people did as well lol
have not been told this, but i can kind of understand not being able to do it while on break. i was trying to offer my services to set it... but i guess a lot of other people did as well lol
If I can get the item(s) I want like a normal guest and get through checkout on break why must I just opt out of anything the release day? Black Friday our rule is no shopping except for lunch (not on clock). Some of these items may never restock for all we know. Or take months. Just because I work for spot I can't buy them, even if I'm not working? I smell a class action suit in the making if they try to enforce that...
usually flow just leaves whenever they are intended too without any notice to how much they had left. i walked by bts yesterday and there were just boxes laying all over the floor with tubs scattered about the floor.

They do that too. But they for some stupid reason love to shove everything single thing they out no matter it really goes out. Cause they would have to backstock it -so less work for them.
They do that too. But they for some stupid reason love to shove everything single thing they out no matter it really goes out. Cause they would have to backstock it -so less work for them.
our flow team doesnt backstock... thankfully. i smell a whole lot of m-deletes and locu-ing. our bts section is all one big flex at the moment, so for the first twenty minutes they just stand there like chickens with their heads cut off until they're given direction
We're so bad with street dates at our store. I had to explain to an ETL last night just how BIG A DEAL it was that flow had pushed all the Star Wars Hotwheels already.

Yeah I had to explain to an ETL with a certain software that was street dated, he didn't get the big deal until I told him that I had family that worked in that company and I had no problem taking photos and texting them over with names of people responsible. Fire me, cause spot doesn't put a roof over my head, that software company does. 🙂

And Disney is worse cause they just pull everything you have Disney and toys would be what half empty? Not to mention all other Disney branded product. Sippy cups to underwear - GONE!
not only has our star wars hotwheels been pushed, we're almost sold out of them...

Well some Star Wars Hot wheels have been around for six months or more, I have a the Blue Clone Trooper and Yoda ones.. A Jawa and a Vader one are also out there, saw them all at several other stores. Those are public for sale.

Sorry not a Jawa, but another character from that desert, the bigger more angry dudes.. *edit.
Well some Star Wars Hot wheels have been around for six months or more, I have a the Blue Clone Trooper and Yoda ones.. A Jawa and a Vader one are also out there, saw them all at several other stores. Those are public for sale.

yeah we have those, along with some others that are on sale at amazon and what not. so im hoping thats all it is and nothing super special. i checked the counts the other day, and they were all correct. but, i will check to make sure tomorrow they are not the special release ones
Well some Star Wars Hot wheels have been around for six months or more, I have a the Blue Clone Trooper and Yoda ones.. A Jawa and a Vader one are also out there, saw them all at several other stores. Those are public for sale.

Sorry not a Jawa, but another character from that desert, the bigger more angry dudes.. *edit.

Good to know. Of course that will make getting the street-dated ones off the shelves even harder!
Good to know. Of course that will make getting the street-dated ones off the shelves even harder!
Yeah it is. Cause they pushed replenishment of the old toys as well. I sound like the biggest geek explaining it's only the new movie toys, not all of them. But not based on character. Ugh.
Good to know. Of course that will make getting the street-dated ones off the shelves even harder!
guess ill have to take a basket of the different ones and scan them at a closed register... if thats allowed? im not really sure haha obviously im not going to buy them... just want to make sure. probably run it past ap first
Good to know. Of course that will make getting the street-dated ones off the shelves even harder!

These are the ones I am talking about. So I would pull anything that doesn't look like these guys.

Yeah the ones I caught (I'm front end) were in yellow boxes. I'll check on it when I'm done with CO tomorrow and make sure the memo trickled down to the folks in toys.
we have a c3po one as well. and some two in ones... they've been up for a week or two like i said, i feel as though we would have had one disgruntled guest by now
we have a c3po one as well. and some two in ones... they've been up for a week or two like i said, i feel as though we would have had one disgruntled guest by now

Could be a GSTL just calling for a DCPI and they are given the number off the peg they are on or they are just giving the guest a price they both agree to. I've done that for something that didn't scan, but what I was thinking was within a buck or two of what the guest was saying.
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