Archived "Target Tiptoes Into Grocery Delivery"

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On one hand, it's nice to see Target is still willing to try and venture into new territory to try and seize new market shares. On another hand, is this going to be another failed experiment where they expect gobs of money with as little effort, organization, and capital investment like other 'projects'?
I can say that the initial Ship from Store process was very well thought out and they spent a LOT of money on the necessary equipment and training.

However, there are issues when it comes to implementing changes in the process and assortment of items. Any change gets passed down to the stores in the form of a REDWire message. So if a store has leaders that correctly utilize it and pass the information on to all SFS TMs, everything will go smoothly.

However, there are also stores like mine, where none of the info that comes through REDWire is passed on and any changes come as a surprise to TMs who end up just guessing their way through it.

Depending on how many grocery items are available and how popular this becomes, it may not be an issue for now. TMs can still use common sense to pick and pack the items.
I remember that A&P used to deliver when I was a kid (you know back in the dark ages) but I hadn't known about any stores doing it now. I must of missed the memo 😵.
Back in the dark ages most grocery stores delivered.
It only died out when America reached the two car, lets build a highway to everywhere level.
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I remember A&P (Atlantic & Pacific).
My mom got the car on Saturdays to do shopping. The rest of the week, Dad took the car to work.
Mom went to work when my youngest sib started school so my grandparents helped buy her an old used Plymouth.
We officially became a "two car" family. lol
Looks like it's gone live!

First SFS grocery order at my store: a single packet of taco seasoning...
It wouldn't be bad if Target would fully invest in what they're rolling out instead of half-assing it to see if it's worth it.
That means doing the background to see what a program will entail in terms of tech support, equipment, hrs allotted, etc.
So many of the current struggles are because corp skimps on labor & tech support or they didn't think the concept thru completely.
Or they've pink slipped the departments.
I suppose I could use the service if deliverer could negotiate the razor wire, the dogs, the kid with the banjo sitting on top of the fema coffins and the guy with the bagpipes. Just kidding. About the fema coffins.
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