Target attendance petition

Let’s make target hear us !

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Mar 19, 2023
I wanted to know who would be down to petition to target to accept doctor excuses and excuse an absence things happen to people and it’s not they’re fault I don’t think they should be accountable and be on the verge of loosing they’re job because they’re sick
Call outs with a Doctor’s excuse should not count toward attendance. People can’t help getting sick, they don’t do it to screw over Spot’s plans. I can’t understand why businesses want sick employees to come to work and spread it around to the rest of the staff and customers. As a guest, if Spot thinks that I want to be “helped” by some unfortunate TM who is coughing up their lungs, they are sadly mistaken.
Thank God chicago has sick time. If your area has a sick pay rule, ask to use it to cover your absence. At least in chicago they cannot deny the claim/and or discipline you for it. Of course this will vary wildly depending on where you work.
They started doing that after COVID died down, at my store. I always gave a Drs note anyway, to hopefully avoid a writeup.

It was so nice during COVID's worst to be able to call out sick with whatever when normally I would come to work sick and miserable. Boy did they correct that in a hurry once the worst of it was over.
There could be attendance issues other than being sick.

Attendance issues are attendance issues. Spot doesn't care if you get sick once if you're calling out all the time for other reasons.

Not saying that's the case here, but we have a guy who is always late, calling out, etc. and he pulled the sob story that he got put on final because he got sick and had a doctor's note. Yeah, no.

Sorry bud, you made that bed, now sleep in it.
Dang....back in the day the only position that was ok to call out with a Doctors note was Food Ave. Any other position were...YOU BETTER SHOW UP or you get a noted as called out put in your file.
Working CLO-OPENERS with a sinus infection or cold. Medicated up on Nyquil and/or Sudafed.

Attendance issues are attendance issues. Spot doesn't care if you get sick once if you're calling out all the time for other reasons.

Not saying that's the case here, but we have a guy who is always late, calling out, etc. and he pulled the sob story that he got put on final because he got sick and had a doctor's note. Yeah, no.

Sorry bud, you made that bed, now sleep in it.
This is the thing I've always said. If you are otherwise a good, reliable worker, calling out when really needed likely will not be held against you.
Maybe DC is different, but I think our attendance policy is more than fair. We earn 40 hr sick pay a year, to cover those “ unexpected” illnesses, and then still can miss at least another 5-6 days before even being talked to. It’s not that hard, the ones that seem to have issues are also the ones that seem to abuse their sick pay, using it to be late all the time or to leave early every time the sun comes out. And then cry about not having sick pay when they really do get sick. For someone that understands what sick pay is for, we get more than enough.
This is the thing I've always said. If you are otherwise a good, reliable worker, calling out when really needed likely will not be held against you.
Exactly. I was out for just over a week last year but because I'm super reliable, no one doubted that I really was sick and unable to work. Same when I had to take just one day off another time.
Conversely, when I broke a bone and was on LOA for several weeks, I had to have doctor's permission to return to work and do all the usual lifting.
I expect there are some leadership teams that are real sticklers about it, but if you're good little worker bee who shows up on time, does a good job, doesn't whine about stupid stuff, a halfway-decent TL will accept a call-off at face value and not write the TM up about it.
Just gonna repeat what everyone else is saying but yes, this usually seems to deal with how good attendance is for that person. I had to call off unexpectedly a few days in advance for the first time this week and because I've only called out twice, the HR person had absolutely no issue with it. If your attendance sucks, well that's just a shame I guess

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