Archived Team Lead Pay

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Does spot start SBTL at 13. I thought all TLs start at pg11 now. They do at my store and can get raised to pg13 at their review.
My offer from last year was 12.50/hr as a PG13? tl. I'm sure a few of you remember what happened with that, though 😉
Does spot start SBTL at 13. I thought all TLs start at pg11 now. They do at my store and can get raised to pg13 at their review.

I think SBTL did still start at 13 because you have to deal with food safety, Starbucks licensing, etc.
All I know is if you're making less than 14$ an hour then you're majorly underpaid. Ive seen GSAs who make nearly 13$ an hour... Being a regular tm
I started with Spot as a Hard Lines Sr. TL back in December 2014, never having worked a day of retail in my life. My STL's initial offer was 17.50/hr., but I asked if she was negotiable with the wage and she said she was. I came back asking for 20-21/hr., but we settled on 19/hr. I considered this a fair offer since I had no clue what in the hell I was doing or coming into with the retail world and all.
Your qualifications must be stellar. $19/hr with zero retail experience. I'm inclined to say you're getting paid too much, but if you have great management/team leading experience you might be worth it.
I was told I was starting at $13 which was a crap raise considering what I was making before. I was talking to one of the other TL's and also with someone on here and the whole thing was off. I went to talk to the DTL and she told me I actually start at $15 and it was a mistake on her part. I'm usually pretty passive when it comes to money but I learned it doesn't hurt to go talk to your ETL's about your pay. Unless they're a complete douche.
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Your qualifications must be stellar. $19/hr with zero retail experience. I'm inclined to say you're getting paid too much, but if you have great management/team leading experience you might be worth it.
I also think it seems like a lot, as all of our TLa at my store including myself have been here for a while and most are not making anything close to that.
We had a softlines TL at our store who was making $17/hour, and she did absolutely nothing all day besides barking orders and folding clothes (to make herself look busy). The only time she did anything different than her softlines TMs who were making about $8/hr less than her was doing the annual reviews because she had to.

Sometimes, people get paid more than they should. Fortunately, they are extreme cases and most people don't really get paid enough.
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