Archived The Big & Dandy Backroom thread!

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So our new TL decided he wants the closer to try and do this 'Daily 12 step Replenishment Routine'. One aisle, every day.

Considering there are days (pretty much every day) where I can barely get pulls/push/backstock/flexes/audit done, I don't see this going well
Just in case you aren't aware, it's unlikely that this is your TLs initiative. Group LOG leaders are pushing 12 steps hard. They're pushing STLs and ETLs to get it done. If it isn't happening, your store is failing, in their eyes. ETLs are pushing your TL and, being new, it's unlikely they're aware just how ridiculous 12 steps daily completion goals are in most stores.
Just in case you aren't aware, it's unlikely that this is your TLs initiative. Group LOG leaders are pushing 12 steps hard. They're pushing STLs and ETLs to get it done. If it isn't happening, your store is failing, in their eyes. ETLs are pushing your TL and, being new, it's unlikely they're aware just how ridiculous 12 steps daily completion goals are in most stores.
Oh, I wouldn't be surprised if this was coming from higher up
I really want our TL to do at least one dayside shift. Just to see what it's like
honestly I don't even care that they're not backstocking, maybe they are too busy, maybe not. It's just the fact that we can't come clean so it all starts to build over the week

I agree, I'm just saying the source of the problem may be leadership, not TMs. Back when my store didn't force daysiders to push CAFs (and make me leave an hour and a half earlier), I came clean on backstock 90%+ of the time.
Came clean on backstock 90 percent of the time? Is FF disabled at your store? No fucking way that happens at my turd of a store. In the backroom, I am basically eternally behind. There's no catching up.

I don't even have words for my shift today. I can't even.
Today has sucked. The morning guys left at 12:45pm and I'm the only guy left. They had to pull a carts guy to pull ff and a pfresh guy to pull cafs when I went to lunch.
There's a couple places I could post my grievances about today. Well, maybe there. 1 opener scheduled. I had to come in early to cover a call out. Thanks to Thanksgiving, we had to hustle to try to stay on top of CAFs and FFs. Barely had enough vehicles to stay clean. This week has been bad for our FFs' times. LoD too busy to help find missing requests. Christmas, toys, clothes, electronics, etc. Was supposed to leave 2 hours before original scheduled time due to overtime. Fast foward few hours, O/N ETL-Log asks why the backroom is a mess.

Tell him the truth

Most of the merchandise is a result of the truck. We don't have too much time to use fro everything, especially with 2-3 people.

10 hours at work, asked to stay. Nah. I like the store, but I need a lil me time.
Came clean on backstock 90 percent of the time? Is FF disabled at your store? No fucking way that happens at my turd of a store. In the backroom, I am basically eternally behind. There's no catching up.

I don't even have words for my shift today. I can't even.

I was talking about *before* my current store TL came in, I could come clean on backstock almost all the time. Also back then, the dayside closer left at 10, now they leave at 8:30. And we were allowed to backstock during the day and not forced to push CAFs. With 6PM CAFs added recently, that leaves about an hour and a half for BS, price change and setting the line. If I'm lucky, BS get done about 1/3rd of the time nowadays.
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I was so glad that I had today off. I bet the backroom was a nightmare because cooking and eating cuz Murica love to eat. It was bad on Tuesday. I only had help until 230pm so I did the CAF batches from 3pm to 7pm by myself. I had to get someone to help me with the 4pm and 5pm CAF batches. The 6pm CAF batches were an epic fail. I didn't get to take my lunch until 545pm then the FDC arrived at 6pm so when I get back, the LOD tells me to pull 3 FF. I didn't start on the 6pm CAF batches until 630pm and finished them at 730pm. I was able to finish up the lovely 5 research batches that the awesome instocks team left for me and the 11 price change batches before 830pm. I straight up told the LOD that I was not going to stay late to clean up the line. She was cool with it. She agreed with me that the scheduling in the backroom is a joke and that people in the backroom are babies when it comes to their availability. I'm not gonna stay past my scheduled time to leave the building so I can clean up other people's messes.

My life> vendors' messes
Manual CAFs? How do you do that? And "Daily 12 Step Replenishment routine"?

I believe the 12 steps were listed earlier in the thread, but I could be wrong. Also, ain't nobody got time fo' dat because pushing CAFs.

To drop a manual CAF for a fillgroup, type in CAF or go to 2. Replenishment > 1. Create Autofill and follow the prompts. Warning: Manual CAFs tend to pull more heavily than the scheduled CAFs.
Thanksgiving shift wasn't awful, just...kinda dumb.

Clocked in at 5:45. First 15 mins or so, me, another daysider and some TLs and ETLs helped people put doorbuster TVs in shopping carts. We really weren't needed. TLs could handled that themselves since they know prices and models better than we do and can maintain order better.

After that, we went to the backroom and pulled and pushed 8 or so tiny CAFs. Pointless stuff.

From there until 8, we had we had to create work for ourselfs as noone gave us guidance on what to do until more autofills dropped at 8. So, we created and pushed some super small manual CAFs and a salesfloor TL made some super small outs EXFs. More boring stuff.

