Target Boycott Discussion Thread. Discuss your thoughts and how it is effecting your store

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As of Friday morning sales for my entire district we down double digits. All stores in the district were red with some stores being down over 20% versus forecast. It's like a blood bath down here in the south. Hours getting cut left and right for everyone 🙁
This. As a modern day parent it is my obligation to not only inform my child about these situations before hand but also to let my child know that it is OKAY. Because someday my child may feel he was born in the wrong body and I want him to feel comfortable and accepted before he even comes to me. This is the day and age, upcoming generations are going to be accustomed to it. It's the adults who are petty.

So bravo to target for taking a stand on this matter.
Super busy at my store. Don't really seem to be losing customers.
Can't say because I don't work there anymore but the last time I went to shop it was a little slower than usual. I also live in a bible thumping area.
Nope. I closed Saturday night and we were here until 1:30a (my store closes at 11.) This was with normal staffing and no call-ins.

Nope, not hurting my store at all.
Ghost town. Sheesh, these bigots sure know how to rally.

Just kidding, no change at all. Sign your little petition, 90% of you are suckers for a sale. You'll come back...they always come back!
Of all the people who "sign" those petitions, how many will actually boycott the store? My guess is... three. Three people.

I live in a very liberal area and have only worked once since the announcement, but I didn't really notice any difference.
just because you guys are busy doesn't mean you are meeting your sales goals. and even if your stores are meeting your sales goals it doesn't mean you are turning a profit. it will clearly take some time to see how bad this effects target.
I mean I really just don't get it. I don't understand how you could possibly be outraged about this. Why is the right-wing so obsessed with sex and genitalia? That's always what it comes down to. They just can't stop thinking and worrying about who's trans or who's having gay sex near them. I'll bet they've been in a public restroom with one or two or three dozen trans folk at this point, and they've never noticed. But now that North Carolina legislators and Donald Trump are making this kind of bigotry socially acceptable, they suddenly feel it's appropriate to be checking birth certificates at the bathroom door.

Please, get a hobby.
I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch of the imagination, (I have my woman's card!) but he has come out against the bathroom laws, stating that people should use the restroom with which they are comfortable.
just because you guys are busy doesn't mean you are meeting your sales goals. and even if your stores are meeting your sales goals it doesn't mean you are turning a profit. it will clearly take some time to see how bad this effects target.

Let me tell you how this ends. Sales will not be impacted. Now you don't have to worry.

1,125,888 of inflated, bogus signatures. For someone whom is so skeptical of some of our claims that we're busier than ever, you think you'd give that number less attention.
1,125,888... let's round up to 1,130,000
US population is 323,736,xxx (number climbing continuously) citation-worldometer website
estimated transgender in the US 700,000 citation-Google

so... assuming all the signatures are real people that reside in the US and currently/previous shop(ped) with Target, we are looking at 0.3% of the US population.

the number of transgender identifying indivividual is growing as people are becoming more comfortable with societies acceptance of self expression.

I'd be willing to say bye to the business of 0.3% of the US population if that makes any minority, no matter how big or small, feel safe in our doors knowing they have a corporate ally reinforcing that it's okay to be who you are.
Sales are pretty high in my store and district. Actually we had a visit on Thursday and DTL said that is very likely our store will go AA volume. So pretty busy here.

Boycotters are just complaining doing nothing. I'm so glas the corporation I work for is doig good despite all those bigots, I'm so glad Target is supporting the LGBT community btw there are a lot of gay guys and girls and even transgender people here. So I fully support them and so the bathroom policy.
I'm sure sales will be impacted, especially in the deep red areas, and where there are well organized morans who want make a statement against the way AMURICA!!! has changed away from the way they remember it in their clouded little minds.
Never mind that people who are trans have been around for generations, just not able to be out in the open about for fear of being hurt or prosecuted unless they rich or protected.
The governor of New York and New Jersey from 1701-1708, Edward Hyde, 3rd Earl of Clarendon, was well known for presenting as Lady Cornbury.
Charles-Geneviève-Louis-Auguste-André-Timothée d'Éon de Beaumont was a spy, soldier and a diplomate for France 1728-1810 who lived a good portion of their life as a woman.

So no this isn't new and we need to stop thinking it is.
1,125,888... let's round up to 1,130,000
US population is 323,736,xxx (number climbing continuously) citation-worldometer website
estimated transgender in the US 700,000 citation-Google

so... assuming all the signatures are real people that reside in the US and currently/previous shop(ped) with Target, we are looking at 0.3% of the US population.

the number of transgender identifying indivividual is growing as people are becoming more comfortable with societies acceptance of self expression.

I'd be willing to say bye to the business of 0.3% of the US population if that makes any minority, no matter how big or small, feel safe in our doors knowing they have a corporate ally reinforcing that it's okay to be who you are.

And that's just assuming those signatures are actually valid...and those people actually keep their word to boycott. My only problem with this is that the entire US population doesn't shop at Target. We aren't THAT good. Lol. Still, this isn't as slippery of a slope as these boycotters want us to think. They're still a minority in their beliefs. Will Target see a drop in sales that can be linked to THIS controversy? Yes, of course. But sales will be up again the following year anyway.

There are plenty of good reasons to never shop at Target. The bathroom policy is hardly one of them.
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