Archived The Big & Dandy Plano thread!

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I do indeed mean full-on cosmetics. All the itty-bitty lipsticks and all that. Three aisles of it per night. 7-8 four foot sections per aisle. The girl I've been partnered up with every night consistently under performs so I end up doing 75% of the work myself. TL comes down on me if the smallest things are wrong but doesn't come down on the girl who is under performing.
sounds to me like she is being pressured to get it done quickly.. with the large scope of this project i think its unreasonable. every fixture is changing? thats just totally insane.. 1-2 people per aisle? how many aisles of cosmetics do you have? we only have 4 and a backwall
Four aisles, back wall, plus the aisle of all the burts bees/loofas/etc. We did one side of each aisle the first night, second side the second night. Spent a third night going back and fixing what was wrong from the first night. It's been nothing short of a complete disaster for my team due to poor leadership. And we're still missing fixtures and half the products.
4 of us went overnight to complete it. We all worked together to complete each aisle. The first night was challenging and were only able to get one aisle done due to us not being familiar with the new fixturing. But the final night we were able to complete the final two & a half aisles with time to spare.
4 of us went overnight to complete it. We all worked together to complete each aisle. The first night was challenging and were only able to get one aisle done due to us not being familiar with the new fixturing. But the final night we were able to complete the final two & a half aisles with time to spare.

That's the part they rarely take into account.
It's one thing if you are doing work you've done a hundred times before, they have every right to be annoyed if you're slacking off.
But if you're working with completely new fixtures and processes it seems like they should take that into account.

Once we've had time to figure it out, we fly like the wind but some of these have a rather steep learning curve.
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OMG this was my life last april. We've had the transcend set for almost a year now. Im good friends with it. We get along well now. Over Night 1, where I was a brand new signing team member.....didn't like each other too much. I was beyond confused. Didn't help we had 2 people from hq observing and timing us while we did everything. then when the store opened at 7 and we got like 15 people from hq and our dtl was watching us while we were trying to clean up our carts and fixtures and scramble to finish every. it was not fun. but night 2 went a lot better. and etc, etc. now i'm good friends with it.
I don't know about other Tl but I feel like with all of the changes going on they have also changed the am out of time it takes to set a pog. Feel like the Stationary transition should have been way more hours then it is with all the moves and all of the unsorted transition (8 pallets) push we have. An next 2 weeks is Housewares and electronics. Will go into this with carryover pogs again. Feeling defeted. We use to never have to carryover pogs. An I have the dream team. Very hard workers. Just can't figure out what's happening.
I feel in the same boat targetgirl07. Last year we ended #1 in the group for transitions set ontime. Never late, and quite often working ahead. I feel I have the best team in the business as well. So far this year I have not gotten a week done 100%. And there is no time to go back and fix things that were not right the first time. I am having to send up mysupports for wrong footages, missing fixtures etc etc daily, but then I don't have time to go back and fix those things when such problems have been resolved. On top of that I'm supposed to take on the Pricing team? YEAH RIGHT! We are working hard, and it feels like nothing is being accomplished.
it is truly beginning to feel hopeless being on plano these days with all the stuff they expect us to do. we finished cosmetics but didn't get office finished. how in the world did they expect us to finish transcend and dropping office in and other things in this week. something is seriously wrong and broken at corporate. and im supposed to take over pricing as well. omg hellllp!!!
we just have savor spot tom. we finished stationary today. any store going overnight for the electronics set?
I had to spend an additional 15 hours over forecast to complete the stationary set. Luckily we got it done yesterday because I stacked team members earlier in the week and less for the second half of the week for the other transitions. I took over pricing about a year and a half go at my store... luckily thats been extremely light compared to what weve seen earlier in the year. We do not have transcend until April. For electronics in 2 weeks we are going to 4am, switching from 7am as we are ULV.
i think most stores are in the same boat. it seems like my stl has finally figured out that we cant get the work done with only half the amount of hours. we got really close last week and this week though
We are going overnight for Electronics as well with only 5tm. Should be intresting. We also were # 1 year to date at the end of the year. An I to have no time to go back an fix mistakes.
I don't know what's going on with the hours either. I always used to be 2 days ahead. I'm a ULV. Now we can barely finish the week up. It really upsets me. Are any of you guys doing the new 4x4 walks? 1 hour a day per person (including Plano, pricing , and signing) my team loses at least 40 hours a week on these walks. I just went to another store for support help on the transcend cosmetic set. It was a nightmare. Poor planning. My stores set date is April 20. At least I got to learn what not to do.
I don't know what's going on with the hours either. I always used to be 2 days ahead. I'm a ULV. Now we can barely finish the week up. It really upsets me. Are any of you guys doing the new 4x4 walks? 1 hour a day per person (including Plano, pricing , and signing) my team loses at least 40 hours a week on these walks. I just went to another store for support help on the transcend cosmetic set. It was a nightmare. Poor planning. My stores set date is April 20. At least I got to learn what not to do.

