Archived Target Mobile

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Target will N-E-V-E-R go back to doing mobile themselves. The company is too focused on having generalists, both at store and corporate level, to ever pay what they'd need to for someone who "just does phones."

This is mainly because the going rate for cell sales jobs is better than TM pay and includes commission.

We're not geographically limited, meaning we can talk to guests anywhere, but it's easier to talk about phones near them. Less take rate in market, though I've pulled from the freaking Crayola aisle before.

Trained mobile reps with supervision screw up so often...the best electronics TMs could probably be crosstrained but of everyone currently in that department in my store I'd trust one. Maybe.

Most of the time during the holidays I direct traffic around the cameras unless I'm with a guest. There are never enough people and I don't have keys so I play party host and make sure every one knows they will be helped and hopefully in order.

It's appreciated. If it wasn't I'd let them run things and I do when it's slow. But there's no one running the ship and people get helped way more efficiently if someone consolidates group game unlocks and switches out for mobile questions to free up red shirts.

Yeah. Bit of a rant. But my wife is sick of hearing it and maybe it'll give the board a view through my eyes.

And I'm fucking going deaf from the TVs.
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I know it's been a year since this post, but I figured if anyone else looked it up I'd try to clear a couple things up. I am the WTL at my store, and have worked here since Right before Radio Shack lost thier contract.
Mobile team members work for Marketsource, a staffing company. And officially we are supposed to follow Target policies, but are not to be instructed or "coached" by Target team members. That does not mean we can't take direction when needed, but any issues are to be directed to the WTL or District Manager to address. Marketsource ONLY does staffing , so the actual phones, inventory, sims, office supplies etc are wholly owned by Target, as is our ROC support team and computer system. The reason for the division is so Mobile TMs are able to do thier job with confidentiality, and without LODS being able to override contract policies. EVERYTHING we do is dictated by some sort of contract, whether it is guest sales for phones, or auditing camera displays or demoing crayola products, and we need to be separate in order to stay neutral.
As far as our responsibilities, we are not allowed to break TM's , we are not supposed to zone, because it takes away from sales opportunities. We are technically supposed to help with guest support anywhere in the electronics area as long as it doesn't distract from our sales and duties. We do not have access to mydevices, so we generally can not look things up, and some stores are more limited than others as far as keys goes, which will limit our ability to help in those stores.
As far as cooperation, my district expects us to cooperate fully with Target and maintain a positive relationship with store managemrnt and electronics team. As with any group, you get a few bad apples on both sides, and a lazy Mobile Team or overly suspicious/ dominant aggrrssive Target Leads, will lead to a very strained relationship that may take months to heal over.
How does one get in touch with a market source district manager? Our Target mobile has gotten out of hand recently. They are constantly eating, drinking, talking on their phones, giving inaccurate information to guests, and returning stuff that should be exchanged and not returned if opened. According to work bench they follow the same guidelines as us and shouldn't not be drinking or eating while at the counter and all calls should only be work related. I've talked to their team lead about the behaviors and they say they'll talk to their team but nothing has changed.
I forgot to mention also loud cussing on the sales floor that can be heard several aisles down. I cuss like a sailor but I know when and where it is and isn't appropriate and the sales floor isn't one of those places.
I meant the Mobile DTL does nothing, lol. And we've been having the same kind of mobile issues for awhile.
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