Archived Star Wars Event

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Could be a GSTL just calling for a DCPI and they are given the number off the peg they are on or they are just giving the guest a price they both agree to. I've done that for something that didn't scan, but what I was thinking was within a buck or two of what the guest was saying.

The guest would have to be defacing the barcode so it wouldn't scan at the register, if you scan a street dated item it pops a specific error "SET ASIDE DO NOT SELL UNTIL 9/4" and I believe a supervisor has to input their number to clear the error the same way we do if something is subject to recall. I can't remember if I had to put in my number or not
The guest would have to be defacing the barcode so it wouldn't scan at the register, if you scan a street dated item it pops a specific error "SET ASIDE DO NOT SELL UNTIL 9/4" and I believe a supervisor has to input their number to clear the error the same way we do if something is subject to recall. I can't remember if I had to put in my number or not

Unless it wasn't keyed right in the system.. Seen it happen.. Or the barcode comes back "NOP" instead of "Street Date".
Anyone else been told by STL or ETL's that even f you are not working that day, that you will be CA'd if you come in to shop the event?? I was stunned at our huddle. Also we were told that if we were working, that we could not shop it when we clock out on lunch, which is still BS to me, but I can kind of understand the thought process.

I can understand following high demand TM purchasing guidelines (item must be stocked for 30 minutes, min) but this seems like it would violate Target's policy.

I finally started seeing stuff in areas of the store that aren't mine and have gone to ETLs and STL about holding huddled to address it to make sure it is removed from the floor. Was hoping to at least get through this week before having to pivot to this *sigh*
It's been crazy with all of the street dated launches we have coming up between Disney Infinity 3.0, Lego Dimensions, and Star Wars.

I finally convinced leadership to just let me handle all of the street dated merchandise the moment it comes out of the truck since I am on the back side of the line and follow toys/electronics out to the floor anyway. It only took an extremely irate parent and a kid huddled in a cart crying hysterically because we could not sell the toy he found on the floor.
I'm apparently one of the very few people at my store who actually keeps an eye out for street-dated things, and tries to make sure it stays off the floor.

Bloody annoying...
Yesterday I had a pair of star wars knee pads (like for skateboarding) come up saying "cannot sell till 9/4" so I guess that explains that.

Yep, we've had the "cannot sell" for a couple of products....we had some little toy figurines and then some clothing that we had out. Suffice it to say that the guests who had chosen those items to buy weren't very happy that we couldn't sell it.
We started seeing stuff that wasn't street dated a couple days ago go street here soooooo we just pulled everything but lego
Did alot of the posts get nuked? I swear this thread had 4 pages.
So..after having a bunch of street dated toys hit the floor today, the sales floor TL explained the problem to me:

First, with toys, the stuff is already on planogram. Second, only about 3/4 of the boxes we are getting in have the street date stickers on them. So...if it's on planogram and doesn't have a street date sticker on the case, then flow has no reason not to push it. And thus we end up with it on the floor and in guests' carts. Because, you know, we don't have enough problems without them not getting it right on the supply side.
shhhhhhh ... new tv ad

This New Ad Will Get Anyone Excited for Star Wars

I bet we see this ad on MTV during the VMAs this Sunday night !!

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Our store is participating. I'm glad our flow team (err..most of them) have their shit together. Properly trapping the 9/4 merch saving so much time...Friday here I come..

Oh wait
A flow tm pushed out some of the SW folders a few days ago. I've had to break a few hearts over the items being street dated.

When I finally had enough of "BUT ITS ON THE SHELF WHY DID YOU PUT IT OUT IF I CANT BUY IT YET", I spent about 20 minutes hunting them down - they were hidden behind notebooks in home/office. 😵
My store is having the midnight event. I'm not working it, but pretty excited to see all the SW stuff. Got a giant Chewie stuffed doll that being given away that night on display right now. Lots of guests were pretty excited and taking pictures with it. Pretty sweet.
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