Archived Switching from overnight to 4AM

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purveyor of things
Jun 10, 2011
So........apparently my store missed sales last year and we're losing our overnight process. We're an A+ volume Org Chart 5 (as of the last Store Fact Sheet I've seen) P-Fresh with a RDC truck every day and 3 FDC trucks per week.

Anyone else been through a similar transition? What sort of changes should I expect to see around the store?
Flow team will dislike it. Salesfloor teams will get burden of finishing the truck or push. It happened at my store, a few years ago.
I actually haven't checked my store's fact sheet, just assumed we were an A volume or so, but if your A+ is losing its overnight process I wonder where my store is really at since we're overnight year round and have 2 ETL-REPL.

Anyways, you might also find that early morning SFTM/Backroom hours are cut a bit since Flow will have a presence on the floor. Just speculation, but I wouldn't put it beyond Spot. When does the change take effect? Cause I imagine that having this roll out soon after the CAF changes could be a disaster.
@Firefox, based on your posts, it sounds like your store is at least AA or AA+. I believe the change will be in early April.
Could be. I'll try to check the fact sheet on Friday.

At least the transition isn't in March, combing that with the change in CAF times would not be pleasant.
Most of the overnight team will probably quit over the next few months as they find new overnight jobs.
It's probably going to be a rough transition. Might be tough for everyone to get used to cleaning up by store open. The opening LODs will probably shit for a while.
Anyways, you might also find that early morning SFTM/Backroom hours are cut a bit since Flow will have a presence on the floor. Just speculation, but I wouldn't put it beyond Spot. .

While that probably is their intention.. it don't quite work that way, you know in that "REAL WORLD" thing.. 🙂 😉

If your 0400 then they will probably cut down on HL and "think" that Flow TM in HL areas will answer CB, phones etc... works great till ...

Oh... Flow is not trained on CB, register,phones, or anything else SF related! 🙂 Most don't want to be! DUH! That is why they are FLOW!

Then there is the LACK OF EQUIPMENT! Nope, just because you gut the SF doesn't mean there is any more equipment. The SF TL and ETL then hog it all.. and then what little SF does show up has to have their 'blankies!" Waaaahhaa I need a Mytoy mommy!! WAAAAHHAA! 😡

So... my team just said EFF IT! They won't take any equipment as they end up giving it for the whiner little SF... Gee if Flow is expected to put stuff away with NO DEVICES, then I think SF can do it! Oh yes thats right I did it! Help guest with do we have this! Yep no PDA/mytoy needed for that either! Switch to BR Channel and "BR DPCI check for guest!" Those with the equipment will have to help out! 🙂 Nope don't have in BR, please check neighbor stores...nope... store only so no

So that FlowSF Team, don't work so well when they have no radios to answer any of those call boxes or fast service! 🙂 BAWWAHAHHAAA!

You may wish to change how you PUSH the store.... We try to get out of dry grocery (PFresh only) as well as any of the things guest will come in early AM for like HBA, pets, chem, and get to the back of the store and out of sight as much as possible after store open. We change this to start in Toys during Q4, but POG Team normally takes over most of that along with Mini/Seasonal at least through the you know POG can't handle weekends! 😉

Most of those when we go screwed over to 0600 are still livid over it.. that wound won't heal.. and its been awhile!. We are so close to going back to 0400 I can taste it.. and it is a really sore point with me.. and a few that know how close we are too.. We didn't loose any per se with this, but most were and are not happy over it... We probably are going to loose more THIS YEAR from the BONE CUTTING HOUR CUTS v. anything.. and this is going to be the rock stars... most have given up... don't blame them.. they nor I shouldn't have to use VAC to subsidize things or hang out like whores at the swap board.

You can also expect to loose some SFTL and some ETL's... Even though we've moved up when they changed the levels and we were still at the same sales but the level dropped, we lost CTL, now its split up between TL, ETLGE was canned, ETLSF canned. There was another TL cut or two as well, oh yeah GSTL's dropped.... I think technically there was a head count change for FLOW as well, but we never cut them.. that switch happened before I was in position. We still are by technicality... but there are a few that will be on leaves for various reasons soon, and with the self terms it will wash out and we will be BELOW COUNT again.

