Although our SD says sales are close to goal, the actual volume of guests shopping is far, far below the norm. Per-guest sales tickets are higher. Many carts are full of groceries. It is surprising that some of the Karens who are now confined to home are spending a lot on home decor stuff and trinkets.
One curiosity of all this is that while I've been able to volunteer for extra hours, at other times I've been turned down for extra hours as our transaction volume (even with extremely frequent and thorough cleaning) is pretty modest. They have been hiring more TMs in spite of this. Given the staggering numbers of people being tossed out of their jobs over the past 4 weeks, perhaps the purpose of the aggressive "we're hiring" at Target (and at retail competitors like Target, CVS and others) is to eventually force out the existing TMs in favor of newbies as the COVID-19 pandemic stabilizes and the US economy is full of jobless workers and a recessionary economy. Maybe I'm a bit too cynical, but honestly can anyone really see much need for hiring more store-level TMs even with higher-than-average callouts and some LOAs?
Personally I'm faring okay and pretty cheerful at work. My co-workers generally like me, although I'm not in the "preferred" clique at our store. Anyway, I seem to retain quirky humor and a folksy smile. 😛 But do not misunderstand: before every shift I do wrestle with real fear about interacting with the public and coming down with this horrible illness for which no known cure exists.