Archived Target Bans Grand Theft Auto

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
Yes, I know it's the Australian Target but I'm curious how many people are going to be coming in thinking it's here in America and getting all pissed off.
In case you don't know, Australia has very tough laws about video games even censoring some of the naughty bits so it's no surprise that after a few complaints about violence against women the store would pull the game.

Penny Arcade has an interesting take on this.
The Australia Target isn't really Target. They just bought the logo. Really. Weird, huh?
The Australia Target isn't really Target. They just bought the logo. Really. Weird, huh?

We know that, but the way the headlines I've seen are written it's usually not clear until you read the content and nowadays most people don't seem to read the content.
Yes, I know it's the Australian Target but I'm curious how many people are going to be coming in thinking it's here in America and getting all pissed off.
In case you don't know, Australia has very tough laws about video games even censoring some of the naughty bits so it's no surprise that after a few complaints about violence against women the store would pull the game.

Penny Arcade has an interesting take on this.

I wonder what the people who pressured the Target down there feel about Call of Duty.

Or the fact that you kill men all the time in the games.
Yes, I know it's the Australian Target but I'm curious how many people are going to be coming in thinking it's here in America and getting all pissed off.
In case you don't know, Australia has very tough laws about video games even censoring some of the naughty bits so it's no surprise that after a few complaints about violence against women the store would pull the game.

Penny Arcade has an interesting take on this.

I wonder what the people who pressured the Target down there feel about Call of Duty.

Or the fact that you kill men all the time in the games.

I suspect the difference is that by in large the men shoot back.
Maybe if they gave the hookers bazookas in GTA it would be different.
The Australia Target isn't really Target. They just bought the logo. Really. Weird, huh?

They did not buy anything they just happened to trademark the name and logo a year after Target did so in the US. Nothing official has ever been signed between the two companies but, it is thought they had an unofficial agreement to let things be as they may a not go after each other for name and logo rights.
Yes, I know it's the Australian Target but I'm curious how many people are going to be coming in thinking it's here in America and getting all pissed off.
In case you don't know, Australia has very tough laws about video games even censoring some of the naughty bits so it's no surprise that after a few complaints about violence against women the store would pull the game.

Penny Arcade has an interesting take on this.

I wonder what the people who pressured the Target down there feel about Call of Duty.

Or the fact that you kill men all the time in the games.

I suspect the difference is that by in large the men shoot back.
Maybe if they gave the hookers bazookas in GTA it would be different.

Or maybe that women tend to die in one punch in GTA V, vs. the several it takes for a man....
Does Target sell Ouija boards? Two customers (yea, I said it) asked me and I couldn't find one...
The customers said they were sold online...

I was all like.... derp?
Actually, the Australian logo seems to fit the US market even better!!
For all the times that the US Target has shot themselves in the foot these last couple of years....this logo is a bit more "family friendly."
I just laugh at the whole "violent tv shows, movies, video games, and songs made me do it" excuse. So sad. You did it because you chose to do it. You have free will. I've watched the Saw movies numerous times yet I've never kidnapped anyone and forced them to play a game to live.
I just laugh at the whole "violent tv shows, movies, video games, and songs made me do it" excuse. So sad. You did it because you chose to do it. You have free will. I've watched the Saw movies numerous times yet I've never kidnapped anyone and forced them to play a game to live.

Is murder or kidnapping the only deleterious outcome you could imagine that might result from immersing yourself in violent video games day-after-day? What about if it simply desensitizes you to violence? If we foster a generation of young people who are less empathetic than the last and see violence in the real world as less of a big deal, is there a societal cost that everyone bears? Do we lose something as a society when we are less sensitive to the wanton killing of human life? Or do we just measure this by whether young people go out and become serial killers?
I feel weird that we carry violent video games, but we don't carry Cards Against Humanity. I've had several people ask for it this holiday season, only to have to tell them that we don't carry it.
I feel weird that we carry violent video games, but we don't carry Cards Against Humanity. I've had several people ask for it this holiday season, only to have to tell them that we don't carry it.

I hate this so much! Loads of people asked for it here too :(
I feel weird that we carry violent video games, but we don't carry Cards Against Humanity. I've had several people ask for it this holiday season, only to have to tell them that we don't carry it.

Don't feel bad, most of the big stores don't have it either.
You're going to have to recommend gaming stores, comic book shops, or the internet.
Or if all else fails you can down load a set off the net.

My favorite version.
I feel weird that we carry violent video games, but we don't carry Cards Against Humanity. I've had several people ask for it this holiday season, only to have to tell them that we don't carry it.

This isn't because of Target. The creators of the game do not want it sold in stores. It is only available through them, either online or at their booth at conventions such as GenCon, PAX, etc....
I feel weird that we carry violent video games, but we don't carry Cards Against Humanity. I've had several people ask for it this holiday season, only to have to tell them that we don't carry it.
Yet they carry Dumb Ass. Yes I want my 5 year old reading that out loud in the store. At least Cards Against Hunanity keeps its profanity in the box. Yes, in my house ass is a bad word.
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