So, sorry again, that you got boned out of ON, but take solace in that at least your still 0400! I will just about kill to get that back!! 🙂

So you are in for a rough experience my friend, sorry to hear that.. at least you still are at 0400! Better than 0600!
Well, I guess this means we're finally losing our pricing TL position. We also have 3(!) softlines TLs; we could stand to lose at least one. I'm not sure what other TLs would get cut, but I'd be fine with losing our current ETL-GE.
So........apparently my store missed sales last year and we're losing our overnight process. We're an A+ volume Org Chart 5 (as of the last Store Fact Sheet I've seen) P-Fresh with a RDC truck every day and 3 FDC trucks per week.

Anyone else been through a similar transition? What sort of changes should I expect to see around the store?
yes... have experienced it first hand as a flow TL. I'll come back and edit this later to explain what our transition was like. Heads up: it wasn't fun.
You will have a new definition of hurry. Flow callouts will be an issue. Nevertheless after a week or so you'll hit your stride. Our team has started trailers at every hour between midnight and six. Good luck.
Also keep an eye on the breakout and bowl. You do not want more on the floor than can be worked and then wear out the team picking up. Additionally you may tie up more buggies than management deems acceptable. It's a balancing act but it's done regularly.
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The biggest problem my store had when we switched to a 4 AM process was that Flow wouldn't get out of their bad habits, which led to lots of confusion for the first few weeks. For some reason, after a certain time, they'll backstock anything. Pulls being done by InStocks were being re-backstocked as InStocks was pulling it. If a tub, even with a green or yellow chip clip on it, was in a certain part of the backroom, Flow would backstock it.

On the sales floor, be prepared to have stuff everywhere. There have been days were I couldn't open Photo because they managed to squeeze 3 tubs and a flat behind the counter and parked every tub available in front of the kiosk and blocking a fire door.

Also, you might have to rework your own break schedule, because they'll all go at once. And after break they'll have huddle in the break room.
Well, I guess this means we're finally losing our pricing TL position. We also have 3(!) softlines TLs; we could stand to lose at least one. I'm not sure what other TLs would get cut, but I'd be fine with losing our current ETL-GE.

Pricing at lesat around here is PRICING AND POG as the PPTL... I thought that was the general consolidation company wide.

The contraction happened before I was in the loop... so the actual PAPER POSITIONS eliminated by org chart/AE and what we got rid of, other than the CTL may be different. We have a habit of shuffling ETL and TL positions around other than Logistics. Mainly to move dead weight TL(s) who couldn't handle the spot.

ETLHL is basically ETLSF/GE/C
We have THREE SrTLS for some reason, one is technically SrGSTL, the other is..welll..umm.. SF.. the third is split between HL/C

The biggest problem my store had when we switched to a 4 AM process was that Flow wouldn't get out of their bad habits, which led to lots of confusion for the first few weeks. For some reason, after a certain time, they'll backstock anything. Pulls being done by InStocks were being re-backstocked as InStocks was pulling it. If a tub, even with a green or yellow chip clip on it, was in a certain part of the backroom, Flow would backstock it.

Flow doesn't backstock.

BR *backstocks*

The *LOGISTICS* Team =

Flow = Unload Truck and Push freight - we do not scan backstock into LOC or Pull or anything like that.

BR = Pulls, Backstock, FF, SFS

IS = Scans instocks etc., some do their pulls some don't

TWO (2) separate TL's here, Flow, and the BR/IS/FF one...

On the sales floor, be prepared to have stuff everywhere. There have been days were I couldn't open Photo because they managed to squeeze 3 tubs and a flat behind the counter and parked every tub available in front of the kiosk and blocking a fire door.

Ummmm... 😱 😱 Why in the world would you stuff this stuff in there.. we don't have any photo...but good gawd... why???? Oh and fire alley oh see other posts.. that is tantamount to a capital offense here from AP to the FM.

Tubs and flats AFTER STORE OPEN should be positioned BEHIND endcaps to be out of the racetrack and aisles, same with sortation carts from repacks for bath/bed/kitchen gadgetry etc..

Also, you might have to rework your own break schedule, because they'll all go at once. And after break they'll have huddle in the break room.

What are those????? These have been ELIMINATED. Push PUSH PUSH PUSH! Go home, at least for the majority of the team. Which leaves them with 3.5 hours. The only people who are staying longer right now are FDC Team and possibly some SL Girls to handle the explosion of stuff over there.

You will have a new definition of hurry.

Regardless of full on ON, 0400 or 0600, even worse if your some these ULV's at 0730!

