Archived "Team Satan" Shirt / Religious Shirts

Are religious shirts okay at Target?

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I don't think it should be allowed. No, its not because you are a Satanist . I am a Christian. I don't wear shirts to work that broadcast my religious beliefs. IMO that's not the place. You can stand up for what you believe in , in other ways. Like @commiecorvus said jewelry etc.
Is the no logos thing ASANTS tho because I've worn a homestuck shirt, nekoma hs shirt, 30 seconds to mars shirt, a shirt w a christmas pun and that "gods gift to women" sweater and no ones said anything

It's a company policy that you wear a shirt without logos but this is not enforced at all at some stores, however: if you wore a team Satan shirt I'm sure your store would start enforcing the no logo/writing policy.

So you would be ruining it for everyone
Personally, I've never understood the need to advertise one's personality or beliefs if you're representing your business/place of work in a professional setting... ie, on the clock.

...but to each their own, I suppose.
That act isn't gonna fly in Little Rock. :rolleyes: Weird satanist more like wired satanist.
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