Ugh at my store guests love entertainment movies books and music(aka K-POP) I get asked daily multiple times do I have this (book cd/ K-pop version / movie) in stock. And so many times I can’t help them because no one is there to push the product or even backstock it. There really needs to be a DBO of entertainment which my store actually agreed and assigned someone however they keep pulling them to opu or pushing other departments. Tech used to own entertainment but it’s just too much to keep up with. It’s a whole other department and no one wants to deal with it. Books is insane with their damn boxes to break someone’s back. Music and movies are easier but we used to have someone come help with the movies but they got rid of that. Shelves are bare and guests are angry. It says online we have a book in stock and guess what I don’t have anyone to move the mountain of freight and get to the steel to dig through a pallet of 20 100lb boxes of books to find your book . Sorry