Archived stupid mistakes you made as a newbie?

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😵When I was new to Guest Services someone came up asking to exchange their soda stream CO-2. this was probably my second time doing one of these. Basically I didn’t know it had to have a Blue wrap around it or it was empty... so I gave a couple guests empty soda streams. I still cringe at the thought.
I was getting over pressured and a guest had camera questions, target mobile was busy and came up to me and told me to unlock a speaker i stepped away for a second and handed it off and came back and guest complained.
The registers at our cafe don't print receipts unless you prompt it. I had an elderly couple clearly ask for their receipt and there were guests right behind them so I got sidetracked. Lost the receipt. They threw a FIT. (Two hot dogs and a drink was all mind you). The GSTL had to go print a huge copy of the receipt from the records and then they got mad because I "took too long to get their hot dogs" (at this point they were making extra excuses just because they were mad because I had their hot dogs within a minute) and demanded a $5 gift card and a refund for the trouble I had apparently caused. Never forgot to print out a receipt again.

Funny story, the couple came back and met my grandmother and praised me up and down. Never whined about me again. It was the oddest thing.
Not doing as many tasks as possible using e-mail.

E-mail is your friend if someone ever tries to accuse you of anything.

One time, I printed a report for a TL and he told his ETL that I didn't do it. I started doing stuff via e-mail after that happened.

Later, an ETL tried to accuse me of not communicating clearly enough to an applicant which caused the person to not show up for the interview. He even copied the STL in the e-mail. Luckily, I had sent an interview confirmation e-mail to the applicant. I forwarded this e-mail to the Leader and copied the STL. He couldn't say anything more after that. lol
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The first POG I ever set ( not counting sales planners) I ended up setting the entire aisle backwards because it was reverse. And by backwards I mean section 6 was Section 1 and section 1 with Section 6.

See that wouldn't be too bad if it was shelfs but it was Pegs....

I'll always remember the way the PTL looked at me.

But I ended up coming in the next day and fixing it and never made that mistake ever again
Not doing as many tasks as possible using e-mail.

E-mail is your friend if someone ever tries to accuse you of anything.

One time, I printed a report for a TL and he told his ETL that I didn't do it. I started doing stuff via e-mail after that happened.

Later, an ETL tried to accuse me of not communicating clearly enough to an applicant which caused the person to not show up for the interview. He even copied the STL in the e-mail. Luckily, I had sent an interview confirmation e-mail to the applicant. I forwarded this e-mail to the Leader and copied the STL. He couldn't say anything more after that. lol

I love this... I do this when someone has a training due. A calendar invite so they can't play ignorant.
Scanning Cartwheel after pressing TOTAL. Eventually Guest Service got sick of dealing with Missed Cartwheel so they told me what I was doing wrong.

Got coached on my second day because I was "rude" to a guest when I told her that Guest Service would be able to help her with a missed coupon (which nobody showed me how to do in the first place...)
Was pushing Girls clothing and wasn't paying attention to what had to be taken out of plastic (like a pile of same size-same color tank shirts) and what should be hung on pegs in their packaging. Ripped into a package of underwear - whoops.
Waiting for the guest's credit card transaction to go through, waiting some more and wondering why it's taking so long. Oh yeah, I need to press the "total" button on the register. (I still do this.)
Couldn't figure out where some kind of toy went on the shelf. Turned out I had to take out the 12 little packages from the cellophane-wrapped box and hang them on pegs. Felt like a complete idiot when a fellow TM pointed out my error.
That's all I can think of right now - I'm sure there are more!
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