
Has you store ever HIRED a female to work in electronics?

I have only seen ONE in my store in over five years.
Back in the day I was the electronics specialist. We don't have any female tech officially right now, but whenever any of the tech guys are off, it is a female that is scheduled.
Also, as much as Target may wish, we ain't exactly Sephora or MAC (both of which have many male salespeople btw). You really don't have to be a makeup whiz or a crackerjack salesperson to work in Beauty.

Same with Style Consultants. Fashion expertise NOT required.
Beauty needs to know about the contents of the product, brand comparisons, allergenics, purpose, age properties, etc. You clearly don't understand women! LOL Style needs to know what current trends are, color combos and shoe pairings. A really good style consultant will understand fabric and its properties, how it is cleaned, shrinkage, etc.
I started at a Target in a very progressive part of the city. It is the most stressful job I've ever had and I need out. I've been literally sick ever since I started. I'm at the doctor again now. Managers giving me time limits to get stuff done. I can only work as fast as I am able. Imagine working cosmetics, literally thousands of little things of nail polish and lipstick of every shade. Boxes and boxes and boxes. I can prioritize but at the same time my boss is not good at effective communication with me. I generally just feel unwanted there. I've only been here about about a month and have been sick half the time. Can I transfer to another store? Should I quit and tell them that is so stressful even my doctor is telling me I need to do something about it
I started hiking because of Target's stress level.

Get out in nature and explore and relax.
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Beauty needs to know about the contents of the product, brand comparisons, allergenics, purpose, age properties, etc. You clearly don't understand women! LOL Style needs to know what current trends are, color combos and shoe pairings. A really good style consultant will understand fabric and its properties, how it is cleaned, shrinkage, etc.
I think I understand women, considering I've been one for over 50 years!

My point is, most people aren't shopping at Target for the expertise and salesmanship. We are a discount store. As a shopper, I would never expect a Walmart or Target employee to be able to tell me the allergens in a certain cosmetic or tell me what the latest fashion trends are. As much as Corporate may like to pretend we are that type of store, we just aren't. I honestly would not even expect the folks in Tech be able to tell me anything more than what is on the box when it comes to electronics.

Many TMs may know the answers to questions from guests (yes, I know the difference between cotton and polyester and what happens when you wash/dry certain fabrics) but that's way more from life experience, not because Target taught me the answers or it's a requirement of the job.
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The Cosmetics position is solely a measure to lower company-wide shortage in two ways:

1 - By increasing presence which lowers external shrink
2 - By increasing organization which lowers internal shrink

No one's expertise in cosmetics means anything. They might say it does, but it's irrelevant. Soccer mom Kate gives no shits about your opinion on beauty, that's what youtube is for.
I think I understand women, considering I've been one for over 50 years!

My point is, most people aren't shopping at Target for the expertise and salesmanship. We are a discount store. As a shopper, I would never expect a Walmart or Target employee to be able to tell me the allergens in a certain cosmetic or tell me what the latest fashion trends are. As much as Corporate may like to pretend we are that type of store, we just aren't. I honestly would not even expect the folks in Tech be able to tell me anything more than what is on the box when it comes to electronics.

Many TMs may know the answers to questions from guests (yes, I know the difference between cotton and polyester and what happens when you wash/dry certain fabrics) but that's way more from life experience, not because Target taught me the answers or it's a requirement of the job.
I had no idea what your gender is, but in all honesty, the guests at our Target actually do expect this and have since way before we had Style and Beauty. We are in an area where this is the type of clientele we deal with and always have. Corporate just fed into the snobbery and Tar-jay-ness of our guests. It is literally one of the reasons I am glad I don't work in those areas (even though I also can answer the questions after many years (also been female for over 50 years) of working in the boutique type women's retail that is pervasive in our area and that Target aspires to) Our tech people are expected by guests to know how games play, how to connect all of their tech, differences between printers and how much ink they use, etc. etc. etc. It's crazy what they want from us and we are expected to deliver and deliver with smiling eyes.
No one's expertise in cosmetics means anything. They might say it does, but it's irrelevant. Soccer mom Kate gives no shits about your opinion on beauty, that's what youtube is for.

I have to disagree... at least at my store. Countless times I've seen our team members talking in depth with people about different products and offering add ons. Many times the team member starts the conversation when they just happen to see someone at random looking at a few different products.
I have to disagree... at least at my store. Countless times I've seen our team members talking in depth with people about different products and offering add ons. Many times the team member starts the conversation when they just happen to see someone at random looking at a few different products.

I'm not saying you don't have value. I think the right person in any role brings a lot of value, and a lot of sales in this case. Just that the intent of the position was to increase profits by way of decreasing shrink. I do stand by my assertion that no one comes to target looking for beauty advice.

What are the three areas that have the highest shrink? Fresh market, electronics, cosmetics. Which three areas are always staffed? 🤔
@Rarejem and @60SecondsRemaining just a question.
Is it possible that you are both right?
That this is a ASANTS situation?
It seems like the difference between where the Targets are located and what kind of guests customers you get might make a difference as to how these positions work out.
If the bulk of the people you have to deal with are high end then they will want to have the same treatment as they get at Ulta or Sophora.
But if you are in a middle class of urban area that won't be so much the case.

@Rarejem and @60SecondsRemaining just a question.
Is it possible that you are both right?
That this is a ASANTS situation?
It seems like the difference between where the Targets are located and what kind of guests customers you get might make a difference as to how these positions work out.
If the bulk of the people you have to deal with are high end then they will want to have the same treatment as they get at Ulta or Sophora.
But if you are in a middle class of urban area that won't be so much the case.


Certainly possible. I worked at an inner city store (remember when they lit a cvs on fire in baltimore during the riots? Yep there) and a ritzy store, among countless others during my tenure. The upper class stores definitely had more needy clientele.
@Rarejem and @60SecondsRemaining just a question.
Is it possible that you are both right?
That this is a ASANTS situation?
It seems like the difference between where the Targets are located and what kind of guests customers you get might make a difference as to how these positions work out.
If the bulk of the people you have to deal with are high end then they will want to have the same treatment as they get at Ulta or Sophora.
But if you are in a middle class of urban area that won't be so much the case.

Entirely possible. The "guests" in my town are definitely not looking for advice on lipstick colors and what purse and shoes go with what jacket. 😄
Your type of work often leads to nervous breakdowns. Even the highest salary is not worth it to endanger your health. Therefore, you should quit first of all. After that, I would also recommend you visit a qualified specialist. I ran into a similar problem three months ago. Therefore, I had to ask for help on By the way, society's attitude to this problem has become different now. Many people stopped judging and laughing at it. Anyway, it does not matter.
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Beauty needs to know about the contents of the product, brand comparisons, allergenics, purpose, age properties, etc. You clearly don't understand women! LOL Style needs to know what current trends are, color combos and shoe pairings. A really good style consultant will understand fabric and its properties, how it is cleaned, shrinkage, etc.
At Target? For the same $15/hr as a cashier those are pretty dang high expectations!
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