Archived Team Leader Pay

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I started as a PG09 TM @ $9.25/hr a few years ago... After a promotion and a few merits, I was making $14.50/hr as a PG11 Team Member (Yeah, TM.. not Lead). To best honest, they have really weak PG bumps from one to the next, ranging from a lousy .75 raise to a "whooping" $2.25. Honestly, I choose not to go to PG15 (skipping 13) because they only offered me a two dollar raise and wouldn't budge any further. Back then, I chose to stay a TM making more than many TL's (WITHOUT THE STRESS/HEADACHE) than making an extra couple bucks. I got another easy part-time job and now the money flow is perfect, and literally no stress. Being a TL at Target is an invitation to a HEART ATTACK. Wayy too much pressure for basically nothing in return. Think about it.

Which TM position is pg11?
I started as TM with 8.25 as a part time and then after a year CTL position got opened and ETL HR talked to me if I'm interested then re negotiate my pay because I will have to leave my full time day job and started with 16.50 as a CTL after 6yrs I'm on the 20 ballpark.
I started as a TL at a new store. Starting pay was $13 an hour. Been with Target Almost at 5 years and I'm just above $18. I'm not a Sr TL.
A guy I started with (as hardlines tm's, probably $7.50/hr) was promoted to TL 2 years after we were hired. His starting pay for TL: $15.37/hr.
Someone deliberately put the guys wage offer in an interoffice envelope, wrote my boyfriend's name on it, and stuck it in his TL mailbox. We never found out why/who but they were likely trying to piss him off. Most here start around $11-12.
I was promoted internally about 7 years ago with a $3 raise that put me at a little over $16. I am now a Sr. TL and paid a little less than $24. I have a friend who promoted at the same store and is just now hitting $16 after 3 years. It really depends on the HR, STL, and experience.
When I was first promoted from a flow TM to a salesfloor TL I made $13.55, I believe? And then when I was promoted to SrTL seven months later I believe that put me at $16.10. When I left I think I was at $16.70. Worked there a total of 3 years.
What are annual raises typically like for TLs? Mine last year was prorated as I was hired the same year.
I think this thread is most useful when people post their pay when they started as a TL, not what they make after 7 years and/or after a promotion to Sr TL. That doesn't help someone new who is curious if it's worth trying to become a TL at Target. Although judging from people's responses, clearly starting pay for TL's is all over the place and depends on a multitude of factors, including your actual position (not every TL starts at the same Pay Grade), experience, education, willingness to negotiate, and location.
I have been a TL for a little over a year. I am PG11, starting pay at ~$16/hr. I was initially quoted $13 (still a $3 pay raise from brand TM of 4 years) and then it was changed. Obviously, I did not complain. I do live in a very expensive area, however.
Went from Backroom TM to Backroom TL in mid 2010, going from $9.67 to $15.00. When I quit in March of last year, I was at $16.92. Standard annual review raises, whatever E was each year.
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