Archived Switching of Work Centers

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Aug 13, 2015
So I was told by a fellow TM that my store does not allow TMs to move from one work center to another. If you were originally hired in a work center, you have to expect to be sent back there at anytime. It seems like they don't want anyone at my store to be able to move into any new positions because they'd rather hire new people (who naturally simply stop showing up before long). Does this happen at other stores?
No you can change workcenters it has happened many of times at my store and you can cross train to pick up more hours as well
Yeh, it makes no sense to hire a newbie who will have to learn basic culture in addition to learning their area given Target's crappy training.
Makes far more sense to move someone from a largely-populated workcenter (like cashier or SF) to another area.
I worked in so many areas over the years that it was simpler to count on one hand the areas I HADN'T worked.
Unless you hear that fact from your hr or etl directly, I would take it with a grain of salt. That Tm wants to take those hours, instead of you. Also, check the swap shift too.
My store encourages cross training. I'm trained in instocks, flow, presentation, cashiering, electronics, and salesfloor. I'm technically a salesfloor TM, but I rarely have shifts in that workcenter. I do ad prep and those hours count as salesfloor and they're the only ones I actually get in my workcenter.
That doesn't make any sense... Target heavily promotes cross training starting from the moment you are hired. In an ideal world, every TM would be trained in every workcenter to allow for flexibility due to call offs or heavy workloads.
My store does cross train. The TM who told me this and I are both cross trained but we started as cashiers. Therefore, once (or if) our store hires new TMs, we have to go back to cashiering. We aren't allowed to switch work centers.
My store will cross train, but it is incredibly rare for people to switch work centers. If you were hired front end, your chances of getting out of the front end are very, very slim.
My work center is electronics, but I pretty much scheduled everywhere but there. Softlines, hardlines, market, pricing, plano, truck unload. Some stores are more lax with it than others.
I pretty much scheduled everywhere but there. Softlines, hardlines, market, pricing, plano, truck unload.

Cat, can I come work at your store? I would love to get a chance to at least try out other work centers. Our electronics TMs stay in electronics. Period. I've never seen them be scheduled anywhere else with the exception of one instocks person and one flexible fulfillment person who will work in electronics occasionally. I started as a cashier last year during quarter 4. There was a list posted right around January I believe for people to post the work centers they'd like to learn. I listed three. I was basically told "no way" for two out of the three. The third they made happen after a while (softlines) and that's where I am today.
My store encourages cross training. I'm trained in instocks, flow, presentation, cashiering, electronics, and salesfloor. I'm technically a salesfloor TM, but I rarely have shifts in that workcenter. I do ad prep and those hours count as salesfloor and they're the only ones I actually get in my workcenter.
Are you getting regular SFTM pay? Most of those areas you named make more than a regular SFTM.
Are you getting regular SFTM pay? Most of those areas you named make more than a regular SFTM.
I do get SFTM pay. A normal week is 1-2 days in presentation, one of flow or instocks, and two of salesfloor for ad prep. But then some weeks I don't have any in presentation and I will have two days of flow or instocks. But I always have two days in salesfloor, therefore it's my most worked workcenter. I know it's not totally fair, but not much I can do.
Hey, when we switch workcenters, are we suppose to do the workcenter change function on the timeclock? 😕

I've never used that function.
I did when I was expected to work in another workcenter 2 or more hours.
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