Archived Target Sins/Confessions

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I’m the opposite lmao like yesterday I rang up like 10 people who I knew easily qualified for the gift card with a food purchase and they didn’t say anything about it but I was in a bad mood so I was like sucks to suck

Yup, do that too...just depends on my mood.
I’m the opposite lmao like yesterday I rang up like 10 people who I knew easily qualified for the gift card with a food purchase and they didn’t say anything about it but I was in a bad mood so I was like sucks to suck
This. I’ll do it if they’re super nice to me (or express interest in the RC) but if you’re mean to me I’m not going out of my way for you
This. I’ll do it if they’re super nice to me (or express interest in the RC) but if you’re mean to me I’m not going out of my way for you
Same. I had a guest who I see frequently and she didn't originally qualify for the gift card. She added some candy while checking out once she realized her purchase wouldn't add up to $50. Even though, she cleared $50 in food, the coupon didn't ring up, so I manually gave her discounts and a gift card which really made her day.
my coworkers and I started a fight club in the backroom behind Starbucks/food ave. can’t wait to get fired

(Broke the first rule, whoops)
I told another Sbux TM I was gonna fight him over doing a French press demo and he actually put me in a headlock and slammed me into one of the tables at food ave #regret
(we’re friends and we roughhouse all the time I just hope he doesn’t get in trouble)
Sometimes when I was working a particularly long electronics shift and it was slow, I would go into the electronics lockup to "Sort through backstock" and just listen to music and pretend I was actually working in case the back room TM or whoever else came to ask me something.
I told another Sbux TM I was gonna fight him over doing a French press demo and he actually put me in a headlock and slammed me into one of the tables at food ave #regret
(we’re friends and we roughhouse all the time I just hope he doesn’t get in trouble)
Yeah he could very easily get termed for that
This happened during a major holiday. I was on a BR mission to find a 'lost' box of cookie jars. Up & down ladders I scurried until my PDA chirped with the win! However, I wasn't yet trained/trusted to actually pull anything and this box was way the *f up there. What to do now? I needed to be able to tell one of our awesomest BR people exactly which box I needed them to interrupt their current task for, soooo.....As I was pondering this, my eyes locked onto a package of red permanent markers in a WACO. I wouldn't have to climb allll the way DOWN & then back UP yet again after all! I gingerly reached over and plucked that baby right out of the box.
So I'm standing there, ripping the packaging open with my teeth when I noticed for the first time the 'grayish globe' not but a few feet from my face. Where 'they' watching? Maybe, maybe not, but I figured if security WAS currently interested in my activities I was already caught and would be doing the March of Shame shortly. Damn. What did I have to lose (loose?)at this point? 😱
I looked squarely into the camera, shrugged my shoulders......and made some funny faces while pretending to pick my nose!!!! Still staring into the globe, I popped off the cap, leaned over and made a big ol' red squiggly X on my box of choice. Then I placed a smaller red dot on the Waco box it came out of. I again looked right into the camera and placed the marker back into its packaging, waved and began climbing down to find my retrieval volunteer/victim.

......And that is my confession of sins against Target 😛

PS : The count was corrected in the Waco and the marker was properly requisitioned.....eventually 😎
I have never been questioned, tho I swear the AP guys smirk alittle whenever we cross paths 😵
At least they told you there was a proper manner of taking stuff. My confession of sin - for my first few months if a guest needed something out of the back I just took it. I didn't know better. No one said anything. Then one of the BR TMs caught me in the act. The force of her anger caused her to levitate off the floor as her head spun a 360. Black storm clouds swirled in the rafters as they thundered words of condemnation. I was immediately taught the proper way to take things.

A very similar display of anger came from the woman in charge of RFID scans, though this time green pea soup was spit up as well. First week on the job I was taught to make tags. Unfortunately since RFID on the tags was caught up at that time the TM couldn't show me that part and didn't mention there was a part 2 to tagging. Then everyone saw me generating tags and assumed I knew about part 2. And this went on for a few months until the TM doing scans brought a bundle of items needing RFID and I told her I didn't know what she was talking about.
At least they told you there was a proper manner of taking stuff. My confession of sin - for my first few months if a guest needed something out of the back I just took it. I didn't know better. No one said anything. Then one of the BR TMs caught me in the act. The force of her anger caused her to levitate off the floor as her head spun a 360. Black storm clouds swirled in the rafters as they thundered words of condemnation. I was immediately taught the proper way to take things.

