Archived Target offends people again!

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I have complains about gift cards too lol. Like how am I to spend that last 50 cents? Just give me my damn change already, it's more my money that it is there's.
Stock pile them some people. Women come in all the time with like 9 envelopes full of gift cards. In the end they still need like an extra $100, to which they say "Oh, never mind I don't want any of this stuff since my cards won't pay for it".

(Nothing wrong with saving gift cards, or canceling a transaction. Just kinda annoying.)
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I think we should start a rant about the dark black hole otherwise know as the World Wide Web, I hate the internet because it gives people access to other stupid people, and those two stupid people find all the other stupid people in the world, then come up with the most stupid things to bitch about.

Let's bitch about things that really matter, corporate tax avoidance look it up if you don't know what that is, you probably pay more in taxes then forture 500 company's. How about child education in the public school system?
Global warming/ ending food shortage they go hand in hand. I guess I'll stop I could go on for ever.

Ohh wait one more, I got one more,

F Starbucks and there red cups omg it's time to protest, I mean if a bright ass red cup with a green logo doesn't scream christmas then what does?

People will complain about every thing that doesn't matter and complain about nothing that does matter.
Social justice warriors really anger me. They don't care about the issues, they just care about looking like the good guy.
Re: red Starbucks cups - several baraistas have told me that the 'war on Christmas' types are ordering their drinks &, for the name on the cup, telling them to write 'Merry Christmas'. They emphasize that they want the drink 'called out'.
Several SBs have been getting creative tho, writing 'Mari Krismaas', 'Miry Criismes', 'Maore Khreismus', etc.
Baristas LOVE a challenge.
Several SBs have been getting creative tho, writing 'Mari Krismaas', 'Miry Criismes', 'Maore Khreismus', etc.
Baristas LOVE a challenge.

Brilliant. This is exactly what I would do.

"I'm sorry, sir/ma'am, but you didn't tell me how to spell your name."
If there wasn't a market, people wouldn't buy it.

It isn't my place to decide what people get to be offended by.

Let people buy it...and then let people with OCD who are offended start a conversation with the people who buy it.

Or just bitch about it about FB instead. Because that's the American way.
let me offend you too ...



Target customers get offended at anything that isn't meant to be offensive but overlook what is suppose to be, lol. We sell Slayer Repentless that has an extremely offensive album cover for religious people and you don't hear an outrage about that. Our customers need to get their priorities straight.

Album cover to prove point.
But Slayer is old news.
If you haven't already been outraged by them you are way behind the times.
The news cycle demands up to date outrages or you are going to sound like a Jack Chick tract.

I do find that people who complain about SJWs and PCs are usually the first to whine when their own ox gets gored.
Far too often people will fight for their right to be dicks without wanting to accept any responsibility.
Which is of course their right, nobody is stopping them but they have to know that others will consider them to be losers for talking and acting that way.
But Slayer is old news.
If you haven't already been outraged by them you are way behind the times.
The news cycle demands up to date outrages or you are going to sound like a Jack Chick tract.

I do find that people who complain about SJWs and PCs are usually the first to whine when their own ox gets gored.
Far too often people will fight for their right to be dicks without wanting to accept any responsibility.
Which is of course their right, nobody is stopping .them
Yeah, I guess you're right. At the same time though, a lot of people avoid the metal scene and don't know about them. You would think that seeing a picture like that would piss people off.
These people complaining are the same assholes that rush through doors like maniacs on Black Friday , so I say the sweater is pretty much spot on to describe this countries people...ohh and it because of them that I can't enjoy thanksgiving with the family...fuckers.
Seriously! Such a drag that I have to miss a day with family who I never see anymore for these people. Was anyone else asked to work a 12 hour shift for BF? I told my manager I would do it but, I'm actually going to tell them that I'll only be doing an 8 hour shift that day tomorrow night.
Worked a 12 several years back when we started opening earlier Thanksgiving evening; I was in FA.
After a couple hours it was dead & they started cutting people but I stayed & was able to clean/restock & start next day's prep so the opener could coast when they came in.
STL req'd tortillas & hash browns so I could do breakfast tacos for the early AM team.
It kept me awake & moving.
I got this shirt maybe 5 yrs ago from a BMW dealership never heard any one get all mad over it, it's a all white shirt and says power across the front of it. Does it imply white power? Or are the more educated richer people in the world just taking for what it is a shirt not a racial statement.
I got this shirt maybe 5 yrs ago from a BMW dealership never heard any one get all mad over it, it's a all white shirt and says power across the front of it. Does it imply white power? Or are the more educated richer people in the world just taking for what it is a shirt not a racial statement.

What's it like being a RACIST?
People need to stop finding reasons to be offended. For the sake of all that's good in this world, grow a pair! Starbucks has plain red cups and Target has ugly sweaters. So what? Life sucks sometimes - wear a freaking helmet and pull up those big boy/girl drawers!

::gets off the soap box and stomps away, taking the marbles (and sanity) elsewhere::

I got this shirt maybe 5 yrs ago from a BMW dealership never heard any one get all mad over it, it's a all white shirt and says power across the front of it. Does it imply white power? Or are the more educated richer people in the world just taking for what it is a shirt not a racial statement.

What's it like being a RACIST?
People need to stop finding reasons to be offended. For the sake of all that's good in this world, grow a pair! Starbucks has plain red cups and Target has ugly sweaters. So what? Life sucks sometimes - wear a freaking helmet and pull up those big boy/girl drawers!

::gets off the soap box and stomps away, taking the marbles (and sanity) elsewhere::

The Starbucks "problem" is a problem that didn't exist until some old conservative pastor posted about it online. Meanwhile if you walk into a Starbucks you find ornaments, advent calendars, and a "Christmas Blend" coffee. Based on the outrage you would guess it's called "Holiday Blend".
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