Archived Target Bistro - Serving your choice of beverages 24/7

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I'm thinking a nice cup of hot chocolate - with marshmallows! Can I get one for anyone else?
Fantasy bar, huh? I'll have a flaming lemon drop. You know, because I DO like fire!!
For Dan, a flaming lemon drop with a fire extinguisher chaser, heels on the side.
For myself, a hot chocolate with a dollop of Irish Cream (just enough to make the marshmallows hiccup).
Ahhhhhhh.... *wraps cold hands around a warm mug w/a look of bliss*
Thanks Hardlinesmaster! Don't mind a hot cup of coffee, mmmm! I am off today, will take time to enjoy!
I'm ready to put on a fresh pot of coffee - that first pot disappeared too fast. Help yourself! I think I'll make some chocolate chip cookies to go with!
Thank you Annie, that will go so well with this mocha.

/me fires up a mocha for redeye and a cup of cocoa for Annie.
Sorry I'm late! Oooooh, thanx for the mocha, Commie! One of the baristas is trying to teach me basic lattes.
been a long day - grabbing a beer from the coldest part of the fridge. Sometimes this job surprises me even after all these years.
Just made a pot of coffee, some cookies are warm from the oven, help yourself!
Geez, Annie, I could smell those cookies as soon as I logged on! Yum!
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