Archived Target sued for death of young man.

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It is officially not called that of course. In my years I have heard of 2 team members that were handcuffed by police and brought up front to the offices, fired for shoplifting which was tracked for some time. Why they decide to make it dramatic by having police handcuff these team members on the salesfloor then escort them to the offices, which happen to be 20ft or so away so other team members and guests see them, I will never know. They could easily call them to the offices or have them asked by another team member were police could wait there. Neither of the 2 team members were violent and actually well liked by other team members. The only reason I see for this is to either humiliate the accused or scare other team members. I wonder if any AP related members on here can tell us if this a Target policy or just up to each store?
Being AP..there's something big missing in the news story. It doesn't make sense knowing our policy, something had to happen the news isn't saying
There are many things we don't know about this situation. However, what we do know is that a young man took his own life. I just hope that we all remember that no matter what the details are, a young life was tragically cut short
We also know that people were being dicks to someone with a mental illness. Everyone involved should be fired.
Redeye 68: Little late to the party, TS?

I was doing research before posting, it has not had time to show up in the Federal system for the 9th circuit. I find it easier to use that system than pulling up complaints from a Calif Superior Court.
Good research, just go easy on the font, please.
At last, more info.
Thanks @TSs for the info but I really have to say -This- to @Hardlinesmaster about the font.
I know it's your trademark and all but I really feel like I'm being screamed at.

This is the kind of work you do well and I appreciate.
Just wish you could tone it down a tad.
Thanks @TSs for the info but I really have to say -This- to @Hardlinesmaster about the font.
I know it's your trademark and all but I really feel like I'm being screamed at.

This is the kind of work you do well and I appreciate.
Just wish you could tone it down a tad.

I'll second that. The bold font is very hard on the eyes. And it looks too much like the way a troll would post so I usually just scroll past the whole post when I see that style.

Now I see there was some interesting & helpful info there.
We also know that people were being dicks to someone with a mental illness. Everyone involved should be fired.

Did Target KNOW this young man had a disability? I'm sure they will want to claim they had no idea.

I wonder how "safe" the employees' records are when Target finds itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit? Does anyone know?
Did Target KNOW this young man had a disability? I'm sure they will want to claim they had no idea.

I wonder how "safe" the employees' records are when Target finds itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit? Does anyone know?
It depends on how they filled out the application, if they said no or yes on medical issues.
It depends on how they filled out the application, if they said no or yes on medical issues.

I doubt any of the people who were involved in this incident are going to admit having access to his medical info or knowing he had any kind of problem.

That poor mother - losing her precious son.
There is no such thing as a "walk of shame" we would only handcuff a guest or team member if they tried to fight or flee. The team member being disabled he was most likely confused and tried to flee or fight, I would cuff him too.

BS, my store makes sure to walk everyone out in cuffs if arrested. Not official policy but it happens.
Did Target KNOW this young man had a disability? I'm sure they will want to claim they had no idea.

I wonder how "safe" the employees' records are when Target finds itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit? Does anyone know?

The problem with folks on the high end of the spectrum is they often can function very well within certain parameters.
They may be socially awkward but as long as what they need to do is well defined and the parameters are laid out they can excel.
Most people who have those kinds of conditions are fiercely loyal and care deeply about what their jobs.
Just don't get in their face or drag them out of their comfort zones.

I am speculating here.
I don't know the circumstances so I can only guess but I'd imagine that if they grabbed him and took him to the office, no matter what the circumstances, he went into defense mode.
A very extreme kind of fight or flight that we all experience but that he had no control over.
If they had called his mom and had her come down, it might have gone differently but he's technically an adult so that wasn't going to happen.

It's ugly and sad, all the way round.
Handled badly and without thought for someone who had no way of really defending themselves.
Did Target KNOW this young man had a disability? I'm sure they will want to claim they had no idea.

From my personal experience unless you are officially disabled the company doesn't care what your issues are. Now that's not to say that no one cares because some of my ETLs have been very supportive and caring. But as far as I can tell unless they get a tax credit for hiring you you company policy is you get treated like everyone else even if its very clear you have an issue such as mental illness or autism.
Did Target KNOW this young man had a disability? I'm sure they will want to claim they had no idea.

I wonder how "safe" the employees' records are when Target finds itself on the receiving end of a lawsuit? Does anyone know?
Nothing to do with the disability, but the handcuff discipline, a.k.a "walk of shame". It's immature and unprofessional, and should be terminated even if the kid didn't kill himself.
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AP in my store handles internals way different. Usually they go up to the employee and ask to come with them quietly. If they cooperate no cuffs needed until they leave with the police.
Last internal we had, the TM was met at the time clock by ap and the police. When the police left with the TM, the TM was in handcuffs...which pretty much happens any place you are under arrest.
AP doesn't handcuff or take pictures of internals. Walk of shame happened at all six of the stores I worked as AP at. If the police were involved with an internal, they put them in cuffs, otherwise we would have follow them down to the car and remove them. If the cops weren't involved they just got walked out by AP, no cuffs.
If AP puts someone in cuffs the only people that can remove them are the police, or you have to call your APBP to get permission.
I don't know if someone else mentioned these things, but that dudes font was killing me and I didn't read the whole thread.
We've had someone arrested (internal team members) at the store before (while on the clock) it was an outside infraction though, but you would never even known it had happened.... besides the team member gossip and local news.
At our store, the cuffs don't go on until police take custody.
The TM is asked to go to so & so's office where AP is usually waiting with a laptop. They'll usually explain why they're being termed as the evidence is being shown to them.
Once the police take over, the cuffs go on.
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