luckily we don't do the 4x4s on our level (pog). however, wtf are they? like, i keep having everyone coming to me about the crap that they need ordered, found, or magically smelted from the hills, from them (oh, you finally realized your brand was off for the first time in five years TL? good job.) like, i get its a brand thing where you are supposed to note everything wrong in a given area, but where does 4x4 come from? is it 4 four foot sections? it just didn't make sense to me.

transcend this week. worried about it. i'm the only one who's read the transition manual, which is always fun. we will see. still don't have enough bodies to fill the hours, so it will be interesting.
Just wait until POG gets salesplans. The salesfloor gets little to no hours for salesplans as it is. They just have to work it into their daily routine. I asked one of the ETLs where the set hours were going to come from for POG and salesplans. I did not get an answer.

5-6 weeks ago when salesfloor had 150+ salesplans and softlines had 4 adjacencies, the hours were the same as this week with 50 salesplans and 1 adjacency. When HL has an opener, and a mid from 10-730, same with SL, and one in Market, there are no hours to take from the salesfloor to give to plano.
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the 4x4 walks are done by etls at my store... i do my PPA's though I walk every pog and fill them out. im behind though have a nice stack on my desk waiting. I think our store is going to get sp's but I also think they are going to schedule the TL's under presentation to get them done, So use my hours but them to do it.
they decided to drop spl under pog earlier in the month, so everybody is like "its planos problem now" same with softline tables. then they bitch like why arent you done..uh well no hours and more work load....hmmm.
the 4x4 walks are done by etls at my store... i do my PPA's though I walk every pog and fill them out. im behind though have a nice stack on my desk waiting. I think our store is going to get sp's but I also think they are going to schedule the TL's under presentation to get them done, So use my hours but them to do it.

You might want to read the 2/27 MyNews linked on the main page of workbench. PPAs are no longer required and all old ones are no longer needed and are to be tossed.
the 4x4 walks are done by etls at my store... i do my PPA's though I walk every pog and fill them out. im behind though have a nice stack on my desk waiting. I think our store is going to get sp's but I also think they are going to schedule the TL's under presentation to get them done, So use my hours but them to do it.

You might want to read the 2/27 MyNews linked on the main page of workbench. PPAs are no longer required and all old ones are no longer needed and are to be tossed.

NOOOOOOO. How are they going to find all the massive screw ups plano does and hold them accountable?

I love my PPA Follow Up form - it's the only way I can keep track of what has been ordered/not ordered, and follow up on it. Otherwise, I have ETLs and TLs breathing down my neck about whether something has been ordered or not. I do keep a copy of all orders in a binder on my TL's desk.
the 4x4 walks are done by etls at my store... i do my PPA's though I walk every pog and fill them out. im behind though have a nice stack on my desk waiting. I think our store is going to get sp's but I also think they are going to schedule the TL's under presentation to get them done, So use my hours but them to do it.

You might want to read the 2/27 MyNews linked on the main page of workbench. PPAs are no longer required and all old ones are no longer needed and are to be tossed.

NOOOOOOO. How are they going to find all the massive screw ups plano does and hold them accountable?

I love my PPA Follow Up form - it's the only way I can keep track of what has been ordered/not ordered, and follow up on it. Otherwise, I have ETLs and TLs breathing down my neck about whether something has been ordered or not. I do keep a copy of all orders in a binder on my TL's desk.
My plano TL and I just use the actual planogram and check them real quick. We circle the things that are missing and then order them at the end of the week
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