FLOW = HURRY! HURRY! HURRY!!!!!!! Any one not instilling this with TM(s) from the get go is going to have issues.

Flow callouts will be an issue.

These are always an issue, and exacerbated by things when it is good TM v. average.

Also keep an eye on the breakout and bowl. You do not want more on the floor than can be worked and then wear out the team picking up.

We only bowl market 100%, as it is too be done 100% by store open. At 0400 we bowled HBA, chem and Pets too, but you do need to keep an eye on HBA/Chem/Pets when they explode, but unless you really have some thing massive at 0400 you should be done.

I forget store volume and truck size for the thread starter, I think A, but if they have the Flow TM's, and should at A level, do NOT WAIT to START PUSHING! You need to have pushers in each of the areas you are bowling... and then if you want to WAVE through fine... But DO NOT BOWL for and HOUR (the entire truck unload) all that freight and then try to WAVE IT.. Unless you have 100% Rock stars on your team you will be picking this stuff up!

Oh and bowlers need to be accurate!!!!!!! AND Speedy... They need to know the area they are bowling and where stuff is to get it bowled within +- 1ft of the section... Yes I said +- 1 ft. If you bowl out something for section 8 in section 1 you are going to hear about it! READ the PIC Labels! That is why know where it is v. the labels is a good thing!

Additionally you may need to adjust how you sort freight from the truck in re who gets pallets v. flats. Market, HBA, Pets, Chem should be on pallets as you can drag them to the floor, bowl, empty and swap.

Other areas you need to look at where you are going to be after store open and be sure those are sorted on to flats so that you are not wasting time restacking from pallet to flat. (You might, but here , after store open, NO PALLETS!) So this may be something that has to be worked on.

Additionally you may tie up more buggies than management deems acceptable. It's a balancing act but it's done regularly.

Carts are limited in number and who uses them. Maybe like 10 for SL, 6 for Elect, and at most 10 for the bed/bath/kitchen gadgetry sortation, and about 10 for HBA sort... We used to use carts for a lot more but after getting all of CA's carts (THANKS!) we are no longer permitted to use them except for the specific areas. At 0400 we used to hog just about all of them... by 0800 we returned most of them... but at 0600 there is not enough even with reserves and STL no longer allows use like that. It was severely limited to those who had an absolute need.[/QUOTE]
Your STL is probably going to describe how it's an amazing event for Flow to become 'dayside' because it will mean the teams are once again united as one happy family. BTW, congratulations, your hours are about to be cut to shit. Smile though, we have to vibe it up.
Your STL is probably going to describe how it's an amazing event for Flow to become 'dayside' because it will mean the teams are once again united as one happy family. BTW, congratulations, your hours are about to be cut to shit. Smile though, we have to vibe it up.

Well this is one of the rare instances where my STL, me, ETL-LOG, and pretty much every one in management agree..

We don't want FLOW Team here after store open! Period! This includes FDC...

Now I know that the reasons that every one besides me and the ETL-LOG want to be gone are not the same. 🙂

I am fine with that disdain for my team so long as my team gets the benefit out of going back to 0400 or even 0200, I'll take 0400! 🙂 So would 99% of my team....While the allegiance of management there for each others benefit I'll take it! 🙂

We fought long and hard and were very late to switch till it was DECREED from on high 0600 or else!
We fought long and hard and were very late to switch till it was DECREED from on high 0600 or else!

I can totally picture you fighting that battle. 😀

I'm actually surprised we didn't go to 4AM sooner. We did horribly on sales a couple years ago and were on the brink of losing overnight.

The biggest problem my store had when we switched to a 4 AM process was that Flow wouldn't get out of their bad habits, which led to lots of confusion for the first few weeks. For some reason, after a certain time, they'll backstock anything. Pulls being done by InStocks were being re-backstocked as InStocks was pulling it. If a tub, even with a green or yellow chip clip on it, was in a certain part of the backroom, Flow would backstock it.

On the sales floor, be prepared to have stuff everywhere. There have been days were I couldn't open Photo because they managed to squeeze 3 tubs and a flat behind the counter and parked every tub available in front of the kiosk and blocking a fire door.

Also, you might have to rework your own break schedule, because they'll all go at once. And after break they'll have huddle in the break room.

I'm backroom day, so it sounds like opening shifts will be interesting to say the least.
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