Archived STL making it hard to leave.

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@tgtguy that's how they work though. I'm not going back I'm ready to go after realizing I am no exactly being treated very well a lot of people aren't. I'm going to call the integrity hotline and let them know what is going on in some of their stores, cause clearly it's not just mine, when it comes to dealing with team leads.
I don't get every other weekend off either, albeit I do write my own schedule, I have a small team and I need to be there on the weekends especially because of how hectic it can get.
I don't get every other weekend off either, albeit I do write my own schedule, I have a small team and I need to be there on the weekends especially because of how hectic it can get.
That's kind of how it is at my store. Last Saturday alone we only had 2 closing in hardlines myself included. Me and the other TM basically had to run the entire store on our own. We already had one ETL tell us at huddle last weekend that the call outs were getting "Extremely bad." It's always 10 times worse during the summer everyone wants to "party" and not work and our store is too chicken shit to get rid of them. Granted if they did we wouldn't have a store anyways.
Our previous flow TL worked every Saturday but got Sunday and Monday off. New TL gets rotating weekends now like the rest of the TLs.
We do have some team leads who work full time but don't have open availability; our store is so big and we have so many that their leadership and TLOD schedules work out
I like the rotating weekends as a tm because I like the weekends where my TLs aren't there lol. I try to make the times I request a weekend off coincide with their weekend on. TL free weekends are good for everyone. The weekend off is one of only three reasons to be a TL. The other two are health insurance and consistent hours. (Obviously this is just my opinion. Feel free to disagree.)
Always helps to get the wife's permission. I'd rather deal with the STL than the retribution of not getting the wife's OK.
The plan was to threaten to quit to try to get a better raise. It didn't work, but the ETL said I should think about it and that he didn't want me quitting for that reason. I never told my wife.
The plan was to threaten to quit to try to get a better raise. It didn't work, but the ETL said I should think about it and that he didn't want me quitting for that reason. I never told my wife.

An ETL never wants a good employee to quit. An ETL doesn't want a poor employee to quit either ( unless they're a total fuck up) because they have to go thru the effort to hire and train someone.

I am having the stay/quit dilemma myself right now. Found a job that will pay in one weekend ( you work every other weekend) what I earn in 2 weeks part time at Spot. Just not sure I want to work 8 hrs. on both Saturday and Sunday. I always work every Saturday at Spot, but only the occasional Sunday. Plus shifts with Spot are 5.75 hrs. or less.
I would do it since it's EOW. My other job is EOW and spot is six days a week. Spot used to be EOW and M-F, but I complained about 12 days in a row, so now I have six days every week. Even though I was approved for Thursday's off. Just one reason I'm quitting.
An ETL never wants a good employee to quit. An ETL doesn't want a poor employee to quit either ( unless they're a total fuck up) because they have to go thru the effort to hire and train someone.
So you're saying I'm not a total fuck up?!

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