Archived STL deleting my punches

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Oct 30, 2017
Twice in 2 weeks now my STL has edited my punches when I went a little over so that it appeared that I left right on time, and to top it off, he accused me of forgetting to punch out both times. I always punch in/out. I find it to be more than a coincidence that the days in question were days that I stayed 15-20 minutes over. I know payroll is tight in February, (only getting 36ish hours as a lead) and it is my responsibility to leave on time, ...but this is illegal af, not to mention a shady, sneaky, immoral business practice. This type of stuff right here makes me regret ever working through my breaks like i usually do. Makes me want to stay over again 20 minutes, take a photo of my mytime punches as proof, and see if it happens again so I can call them out on it and have proof. Anyone else experiencing/have experienced this type of thing at Target?
Ck on my time. I don’t think that event is happening. It is a stupid action by the stl. Staying pass your schedule time, can get you in trouble with spot.
Stop working through breaks.
Hard to fight them breaking rules without being in the clear on your side. Take your breaks, leave on time and consider this a costly lesson in responsibility.

Yes it's illegal, but they could have given you corrective action instead... how much do you want this job? Fight it and they will find other things to term you for, at least at most places I've ever worked.
Thanks, I know I don't want any more drama so I won't do it again I was just saying it makes me want to just so i can feel vindicated knowing that I am right, that I was punching out and that they were just being sneaky. I do know I am also in the wrong. I wish they would have just coached me even once for staying over. Haven't had any kind of verbal for that. It doesn't feel right being coached for something I'm not doing wrong (not punching out when I am) rather than something I am doing wrong (staying later). Just seems like a very roundabout way of coaching me. and thanks for the suggestion of historical edits I am also going to check for them -- did not even know that was a thing. But do you think their pay grade eliminates any trace of something like that?
Here's the thing to... if you're hitting OT which you're probably not approved for if this is the case. Your STL could put you on CA's for it if they wanted to. If that's the case I would just take the deleted punches and go with it than getting a CA.
I'm p sure corporate will OHKO your STL and pay you out the OT without saying anything. Afaik, correct me if I'm wrong but the no OT thing isn't directly from corp, i.e. stls/dtls can approve it at their discretion. So I'm betting corp doesn't care that you got OT.

I accidentally missed a punch once and it got me into OT and paid out like $150 extra because it didn't get fixed in time. Corp didn't say shit and HROC didn't reply to HR's email about me so I got to keep free money, no write up, no coaching. Thanks bitches!
So at our store the time clock doesn't always record punches. Hr sometimes has to go fix them, especially on a payroll Monday. If your punch wasn't recorded and hr needed to fix it they only had your schedule to go by. That could have happened.

I'm not challenging you but I am curious that an STL is dealing with this level of work that is usually for an hrtm. When he said he "fixed" them did you mention that you worked over?

But I would definitely check into historical edits. That will be the only way for you to know if it is an edit or a correction.
I can never seem to take my last 15.... I haven’t done so in 2 years...
That's been happening a lot to me, especially when it comes to doing more than what I can in my shift. That's why now I'm like f it. I get paid to take my first and last 15 and it's the law so nothing is more important to me than those labor laws to give our body some rest. Especially when 95% of my leaders are shitty, all the hard work that I do, rarely calling out, doesn't even matter to them even one bit, so I make sure I take my breaks.

An STL that deletes/edits someone's punches, that's corrupt. I'd rather get coached and get paid for the work I do especially if it's OT and I'm not just talking about working thru breaks. That STL should get fired. He doesn't even have to coach you. He can just say don't do it again or next time will be an actual coaching.

I'm sick of them sending us to our meals the latest at 4.5 hours. Especially how it is not communicated clearly by posting it on the wall in the TSC so we all know it applies to EVERYBODY! Announcing it on the wakie is a way to write people up due to the walkies get staticky, you don't have one or the volume is at max but what you hear is like whispering. Like when one GML announces it, you think it applies to his 4am or 6am crew. You find out when they call you out. However, it matters how they say it. If they say it abrasively then of course your TM will likely not follow direction.

You should take photos of those instances to have proof. Print it out from eHR after you punch out. It should be there and there will be a timestamp when you print the page.

And I would definitely call him out in a discreet way. My store SO FAR hasn't had anything like this and I hope they don't come up with some tactic like this.
I'm p sure corporate will OHKO your STL and pay you out the OT without saying anything. Afaik, correct me if I'm wrong but the no OT thing isn't directly from corp, i.e. stls/dtls can approve it at their discretion. So I'm betting corp doesn't care that you got OT.

I accidentally missed a punch once and it got me into OT and paid out like $150 extra because it didn't get fixed in time. Corp didn't say shit and HROC didn't reply to HR's email about me so I got to keep free money, no write up, no coaching. Thanks bitches!
Corporate doesn't much give a shit about OT. It's the greedy DTL and STL asses that want to maximize their bonuses while the peasants have to scramble through the garbage to find something to eat.
Illegal for them to not pay you for your time!
Had an old ETL who when they transferred to a new store adjusted TMs hours down. When HQ found out they were termed. Target takes this very seriously.
An STL that deletes/edits someone's punches, that's corrupt.
Time card fraud is a termination offense, and being an STL doesn’t give anyone a pass. Target isn’t the only one who takes violations of Federal labor laws seriously...
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