Archived Strange TM behavior

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SR, its different though. If hes got it physically written down, and hes doing this while working and TMs know about it, thats bad for morale. The difference we have here is a level of anonymity, so its unlikely any store TMs are aware of what people post about them here.
My reply was in response to the idiots talking about taking the binder and making copies or making it disappear. The OP is just looking for a way to get the guy in trouble, leave it alone and grow up.
I'd work around them as much as possible. Maybe, they will make special mention of you. It was mentioned that this individual was a little odd, but you know what my definition of odd is.....talking about Gears of War and NBA for 7 hours a day. Now, THAT is weird. Outside of extreme body odors, I can't think of a reason that I couldn't or wouldn't work with someone.
I never said it was a guy 😉

If female, is her name Harriet?
Could be you have someone who is OCD and needs the comfort of writing everything down to feel in control.
For the same reason they would freak out when people step outside the rules.
If the person is placed through a program like DVR than you might run into a situation where HR would transfer them rather than just fire them because you are dealing with somebody with a disability.

This is the most likely case. I know a guy like this that has been working for Target for almost 20 years on flow. OCD and keeps a notebook about everything all shift long. We figured he must have hundereds of those things filled up by now. He does it for his own mental well being so it has never been a problem.
Not sure why this would be tolerated, simply for the sake of time. He is spending company time on a project that is not brand, that does not contribute directly to sales. It's would be squashed at my store faster than you can say "backup cashiers."
You could also be dealing with someone on the autism spectrum - Asperger's in particular.
Aspies are OCD & VERY meticulous about routine. The note-taking could be a stim behavior or a coping mechanism.
Leadership's hands-off approach may be because they don't want to deal with an ADA lawsuit.
You could also be dealing with someone on the autism spectrum - Asperger's in particular.
Aspies are OCD & VERY meticulous about routine. The note-taking could be a stim behavior or a coping mechanism.
Leadership's hands-off approach may be because they don't want to deal with an ADA lawsuit.

This makes more sense than anything else said here. Though HQ plants do exist, its almost always a union buster. An HQ plant wouldn't leave their notes in a spill station.
I'm not trying to get this individual in trouble. I just noted this odd behavior and posted it to see what you guys thought about it, or if anyone has seen this type of behavior before. If I really wanted to get this person in trouble, I (or my peers that feel the same way) would have already done something about it. Sorry for the confusion.
if i were you, find out FORSURE if this person is a plant, or if this person is just some nerdy a$$ dude who is going way over their head...

if that happened to me and i found out that this person is just some nerdy little rat, i would "accidentally" place this binder inside the baler.

but that does sound weird, i would snatch the binder when their not looking and show HR or the STL about it because that is making you and other TMs uncomfortable.

but what im thinking is...they could be just some nerdy little rat... you and other TMs have seen this binder and are aware of it completely, so this person is probably very OPEN about writing in it...

BUT, if it was a plant, dont you think they would be more low key about it?

but like commie said above^^^, they might have a disability, i would talk to HR before anything you decide to do, maybe they can shed some light on what is really going on
If they wanna take a minute to write in a binder as long as it isnt anything about hurting people who cares, and if someone says well they are on the clock they stopped working and wrote blah blah, as you take a 40 minute bathroom break
If he is catagorized as disabled in some way Target will keep him no matter what. We have 3 oddities at the moment. The reasons behind it are rumored to be that they get a tax break.
If he is catagorized as disabled in some way Target will keep him no matter what. We have 3 oddities at the moment. The reasons behind it are rumored to be that they get a tax break.

There are tax incentives involved and they won't talk to you about the peoples disabilities either, can't by law.
We have one or two disabled tm's...I say one or two because I haven't seen the one in awhile. MY TM is awesome!! She is slow (mentally and physically) but she is a great reshopper and does the "treasure" hunting for me without complaint. As soon as I started reading the OP I thought of coping mechanisms. I know this person is an odd duck but I have a feeling they know it and are coping by writing. Instead of avoiding this person like the plague try figuring out how you can help them....our tm has been working at our store longer than me so she had already been scooted from area to area finally stopping at softlines. There we figured out her strengths and have her do the reshop. She doesn't work as hard for/with everybody the way she does with me. I believe it's because I treat her the same way I treat everybody, with respect and a helping attitude.
Even if your tm is a plant, my suggestion is the same....treat them the same way you treat all your other co-workers.
If he is catagorized as disabled in some way Target will keep him no matter what. We have 3 oddities at the moment. The reasons behind it are rumored to be that they get a tax break.

I've actually seen them find ways to get rid of disabled people too. Yes, there are tax incentives, but if the TM F's up enough, they'll be gone regardless, just like the rest of us.
We had a disabled guy working at my Tgt when we first opened. Always had a smile on his face. Very hard working. Took care of the trash and things like that. He had to quit because he couldn't be on his feet so much. He'd had surgery on his (I think) knees. Great guy. He still comes in every once in awhile with his wife.

Seems to me that it doesn't really matter who this person is, or why said TM is writing in a binder, or what is being written in the binder.

The fact & other TMs are uncomfortable. This is reason enough to go to your HR or to a trusted ETL. By sharing that you are uncomfortable the situation can be addressed.....even if the answer is "We know about the don't need to worry about it."

Maybe the TM has a legitimate reason for writing.....but the fact remains that you & other TMs are uncomfortable. You (or any other TM at Target...or any job) have every right to feel safe in your workplace and if you are threatened or uncomfortable for ANY reason you need to talk to someone in management.
I actually got to know the TM a little better this weekend while on a carryout. I was a little guarded about what I said during it, but the TM isn't so bad- pretty nice, actually. Just a little misunderstood by all of us. Wasn't quite sure how to bring up the binder issue while actually talking to the person, so I figure I'll save that for another time or just not ask about it at all. I made the mistake of judging this person before getting to know said TM, so I feel like an a**. But whatever, I'm over it.
Talk to them a little more so they don't feel like your last conversation was an anomoly.
After a while you might ask them about their binder from a curiousity standpoint rather than a suspicious one.
Thats just weird. :wacko: I would think if that binder is left laying around, it should make its way to the HR's desk.

Definitely let HR know. This is odd behavior indeed. If this is supported by leaders then the HR can shed some light on this for you. Otherwise you should bring the attention to it. It may be obvious to you, but maybe not to them. 🙂
If he is catagorized as disabled in some way Target will keep him no matter what. We have 3 oddities at the moment. The reasons behind it are rumored to be that they get a tax break.

I've actually seen them find ways to get rid of disabled people too. Yes, there are tax incentives, but if the TM F's up enough, they'll be gone regardless, just like the rest of us.

We have 5 disabled team members in our store. We embrace them in the Target culture and are a real delight to work with. They are not treated or talked to any different. I have not heard about the tax breaks though. It makes me a little disappointed to hear that.
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