Archived Team lead weekends

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Dec 29, 2012
I feel that there is some injustice and inconsistency going around my district. So, for the sake of argument.... All team leads get a weekend on right? Including specialty team leads? Who does ad set? Do you rotate? Or is it Plano and pricing consistently? Is it just whoever they feel like scheduling? I don't think any team leads should get special treatment in terms of weekends....
i work at a Super T. Food side tl's work open, off, mid, off, close, off.
salesfloor works open, off, close, off.

plano and pricing only open. Plano does ad one week and pricing the next. the other TLs that open partner with them and we all work together. When i open (as a GSTL) i come in at 6 on sundays to help with ad set before doing opening duties for the front.
i work at a Super T. Food side tl's work open, off, mid, off, close, off.
salesfloor works open, off, close, off.

plano and pricing only open. Plano does ad one week and pricing the next. the other TLs that open partner with them and we all work together. When i open (as a GSTL) i come in at 6 on sundays to help with ad set before doing opening duties for the front.

Ditto. The only difference is at the front we include the GSAs in our weekend rotation (open, off, mid, off, close,off).
I feel that there is some injustice and inconsistency going around my district. So, for the sake of argument.... All team leads get a weekend on right? Including specialty team leads? Who does ad set? Do you rotate? Or is it Plano and pricing consistently? Is it just whoever they feel like scheduling? I don't think any team leads should get special treatment in terms of weekends....

Plano and Pricing TL at my store went into the weekend rotation about 2yrs ago..before that they worked M-F, 6-2:30.
I'm on a weekend rotation, working alternating weekends. I open one Sat. and Sun., off the next weekend, then close the next Sat., however, being that I'm the Pricing TL, I cannot close on my scheduled Sundays since I oversee the Ad Set process and have to be there for Endcap Audits and to audit my Ad Set Team since I can't leave that up to my ETLs to follow up on.
At my store Plano and Price Change TLs never work on weekends. Plano TL works 4 days a week with 10 hour shifts from Sunday night to Wednesday night, and Pricing TL and Signing TMs Monday to Friday. Other TLs and ETLs work one weekend opening, one free, then weekend closing, and during the week they have always the same day free. Market/FA ETL never closes.
Every TL at my store is on the same basic rotation, but on what would be their closing Sunday rotation the flow tl does a mid since they have to be in early on Monday. The other early morning tls push back their start time to 8 am on the Monday after their Sunday close.
At my store, the only dayside TL that doesn't rotate weekends is the Pricing TL because she does 4AM on Sundays for ad set. The HR TL doesn't close on weekends because HR only opens on weekends (though they do rotate opening). Our GSAs usually rotate 239 on the weekends, but because we're short a GSTL, they've been rotating GSTL shifts as well.
At my store sales floor tl's (not senior tl's) work open-off-close-off-open-off-close. Plano and flow only open.
The ETLs and SrTLs only work six hours and rotate off-open-off-mid -off-close.
Does anyone else's store do that (where the LODs only work 6 hours on the weekends)? My store upheld this over fourth quarter even... -_-
The pricing TL works Sundays, and we have one GSA who is weekends only, but everyone else is rotating weekends, which they are still getting me into. Personally, since I am unavailable one day in the middle of the week for classes, I hate it. Because that means I really get screwed out of hours if I need to take time off for anything else.
The pricing TL works Sundays, and we have one GSA who is weekends only, but everyone else is rotating weekends, which they are still getting me into. Personally, since I am unavailable one day in the middle of the week for classes, I hate it. Because that means I really get screwed out of hours if I need to take time off for anything else.

when i was a GSA this happened to me but when i needed to take another day off i just went to the GSTL that did the schedule and asked her if i could at least cashier either that saturday or sunday whichever day i needed to get my hours in. Usually i ended up at the SD but i always got my hours!
At my store sales floor tl's (not senior tl's) work open-off-close-off-open-off-close. Plano and flow only open.
The ETLs and SrTLs only work six hours and rotate off-open-off-mid -off-close.
Does anyone else's store do that (where the LODs only work 6 hours on the weekends)? My store upheld this over fourth quarter even... -_-

I don't think the ETL's follow any set rule about how many hours they work on a weekend but it seems to me that the open and mid work short shifts and the closer works a normal 8-9 hour shift. They opener and mid will always stay later though if we are busy or short staffed and we need them. They did not follow this during 4th quarter though and most etl's were working 10-12 hour weekends.
at our store it used to be that PATL and PTL only worked M-F with the team, but now they rotate weekends as well (open only). for price accuracy its not a problem since that team can run w/out their tl. for plano it wreaks havoc since the tl is a mess and never wants to share planning information with the team. sometimes they work their weekend, sometimes they don't. you only know if they magically don't show up one day during the week and there is a hand-scrawled note with the day's "plans" on it.

jeal of the team that runs sun-wed overnights @ 10hr shifts. we do that when our workloads are heavy, but would do it all the time if it was consistent.
i guess it depends on your volume, but as a sftl, i was perfectly happy when it was just me and one lod on the weekend. i hated working shifts with only tl, because half of them didn't do anything but hang out and it drove me nuts. with one leader and multiple tm following the same direction, things get done quicker and with less confusion.

i can understand the pricing team picking up sundays because signing technically falls under their scope, although i don't know how it affects their workload. pricing is so crazy now, it's difficult to plan and get everything done on time regardless. i don't really care if the plano team works weekends, as long as the team isn't broken up. otherwise they goof off without a tl and with younger teams, they really do need direction and help with the set. i've never seen an lod actually follow up with the specialty teams as they should if it's not "their" team.
i think people get their undies in a bunch over weekend rotations and need to find another line of work. i don't care that pricing doesn't work weekends at our store. i'm not jealous. i seldom work weekends on pog for a majority of the year, but from oct wk 2-jan, i work every single weekend (off tues, thurs). all the other tl still have a w/end rotation (open/off/close/off) during the holidays. 40 is 40, regardless how you get it.
At my store the PTL and PATL are on opposite weekends, with them being responsible for ad set on their weekend. The HLTL and CTL alternate weekends and work mid/off/close/off.
When I was still at my store we had each TL having one day off during the workweek (Mine was Thursday) so that you always closed before your day off. Mon-Tue 9-5(or 10-6/11-7pm); Wed 4-11:45pm;Thurs OFF; Friday 9-5pm and Sat Sun OFF. Every other week you worked six consecutive days and always had thursday off.
Price Accuracy and Presentation team leads have weekends off at my store. I (backroom team lead) rotate weekends with the flow tl. Every other team lead has a rotation like the ones stated earlier.
Price accuracy and presentation team leads have weekends off (the reasoning we've been given is that they work early mornings and have more work Mon-Fri). The rest of us generally get every second weekend off.
When I was in school for 2 years, I worked every weekend as my only two days off were the two days a week I had class all day. When the store needed me to backfill another work center weekly, I made weekends off my only leveraged stipulation. When asked why I thought I should get every weekend off, I jokingly replied, "What is a BR/IS TL going to do on the weekends? It would be more efficient for me to be here M-F." STL said "Good Point" and until the next promotion/move, I am making up for working every weekend for the 2 years prior.
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