Hi I don't know if any other BRTM or TL is having to do this or is having trouble completing this but ETL is stressing me out with it, he wants me to locu the bottom 3 brla and any valleys with transition by the end of each week. So for example this week I have to do the dairy cooler, plastics, Chem, and hbo1 locu and restowed by Saturday. Along with being 100% backstocked on 2000-2500(3-500 blackline) trucks 4 days a week, the 5-9 hours of autos in the a.m., and pulling all research and spu. I usually have 3 other tm on truck days ( 2 6-2:30, 1 7:30-4:30, 1 2:30-9) and on non truck days 2 others (2 6-2:30, 1 12:30-8). I was finally told today that I can maybe train 1 tm to help but they better do it right, this was right after getting a final because I can't finish this audit. Any ideas on how to complete this? Did I mention that I'm a Srtl so one day a week I'm lod, and every other Sunday I'm in charge of flow.