We are having the same problem, except auto print isnt the issue with us. It will occur randomly. Coworker scanned all of ready to wear, had 600 total tickets for the area. In the end, it only knocked down to 560, despite having marked over 3 racks of stuff. I had to go back through and check and sure enough a lot of what what still showing in the workload was already marked. I tested this with auto print on, and off and it occurred both ways. We are now having the problem of lets say, we have 20 DPCIs in the backroom, scan everything, go and check and there is 8 items left. Go through the list and see it is stuff we already marked. Okay ... so I activate everything an hit 0 tickets. Go back though, and the same 8 items are still in here. Wont come out unless A-Activated with a PDA.
Its getting so frustrating especially after scanning and area and not sure what you did and didnt do when trying to clear out the remaining things.