Archived Thanksgiving shifts what's every one working?

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32 hours though it might change

Backroom on Wed night 11pm-730am
Flex on Thurs night 11pm-730am

Off Friday and Saturday
Our store is taking a truck, too. Last year we took a truck at 11pm, and the folks doing the breakouts were dodging guests, and they us, the entire time. This year, we are starting the truck at 10pm, like that will be so much better!

I work Thursday 5:40pm-3am (Crowd Control and Truck) and Saturday 6am-2:30pm doing flexible fulfillment. Scheduled 40 for the week.
Working every day of the week up to an 11:30pm-7:15am shift in electronics on Black Friday, then off for the rest of the week. I'm definitely okay with this considering other shifts I could have been given.
The whole week of Thanksgiving, I'm ship from store but:
3pm-11:45pm on Thurs.
10am-6:45pm on Fri.
10am-6:45pm on Sat as well
40 hours as of rn
Does C under your shift time stand for crowd control? If not what does it stand for
5:45PM - 12:00AM Thanksgiving
11:30AM - 4:30PM Black Friday but there is a 500% chance I'll be asked to stay later
8:00AM - 4:30PM Saturday
Posted in other thread:
8pm to 4am Wednesday
5:30pm to 5:30am Thursday
3pm to 11pm Friday
43 total hours so far for that week.
The whole week of Thanksgiving, I'm ship from store but:
3pm-11:45pm on Thurs.
10am-6:45pm on Fri.
10am-6:45pm on Sat as well
40 hours as of rn
Whomever does the schedule for SFS at your store should get a pat on the back for doing it correctly on Thanksgiving.

I'm hearing other stores are having them start after the store has opened...
Does C under your shift time stand for crowd control? If not what does it stand for

Mine was something like LCS/LCA something like that. Can't be sure since it isn't available on line yet, I just wrote down hours.

MyFA we have people coming in at 2pm to pick and staggering people after that also added an extra guest service TM just to do store pick up.
Well good luck to you, I thought I read on here you where working at like dollar save? Something like that? So I take it Wally world now?
Thank you 🙂 And yes, I originally took a job at Dollar General but then got offered a job as a CSM at Walmart for a few bucks higher, so I took that instead. I've been there about a week now.
7 to midnight on thanksgiving, noon to 8 black Friday and again noon to 8 on Saturday. I like short shifts. Blah.

*edit: I'm a cashier. Pretty sure I'll die. I never shop thanksgiving or black Friday. No idea what I'm in for.
I always found working thanksgiving and Black Friday exciting. Well maybe not exciting. But interesting. There is an excitement in the air and the guests are crazed.
The store I worked at was very organized With crowd control and should be again this year. The line usually wraps around to market but moves very fasy. Having all twelve registers opened and competent people directing the line, makes for happy guests.
Do your stores use the stanchions (the ropes like they have in banks)? Without them, I'm sure it would be chaos.
I wish you all good luck in the madness. Enjoy it. It's only once a year and you should pick up some interesting stories to talk about.

What I always found the craziest was the amount of returns carts. We never had enough people to put the items back into the departments.

Where I work now, the store is closed on thanksgiving and I have Black Friday off. I don't have plans for either day. Maybe I will walk around target and look at it from the other side to get a different perspective. Or maybe not. Just stay home in my Jammie's and watch tv.
Off on Wednesday, opening on Thanksgiving, closing on Black Friday, and a mid on Saturday. I was hoping to get an overnight on Thanksgiving, but at least this way I'll get lots of holiday pay. 😉
I think I got 5-12 on thursday and 3-11 on friday ... fucking bullshit IMO. Might get drunk before getting there at 5 on thurday.

Corporate greed has ruined this great holiday.
Whomever does the schedule for SFS at your store should get a pat on the back for doing it correctly on Thanksgiving.

I'm hearing other stores are having them start after the store has opened...
Oh my god. I can't imagine trying to start the pulls at 6... Those poor people.
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