This is for people who use the ipods for pricing.
Okay, i want to know if this happens to other people or just my store. When clicking on an aisle that you need to scan labels for, you know how it shows up on that little scroll screen at the bottom right? It seems more times than not I will start scanning the labels and I will get a red exclamation point that will appear and I have to click on it and it takes me back to the main screen where I can click on Today/Overdue, Tomorrow, or backroom. It is really annoying to have to constantly keep going back. It will automatically go to the next label when I click Activate, but when I scan them that darn exclamation point comes up. Does this happen to you?
Another thing .. How come I cant view a first/further/final list for tomorrows workload? That is annoying also because we are getting ahead a lot, and when we can't even see a breakdown it makes it more complicated.
One more .. After clearing out softlines sections from the main screen, they will still show up again under"backroom" and also under the screen where you can view the first/furthers/finals even though they have been cleared out. This bugs me! Why do they still show up? This goes back to my last point where it wont show me a breakdown down for tomorrows stuff, but will continue to show me todays stuff even after I already cleared it out. Our performance score was also horrible last week. It was our first week using the ipods and it said we printed way less tickets than I know we printed. I feel like it isnt counting everything?
This is all one big headache to me. If anyone can help me out with these issues or give me any kind of insight it would be really appreciated