A very similar display of anger came from the woman in charge of RFID scans, though this time green pea soup was spit up as well. First week on the job I was taught to make tags. Unfortunately since RFID on the tags was caught up at that time the TM couldn't show me that part and didn't mention there was a part 2 to tagging. Then everyone saw me generating tags and assumed I knew about part 2. And this went on for a few months until the TM doing scans brought a bundle of items needing RFID and I told her I didn't know what she was talking about.
Bahahahaha!!! Jenna120, I LOVE your descriptive writing......I'm still wiping the tears from all the laughter! Besides, I think I might know this person......At my store she can easily be set into levitation mode. She has a secret 'mood number' (as in 'Betty' is on the floor and she's cruising at 8...), so everyone knows to keep out of firing range. She's (I swear to God) chased me into the stockroom before when I have displeased her, just, I'm sure you get the jist! 😕
Not sure how long you have been with Spot, but it sounds like we will have crazy-silly stories to tell for a long long time! Target's training methods are ......Head scratching at times. Many of my most memorable 'learning opportunities' have begun with: You did WHAAAT???? Good times.....good times
Yep. 90% of the time when a guest needs something from the back it's one of three things - water for the powdered formula, diapers or cribs. I'm sure that me walking off with a couple of gallons of water was annoying but not omg. Me walking off with a crib though....yeah. And that's what I was caught doing.
Same. I had a guest who I see frequently and she didn't originally qualify for the gift card. She added some candy while checking out once she realized her purchase wouldn't add up to $50. Even though, she cleared $50 in food, the coupon didn't ring up, so I manually gave her discounts and a gift card which really made her day.
Candy isn’t included in the food coupon. But I would have done it for a regular also. Or encouraged them to get a package of chips.
someone was buying a weird ass makeup thing I’ve never seen and it had a hella weird barcode that wouldn’t even scan, I typed it in and it said invalid and I knew scanning it with a my device wouldn’t do anything it would just say not on file, and the line was like 6 people deep so I just stuck it in their bag. Hopefully they don’t try to return it. Lol
We had the Marvel Avengers signs and were given orders that they had to be destroyed because of copyright.
A bunch of the ETLs wanted them anyway but there was a major stink and I was told to destroy them.
One of the TMs had a son who was really sick, at the time they didn't know what it was and later found out he had a ALS.
I slipped the signs out the back door to her.
Fuck the ETLs and fuck Marvels copyright.
We had the Marvel Avengers signs and were given orders that they had to be destroyed because of copyright.
A bunch of the ETLs wanted them anyway but there was a major stink and I was told to destroy them.
One of the TMs had a son who was really sick, at the time they didn't know what it was and later found out he had a ALS.
I slipped the signs out the back door to her.
Fuck the ETLs and fuck Marvels copyright.
Hope for the best. The kid ends up stabilizing the way Stephen Hawking did, hides the signs for 30 or 40 years while the destruction makes them rare, and then pulls them out to sell at a convention for money to tour the entirety of Europe.
  • I ignore guests who yell at me to help them but they are at the other end of aisle. If you want my help then you would make the effort to walk over and talk to me
  • Do not wear a name tag because why should a stranger know my name and attempt to get me in trouble
  • Avoid answering calls when I am not the only one from my department
  • Avoid call buttons
  • Avoid annoying phone calls because why is your ass too lazy to come in to shop
  • Make up a logical location for an item that you're not sure of where it is
  • Take a shit for 20 mins. This one's legit though. I can't control my bowel movements. Either 20 min or I will shit in my pants
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1. +1 to ignoring guests that yell for assistance
2. +1 to those guests that interrupt you assisting another guest
3. Purposefully seek out elderly who seem to confused then smile enormously while I offer to personally assist them and walk them to each item on their shopping list. Purpose: it's an easy way to answer all calls with "sorry, with a guest" and swiftly uses up 20 minutes while strolling from here to there and chatting about how it feels like rain, soon.
4. Name tag stays in my pocket for the same reason as others have stated
5. Quickly offer help on carry-outs. See item 3 above.
6. Accidentally advise guests the restrooms are temporarily closed and suggest they check with the bar/restaurant next door all the while knowing it will not happen. I'm a horrid individual.
7. Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That's why I poo on company time.
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