Archived Super Target Remodel in Minnetonka, MN

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Might. But they might decide not to buy anything when they see the outdated food because flow is given ZERO time to fifo.

Target has no idea how to run a grocery. Just like they had no idea how to expand into Canada. The difference is that dumping grocery now would bankrupt them. So keep attempting to make it work.
My store is getting a remodel of sorts on October 11 th. I sure hope I get that one doubt it.
Wow.. 10/11 is really soon! I know they've been throwing words like 'home innovation' and 'hopefully' and 'someday' and 'who are we kidding' but nothing ever happens to us.. Keep us posted though!
I don't work there, but I do visit there & saw some of this in progress. Thought it was maybe a "pilot" store or something. Wasn't impressed.
Might. But they might decide not to buy anything when they see the outdated food because flow is given ZERO time to fifo.

Target has no idea how to run a grocery. Just like they had no idea how to expand into Canada. The difference is that dumping grocery now would bankrupt them. So keep attempting to make it work.

As time goes on Spot just shows how in competent it really is.

Can't manage a foreign expansion.
Can't manage a pharmacy.
Can't manage a grocery store.
Can't manage a proper logistics process.
Can't manage a clothing store.

With all these cants, the next one gonna be can't stay in business.
Ah yes a Minnesota test store so that corporate can watch and be close therefore no mistakes will be made therefore corp gets a falde idea of how this remodel will actually work
Ah yes a Minnesota test store so that corporate can watch and be close therefore no mistakes will be made therefore corp gets a falde idea of how this remodel will actually work
Don't forget the unlimited budget should anything go wrong or the remodel goes overbudget.

That being said, I've visited it and it's really nice. They also got the self-checkout upgrade, and still have their own service desk (no half-assed IGS crap). I know someone who used to work there and she said they were corporate's "baby" store for testing new things. They were even testing a system that would allow TMs to answer phone calls from a lpda. Predictably, the system was shit and it got canned before making it to other stores.

Does anyone know if they're still doing IGS remodels? My old store seems to be a prime candidate (has it's own service desk, but no starbucks).
Used to live in MN, never worked for Target while there (oddly enough), but one thing to note is the Minnetonka store I always felt was long overdue for a remodel...
Some of the questions on many analysts’ minds: How serious is Target in investing to improve its fresh produce? How far will it go in becoming a specialty grocer that focuses in organic, gluten-free and other artisanal products? And how radically different will the department look and feel?

Produce is the first item to rot in the store and the smallest (or close to it) in profit for the store. When produce team members are consistently cut in hours or used for backup/cafs/huddles/cart pushing those organic apples will simply sit there and wither. Target needs to seriously consider staffing produce appropriately or cut it altogether.

As for "radically different", the new FAB ideas require more time to cull and fill. Target, get real.
I work close to this target. One definite plus is...they now have sushi. SUSHI!

*Whips out redcard*

There is only one way for Target to go with food IMO and that is expanding it. It does however, take more work than Hardlines/Softlines to maintain, and the first thing Target needs to realize is that a 2lb tray of raw Chicken =/= A mini dress from ready-to-wear.

Food(especially Fresh) will be the last product to be bought online, and you right it has the LEAST profitability, but it is easily the most reliable source of income. You could compare it to your own monthly food expenses, If you kept a monthly tally for your average food expenditure I am willing to bet, they would all end up fairly the same, the same goes with Food Sales...

Wegman's is about as close as you can get to being a #1 Chain in anything, not just groceries in this country, and they VASTLY expanded even during our recent recession, not only that but they have been voted a top 100 company (I think they are usually in the top 20) to work for the entire country, since the year 1625 (I made they up, but i think they are on like a 20 year run or something). This is from a company that does nothing but sell you products with small profit margins.

I would apply to work there, but once people work there they never leave, so you can really only apply for part-time, and move up from there.

After this Home Innovation madness, I do see some deeply radical changes coming to Food at Target, which IMO will be wayy more expensive than Home Innovation remodels.
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