Archived Target sued for death of young man.

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If parents could sue the military for driving their children to suicide, we would have a waiting list numbering in the thousands.

Sad to say it is virtually impossible to sue the US military for negligence concerning treatment of service men and woman.
I've been working at my local Target store for over a year now, and I've never seen this 'walk of shame' happen. I know it's not that similar to this story, but one of my co-workers got fired for getting caught by a TL for giving her mom her TM discount card (which I thought was okay since it was for a family member unless I remember the rules wrong?) while on her shift. The most that happened is that she went to TSC on the next shift to clock in, and was approached by our STL and told that she was let go because of the discount card thing. As far as I know, they didn't cuff her or have her 'parade' around the store (I wasn't there when it happened, but from what she told me the last time I talked to her, it sounded like she just left without putting up a fight or anything). But, I know that letting a family member/friend use a discount card isn't exactly the same as theft, so maybe the polices vary between reasons of termination.

I've also seen guests caught by AP for stealing. The most that happens is that AP intercepts the guest (usually by the exit), confiscates the item(s) to be processed as a recovery, and lets them leave assuming they don't put up a fight or cause a scene (which then they call the cops and see if they can get a restraining/trespassing order put in place so they don't come back). Again, no walk of shame or anything like that.

While it is definitely sad this happened, at the same time, we do need to find out more details regarding what happened on the day he was fired and Target's (both that particular store/district and company-wide) policy regarding firing TMs who are accused of stealing.

Edit: I think I have the most ironic avatar for this thread. :/
Been hearing some rumors with more details through the grapevine, but nothing concrete yet. I've met the STL that is named in the case and know some people at that store. Heard about it back when it happened in July, sad stuff 🙁
At my store, AP is right by our blue doors so when someone is arrested they are escorted by the state police in handcuffs and majority of the time everyone misses it. I know I always did when I was a cashier, and it would happen whenever I was at the front. However, for a TM, nobody sees or knows what goes on, until after they are all gone then a day later the entire store knows about it. The only time the entire store knows is when said TM causes a ruckus.

In regards to this case, I hate to pull this card, but I have a strong feeling that had the suicide been a person of another race (specifically a minority), lacked a mental disability, the uproar would be nonexistent, and more so defending Target for their actions, is how I see it.
At my store, AP is right by our blue doors so when someone is arrested they are escorted by the state police in handcuffs and majority of the time everyone misses it. I know I always did when I was a cashier, and it would happen whenever I was at the front. However, for a TM, nobody sees or knows what goes on, until after they are all gone then a day later the entire store knows about it. The only time the entire store knows is when said TM causes a ruckus.

In regards to this case, I hate to pull this card, but I have a strong feeling that had the suicide been a person of another race (specifically a minority), lacked a mental disability, the uproar would be nonexistent, and more so defending Target for their actions, is how I see it.

I think the mental disability is what's driving it here, not the race. If it was an autistic black guy, then yes, there would still be outrage.
Thanks for the updates, TS.
And for dialing the font back a little 😉
"give me a fucking break"

Always good to hear from one of tomorrows leaders.

No I am not one of the leaders of tomorrow trust me on that.

I'm just calling out an overdramatic statement when I see it.
I don't side with Target at all. This was hazing and there is no room for that on Earth or at Target. You can blame the employee all you want but something happened to him at Target that clearly fucked him up in the head. Target should pay dearly. Those so-called leaders should be fired ASAP and never work in retail again. Transfer them to a fall center in India.
If he didn't steal I don't see why target even involved themselves with this. Something is missing.
"Clearly Target knew of his disability." Umm, nothing like a leap out of nothing. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Nothing but a wild guess based on some bias.
Damn, it sounds so very much like what I was afraid of.
I just looked up what California law would define as false imprisonment and this would definitely be considered as such.
On the surface, it sounds like he was bullied by another TM then bullied by leadership.
There have been plenty of cases of NT (neuro-typical) kids who commited suicide as a result of bullying.
Aspergers just amplifies the effects.

I know this isn't a critique about your blog, but...

Design wise it's a mess. The information is good, and most of it is relevant.

With all of the different font colors, sizes, spacing, it comes off as rambling and incoherent. Copy a newspaper format and organize the information it will be easier to read and people won't automatically dismiss it as a conspiratorial rant.

Great job on getting all of the information in one place, though.
I HIGHLY doubt they would actually put someone described as loyal and hardworking. In handcuffs for no reason. I realize this person may have had mental issues... I I myself am bipolar, and hyperactive.... Yet probably knowingly... loyal to a fault

I have had the same thoughts as this kid has probably had before he left this world, every other week since I was about 14 years old. I realize it is NOT a joke, but I can tell you before this happened the kid thought about it before hand, and this was what "may" have put him over the edge. You don't jump off a building because you got fired from Target.

Having been threatened with immediate termination, for coming forward with information a trainee told me, about an product he saw in a conspicuous place one day, that i didn't know ap already knew about...
I would say that this story is possibly blown out of proportion, as their protocol seems almost beyond rediculous.
OH you'd be surprised. Retail especially those like Target don't care about their lower wage employees. Maybe if it was unionized and protected they might give a fuck. Even other retail places I worked for were more considerate but Target has got to be the worst retail store I worked for. In my time there 2 very well liked by everyone and popular employees were given the boot for something that didn't really qualify as stealing. There are several entrances to my store and instead of the employee being lead out the closest entrance way on the other side of the store he was instead walked all over the store with his head down and everyone gasping and couldn't believe what happened. Turns out it was not really stealing and he quickkly got other job offers after target. Sometimes being loyal isn't the best thing when the company isn't loyal to you. the boys condition further amplified when he was fired from target since that mental condition forced him to focus ONLY on getting fired and bullied.
Nah, it wouldn't surprise me if Mrs Gentles wasn't partially in it for the money.
It sounds like her lawyer is looking at dollar signs...

I have not heard of many lawyers that take these cases out of the goodness of their hearts.

Meanwhile, if he was taken by the police due to threats he made I don't see how Target could be held at fault. The cops handcuffed him and took him to the station and I have a hard time believing they take orders from Target.
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