At 8, the other daysider, the overnight BRTL and I pulled CAFs for about 2 hours. Why did we have one giant batch of CAFs at 8 instead of smaller ones at 7, 8, and maybe 9? Beats me. I got yelled at for making a messy softlines tubs (it wasn't that bad, a handful of ETLs just like to nitpick everything I do). Not sure what they expected when women's and men's had 50+ DPCIs each and we were rushing to finish before overnight backroom got in.

I went out of my way to apologize to the SrTL who had to push my "messy" softlines tub and she didn't care or at least said she didn't. She's one of the better/nicer TLs and one of the few I like. The bitching over my tub came from our terrible Store TL.

Anyway...overnight backroom came in at about 10 and they pulled CAFs. Felt more worthless and aimless at that point. Asked the BRTL if I should set the line, she said just do half...ok? Overnight folks stepped on my toes a little there (why they don't set the line themselves *everyday* is still a mystery; they are better at it, do it faster and there are more of them to do it...), but we got that done. Yawn.

Had about 30 minutes left in my shift with little to do and no guidance. So I pushed one of the overnight CAFs vehicles. It was some Barbie toyhouse thing, I checked both locations and it didn't go out, only 2 fit in each location. When I brought it back as backstock, my BRTL rolled her eyes at me and made a underhanded comment implying I didn't really try to push it out. Whatever.

So for rest of my time, I helped salesfloor folks with reshop then left.
And that was my night.

I felt there was almost no reason for me to be there.

Oh, and the food they fed us was god awful. Cold corn and ribs and they had uncooked cheese potatoes in one pot...
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Wasn't bad last night.

Came in at 4 and only did SPUs until 6 when the store opened. Did the tiny scheduled CAFs that dropped for whatever reason. Then I started to the audit batches before the requests for pulls started to come in. Not long after, the leaders were dropping EXFs and manual CAFS. Took us a long time to complete these since every time I would get ready to pull them, I got a request to pull an item for a guest or another SPU would drop.

The autofill dropped at 11:30 so I had a chance to work on that for a little bit before leaving at midnight.

It was sort of relaxing because I didn't have to worry about scheduled CAFs and there were 3 of us so it wasn't mind numbing boring.

I get to come in today from 10am-6pm and do it all again.
Wasn't bad last night.

Came in at 4 and only did SPUs until 6 when the store opened. Did the tiny scheduled CAFs that dropped for whatever reason. Then I started to the audit batches before the requests for pulls started to come in. Not long after, the leaders were dropping EXFs and manual CAFS. Took us a long time to complete these since every time I would get ready to pull them, I got a request to pull an item for a guest or another SPU would drop.

The autofill dropped at 11:30 so I had a chance to work on that for a little bit before leaving at midnight.

It was sort of relaxing because I didn't have to worry about scheduled CAFs and there were 3 of us so it wasn't mind numbing boring.

I get to come in today from 10am-6pm and do it all again.

I think I had one PULL request the whole night, weird...And our TLs didn't bother dropping manuals, we did ourselves.

Heh, maybe I'm nuts, but I'd rather do regular hourly CAFs (if they were smallish) than manual CAFs and EXFs.
I think I had one PULL request the whole night, weird...And our TLs didn't bother dropping manuals, we did ourselves.

Heh, maybe I'm nuts, but I'd rather do regular hourly CAFs (if they were smallish) than manual CAFs and EXFs.

The first round of manual CAFs were huge (Toy1 filled an entire red) but the ones that came after were small, only a few items.
Our BR team kept getting requests for items that were on 2 day ad and they also kept finding shippers and casepacks labeled 2 day ad in the steel.

That plus the colossal mess that was left in receiving makes me think it got to a point Wednesday night/Thursday morning where the STL just said fuck it, this is close enough and told everyone to go home.
Flex fulfilments are insane today. All the leaders have been spending there entire shift doing them and the number in the gun isn't going down. I noticed for the holiday weekend target increased the time to do the order before it expires but they didn't increase it for cyber Monday for whatever reason. All of the orders are late in the gun.
Pretty much pulling FF is all I did from Friday to today. Cyber Monday is a joke. I should be a personal shopper/backroom team member. Lulz back stocking. That's a thing of the past. When I left tonight there were like 15 research batches, 12 exfs, and 18 FF orders. Stayed 20 minutes past 930pm and yes I want a gold Olympic medal.
Research is busy work. Salesfloor doesn't even work it. It's supposed to fill holes on the salesfloor so that means it should fit in the floor.
Do I have the only store who's backroom isn't responsible for FF? They make a salesfloor TL do them here.

When FF first started, they gave lip service about backroom doing them, but that was dropped after about 2-3 weeks.
Research is busy work. Salesfloor doesn't even work it. It's supposed to fill holes on the salesfloor so that means it should fit in the floor.

Ideally, the instocks team would push their research. But at my store, they barely have enough hours to work the task list, let alone push, fill endcaps, and PTM. So the priority pulls just sit until the ETL-GE wanders to the backroom and starts interrogating the backroom team as to why they haven't been pushed yet.

Do I have the only store who's backroom isn't responsible for FF? They make a salesfloor TL do them here.

When FF first started, they gave lip service about backroom doing them, but that was dropped after about 2-3 weeks.

In some SFS stores, the SFS team does the flexes.
I think in general when things slow down sfs should be doing all ff and leave get for guest for the backroom. Right now we have 6 people on sfs one mid doing cafs and a closer who isn't here yet. There's over 50 ff in the gun not being worked.
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