@ Jack
I've had that problem many times during my time with Spot. Many a times a TL/ETL/LOD doesn't understand best practice because their idea of a solution is backstock it all, no matter the task at hand. If I pull research and EXFs, it's going to between the first 5 hours of the store opening. After that, that workload can wait until the next day. Pulling it later in the day is unnessary additional work that salesfloor has to work out. No guarantees that they'll check all locations. Possibility to backstock and pull it again. No point. If there is too much backstock, the morning crew and overnight team must be need to work diligently and held accountable. If one team messes up, it affects the others. A bad TL should not be leading.
As for FDC, if there is a flux of merchandise, it needs to be worked out completely to not mess up the accumulator. Backstocking low/empty merchandise will cause the pulls to be huse all the time. If the merchandise has been worked, but is still coming out large, the merch. must be backstocked via SUBT-9999. I've seen that many times. Heck, the O/N team at my store refuses to pull their autofills in those departments because it "too cold." We provide durable gear. I've backstocked and pulled large batches by myself easily.
POGs should have been done by the early crew. I make sure POGs are pulled before the mid-shift leaves for the day. Otherwise, it's hard to complete the closing process. If O/N or POG team can't pull the daily batches, they will drop out of the POG list and into the pulls 1-2 days after, also increasing it.
😉 I know your grievances/pain all too well.
Today, the TM in Day BR called out. I come in earlier before the store opened to cover the shift. Had to clean up after O/N in the main and receiving. There was nobody scheduled as a midshift until 2 pm. The day saw a decent sized workload. BTS Pulls and Flexible Fulfillment was a pain in the ass to deal with, considering the limited time and resources. Salesfloor couldn't keep up. We also started the Ship from Store process. Pulled a 10 hour shift.
Anyone having connection issues with just the RF app? My brtl tried to mysupport it but gave up and I'm wondering you guys can help.
Yeah, I've had some general connection issues with a couple PDAs. Some of them had firmware updates. Others had limited connection with the wireless system. Sometimes RFApps will freeze and log out, even when actively using it.