Archived Team member discount policy

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Annie is hr & doesn't do the firings at her store. Her leadership does, her job is to put codes on the tm's number in the computer. A very sad job, when it happens to a good or bad tm. Without best practice, no one would know how to do store processes.
I am not sure which bp you don't agreed with. But, it is can be a big game of politics, if you allow it to be.
There was a TM at my store who was fired for misusing her discount--at least that's the official reason given (she was buying giftcards with nonTarget-approved payment to pay for her break meals to get the discount). She was really let go for being terrible at her job, but when Target fires someone they attach a specific reason to it, not a generalized one like "you suck". From what I've seen, Target will ignore discount-misuse so long as that's their only issue with a TM and it isn't too serious, but if they want to get rid of someone, it can be used a tipping-point thing to get you out the door. As a (now former) long-time GSA, I've had the opportunity to learn enough about AP works to know that we are watched far closer than you would ever guess.
Those rules are not even enforceable. For example, Target Annie claimed to have known about somebody fired for accepting repayment illicitly, yet despite being questioned, she did not explain how. She asserts that someone will come in and stop the "abuse" but never explains how.

"AP" is not a meaningful answer. How did assets protection find out? Did the team members talk about it? Did they accept repayment in the store?

It seems probable that there are many times as many team members who have illicitly accepted repayment as those who got caught.
"AP" is not a meaningful answer. How did assets protection find out? Did the team members talk about it? Did they accept repayment in the store

Don't underestimate AP. They have their methods.

ap215 or Carts, would one of you like to take this one?
Yes AP watches ( wave hi to the cameras above the register) The GSTL may be watching the cashier might say I saw so and so using her discount card and it didn't say dependent on it and they snitch on you. Basically it isn't worth it getting fired over....... Even if you have the exact same last name like Suzy Smith is letting her sister use her discount card and she has the exact same last name Smith. I have seen people use discount cards and I know they are kids, parents etc,etc but I do not say anything not my business but personally even if I had family members living under the same roof as me I still wouldn't let them use my discount card because nothing is worth getting fired over I have seen it happen before team member discount abuse.
"AP" is not a meaningful answer. How did assets protection find out?

There's this "thing" called Cash Register Reports that we check on a constant basis. I can see when you use your discount card, when you void that TV or Dyson, when you do a price overide, no barcode, and more...

Some of us (AP) also love, spending our "Free Time" (when there's no one, really worth watching in the store) looking through video of transactions and other things...

Either Way.. You'll probably get away with your little Discount Card Fraud a few times.. but we'll catch on, I promise you that. You will get caught.

On another note.. I've heard about AP in some Districts that review EVERY TM related transaction that involves the use of there discount cards, or those $10 Pharmacy Coupons.. Even for Food Avenue purcahses, or packs of gum :boredom:
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I can remember a few years back that we were told at morning huddle about not buying a gc with a non target card and turning around and using the gc to buy something with your discount. Our etl-hr when we asked what we as cashiers were supposed to do if we saw someone doing it just said that we were not the gift card police. I've always remembered that. We do have one TM who has been with Target about as long as I have (6+ years) who does it all the time but she's one of the favorites.

I've hit 400! I know that it doesn't mean anything but hey!
Congrats on joing the "400 club", lovecats!
Here's one of Annie's world-famouse cookies!
Are some people in here implying some people get a discount off the cost of the gift cards they buy? That isn't allowed, nor does the register allow that to happen. We would all love it if we could, but their rationale is that if we did that we could turn around and give that reduced cost gift card to someone who is not an employee, and that person would only have to pay us the reduced cost (or the full price and us pocket the profit), which is in effect giving that person our discount. Of course, the bigger issue is that we could buy the discount card at a discounted rate, then turn around and use our discount card again when we purchase something with that gift card, i.e. double discounting.
I can remember a few years back that we were told at morning huddle about not buying a gc with a non target card and turning around and using the gc to buy something with your discount. Our etl-hr when we asked what we as cashiers were supposed to do if we saw someone doing it just said that we were not the gift card police. I've always remembered that. We do have one TM who has been with Target about as long as I have (6+ years) who does it all the time but she's one of the favorites.

I've hit 400! I know that it doesn't mean anything but hey!
I can remember a few years back that we were told at morning huddle about not buying a gc with a non target card and turning around and using the gc to buy something with your discount. Our etl-hr when we asked what we as cashiers were supposed to do if we saw someone doing it just said that we were not the gift card police. I've always remembered that. We do have one TM who has been with Target about as long as I have (6+ years) who does it all the time but she's one of the favorites.
I've hit 400! I know that it doesn't mean anything but hey!
Congrats on joing the "400 club", lovecats!
Here's one of Annie's world-famouse cookies!

congrats, cats! another 6016 to go....
Even for Food Avenue purcahses, or packs of gum :boredom:

Indeed. My store had a group of six (seven?) TMs fired all at once a couple years ago for fraudulent Food Ave transactions--they would ring up a cup of nacho cheese but give each other whole meals. How were they caught, you ask? The ETL-AP was checking her TM Discount reports and noticed an unusually high number of transactions where a TM used his/her discount to buy just a cup of nacho cheese. She started reviewing video, and within a week we were scrambling to hire a brand new Food Avenue team (and replace a couple of cart attendants while we were at it).
Indeed. My store had a group of six (seven?) TMs fired all at once a couple years ago for fraudulent Food Ave transactions--they would ring up a cup of nacho cheese but give each other whole meals. How were they caught, you ask? The ETL-AP was checking her TM Discount reports and noticed an unusually high number of transactions where a TM used his/her discount to buy just a cup of nacho cheese. She started reviewing video, and within a week we were scrambling to hire a brand new Food Avenue team (and replace a couple of cart attendants while we were at it).
Great example!
What isn't allowed to buy with your discount. I buy any gift cards, (restaurants etc), most of my groceries, pretty much everything other than a few things that only other stores sell. I like the buffer if having a day before it hits my bank buying groceries on thurs before payday etc. most of my spending is target discount+redcard, is that frowned upon? Every gift i bought for christmas was at spot. I live beside another supertarget so it really saves gas and time on my off days.
Nothing wrong with shopping w/spot & using your discount. In the old days, you patronized your company which added to its profits. It was 'company loyalty'.
Spot used to offer incentives to shop house brands a couple yrs ago by sending a coupon good for an additional 10% off MP, Archer Farms, Mossimo, Xhiliration, Home, Cherokee, Circo, Merona & the like. Not any more, tho.
If a cashier were to knowingly ring up a non-dependent, would they also be held liable if he/she were caught doing so? Or is it just the TM whose discount is being misused?
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