After reading this thread, I went to our ctl and begged her to please toss the eggs in black plastic bags before tossing them. The stink that resulted last time this happened was horrendous!!
I've heard nothing about the egg situation in my store - only on here - but apparently we've replaced all our Market Pantry eggs with some other brand (I can't remember the name off the top of my head). I sold a bunch of the new eggs yesterday at the lanes.
We got about 5 cases of large eggs with 30 dozen in each case. They all went out today. The brand my target is using is "Nearby Eggs". They come in a flimzy, yellow cartons. We are going to have a lot of broken eggs are our hands.
Nearby Eggs! That's the brand my store is selling. Yeah, I don't like those styrofoam cartons they're in; I worry that they'll roll around too easily in the guests' bags.
There was communication with the egg disposal that stated your compactor vendor needs to pick up the compactor. There were other communications stating that the compactor vendors are aware of the situation and is prepared for the extra Target compactor pickups.
There was communication with the egg disposal that stated your compactor vendor needs to pick up the compactor. There were other communications stating that the compactor vendors are aware of the situation and is prepared for the extra Target compactor pickups.