Archived Strange TM behavior

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If he is catagorized as disabled in some way Target will keep him no matter what. We have 3 oddities at the moment. The reasons behind it are rumored to be that they get a tax break.

I've actually seen them find ways to get rid of disabled people too. Yes, there are tax incentives, but if the TM F's up enough, they'll be gone regardless, just like the rest of us.

We have 5 disabled team members in our store. We embrace them in the Target culture and are a real delight to work with. They are not treated or talked to any different. I have not heard about the tax breaks though. It makes me a little disappointed to hear that.

Could be counted as the community points through county services & spot.
I actually got to know the TM a little better this weekend while on a carryout. I was a little guarded about what I said during it, but the TM isn't so bad- pretty nice, actually. Just a little misunderstood by all of us. Wasn't quite sure how to bring up the binder issue while actually talking to the person, so I figure I'll save that for another time or just not ask about it at all. I made the mistake of judging this person before getting to know said TM, so I feel like an a**. But whatever, I'm over it.

Good! Glad that you got a bit of a chance to talk w/ the TM.
While you do feel better about talking with the TM, don't dismiss your feelings of discomfort. Even if you have a chance to talk with this TM some more, still think about talking with HR. While you might feel better, the fact still remains that there are a lot of others who are uncomfortable.

You have expressed yourself quite well here and you seem to be a bit on the assertive side....since you're a bit more comfortable with things, it might be easier to talk with HR now. You may not feel as threatened, but others still may, and you've already taken the initiative to share your concerns here.....good for you!! Please talk with HR. Look, nothing bad can happen if you speak up. If you don't speak up then there might be a lot of people who won't get to know this TM because of your comfort level.

Think about it carefully. I still think you ought to go to HR....or an ETL.
Ohh okay so Spot is another name for Target? I have not heard that. Or the dog?? In which case, I thought his name was Bullseye.
BTW, no one has ever seemed to be able to explain why the front area is See. Spot. Save. and the dog's name is Bullseye.

Go figure!
See the area
Spot what you're looking for
Save $$

BTW, Spot is also a common dog's name (kinda like Fido) &, since our mascot is a dog....
(See Spot run, from the old "Dick & Jane" series)
Makes sense.

"Fido" means "faithful." Good thing the dog's not named Fido!

For Spot seems to lack the "fido"ness to TMs!
I would get 4-5 people to all go complain to HR that the TM is making you feel uncomfortable with his behavior. You know.. How he is always staring at different TM's for long periods of time while writing who knows what in a notebook. You never know, he may be a security concern (which you can actually be terminated for). They may listen... or not. If not, I would take the binder because you think it is store merchandise of course. Throw it in a reshop cart, let it make it's way around the floor for a few hours, maybe once you realize it's not reshop put it in lost and found. Next thing you know it's in the compactor! Then remember my motto: Admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof!!! :spiteful:
...and if the TM is a person with Asperger's who uses the notebook as a coping mechanism, taking it away could cause a breakdown/anxiety attack. If it was considered an accomodation for a person with a disability, you could be kicking a huge ADA hornet's nest.
...and if the TM is a person with Asperger's who uses the notebook as a coping mechanism, taking it away could cause a breakdown/anxiety attack. If it was considered an accomodation for a person with a disability, you could be kicking a huge ADA hornet's nest.

Take it easy guys.
Nothing a person is writing down like that is worth freaking out about.
...and if the TM is a person with Asperger's who uses the notebook as a coping mechanism, taking it away could cause a breakdown/anxiety attack. If it was considered an accomodation for a person with a disability, you could be kicking a huge ADA hornet's nest.

This this this a thousand times over.
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