Archived The Big & Dandy Plano thread!

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As long as people can push the product it doesn't really matter.
Mine's "wrong" and i would probably be super annoyed if one of my team members challenged it. It's been set the same way for over a year (and my last etl-logistics never said anything about it and she had tons of target experience).
Just saying...

Anyone have a really challenging week this week? I feel like the hours from when we forecasted to the actual week were higher.
How many hours did you all get to set Star Wars?

I got 40 total hours for Star Wars. I decided to use 32 for POG TM's and 8 for my signing TM. We were able to get it all done but I also had most of the product de-trashed and ready to push before we came in to set it overnight.

We did struggle this week though. I ended up leaving 1 revision and 2 POG's not done. The 2 POG's we didn't finish were going in an aisle full of clearance so it isn't that bad I guess. I just felt behind all week and we worked on Sunday which we never do.
I got 40 total hours for Star Wars. I decided to use 32 for POG TM's and 8 for my signing TM. We were able to get it all done but I also had most of the product de-trashed and ready to push before we came in to set it overnight.

We did struggle this week though. I ended up leaving 1 revision and 2 POG's not done. The 2 POG's we didn't finish were going in an aisle full of clearance so it isn't that bad I guess. I just felt behind all week and we worked on Sunday which we never do.
We needed 24 for star wars. We got no additional hours. Overnight was pulled out of what we were scheduled. Which left a couple gaps Friday.

I've got revisions left from weeks ago. One tm is new, slow and just not getting it. And calls out all the time. We are hiring one more Plano and one more pricing, but we get one super bad one for every good one we hire.
FDEL? Is that a new fill group? Frozen deli or freezer deli? I know DELI is a fill group even though it shouldn't be because deli, bakery, and produce should not be located. Never.
Why not on deli?

Produce and bakery I'm slightly inclined to agree on, but having bake located makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to fill the floor.
FDEL? Is that a new fill group? Frozen deli or freezer deli? I know DELI is a fill group even though it shouldn't be because deli, bakery, and produce should not be located. Never.
Not best practice. And as an lv store it would be a nightmare to not locate stuff.
Deli, produce, and bakery shouldn't be located and pulled by backroom team members because it's busy work. We shouldn't be touching anything that deals with the bakery, produce, or deli. There is already enough work for backroom team members. Deli, produce, and bakery should not be located. Items in produce, bakery, and deli should have a "take what you need" approach. That means nothing is backstocked and if a produce, bakery, or deli team members from their coolers/freezers, they go into said coolers and freezers and physically pick up the item and it take to the floor. No PDA/my device should be involved.
Deli, produce, and bakery shouldn't be located and pulled by backroom team members because it's busy work. We shouldn't be touching anything that deals with the bakery, produce, or deli. There is already enough work for backroom team members. Deli, produce, and bakery should not be located. Items in produce, bakery, and deli should have a "take what you need" approach. That means nothing is backstocked and if a produce, bakery, or deli team members from their coolers/freezers, they go into said coolers and freezers and physically pick up the item and it take to the floor. No PDA/my device should be involved.
I feel like you're talking super. I'm talking pfresh and if those batches aren't showing up regular it would be a bad thing.
I feel like you're talking super. I'm talking pfresh and if those batches aren't showing up regular it would be a bad thing.

This. We have enough trouble keeping the bananas full because they're not located. There's barely enough time to push the CAFs as it is.
Was there an execution guide for project plaid? Didn't see one on workbench
There was some stuff in the one playbook, the first week Sept that included star wars. Haven't looked much since then. Hopefully I can get it all done Friday.
Deli, produce, and bakery shouldn't be located and pulled by backroom team members because it's busy work. We shouldn't be touching anything that deals with the bakery, produce, or deli. There is already enough work for backroom team members. Deli, produce, and bakery should not be located. Items in produce, bakery, and deli should have a "take what you need" approach. That means nothing is backstocked and if a produce, bakery, or deli team members from their coolers/freezers, they go into said coolers and freezers and physically pick up the item and it take to the floor. No PDA/my device should be involved.

You do realize it probably cuts into more payroll for market to have to physically go out and write down everything they need and then grab it right? Not like it matters to my backroom they pull it and then dont have to touch it again for backstock

Im at a lower volume pfresh store and we have always had everything in pfresh stoed in. Also helps with research if it is actually backstocked.

And I just thought of another thing. If plano is doing anything they might need to have it showing in the back to pull out. The bakery transition that we just had comes to mind. Although my store is awesome and just puts transition on a sep vehicle so plano doesnt even need to pull most of the new product or the product that will be setting 🙂
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Soon to be new Signing Specialist, wondering any tips/tricks you guys can through my way to make yours+my Life easier.
Soon to be new Signing Specialist, wondering any tips/tricks you guys can through my way to make yours+my Life easier.

Very cool, welcome to the club.
I know it's a long ass thread but the Signing thread has a number of times when folks have been in your shoes and asked for suggestions.
There is a lot of good info there including part numbers and ways to set up your fixture room.

MEGATHREAD - Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of dispair) | The Break Room
I had posted this on the signing thread tried some of their suggestions with no luck so I thought I would try here. At first I thought maybe it was a wrong part someone had used because it had worked real nice. But I was in another store yesterday and they had them (and a bunch of them I have 2 not nearly enough). There is no part number on it. Sap and anything I look up in a SOFTLINES manual including the new manual that just came out (which has an old pic and part #) is completely unhelpful. Perhaps one of you has one with a number on it or one still in a box with a number or knows where I can find it. I am at a loss. I am relatively new to signing but I've been pog for 8 years & a pretty good investigator. But this one has me stumped. Have looked in all the downloadable manuals.
I need the part number for the white baby gate divider. Thanks for your help! image.jpeg
I had posted this on the signing thread tried some of their suggestions with no luck so I thought I would try here. At first I thought maybe it was a wrong part someone had used because it had worked real nice. But I was in another store yesterday and they had them (and a bunch of them I have 2 not nearly enough). There is no part number on it. Sap and anything I look up in a SOFTLINES manual including the new manual that just came out (which has an old pic and part #) is completely unhelpful. Perhaps one of you has one with a number on it or one still in a box with a number or knows where I can find it. I am at a loss. I am relatively new to signing but I've been pog for 8 years & a pretty good investigator. But this one has me stumped. Have looked in all the downloadable manuals.
I need the part number for the white baby gate divider. Thanks for your help!View attachment 1658

There can be a couple of reasons for not being able to find them.
One is that they were something designed for a refit at one point and then they stopped making them because they made too much sense (or cost too much, were too hard to get, something less cynical like that).
Two is that they were for a refit but came from a somewhere else originally, some maybe air filters (though they look too big) or seasonal, so the name is totally bonkers for what you would think of to look for it under.
Sorry, that I'm not being very helpful just tossing out thing I experienced doing the job.
I had posted this on the signing thread tried some of their suggestions with no luck so I thought I would try here. At first I thought maybe it was a wrong part someone had used because it had worked real nice. But I was in another store yesterday and they had them (and a bunch of them I have 2 not nearly enough). There is no part number on it. Sap and anything I look up in a SOFTLINES manual including the new manual that just came out (which has an old pic and part #) is completely unhelpful. Perhaps one of you has one with a number on it or one still in a box with a number or knows where I can find it. I am at a loss. I am relatively new to signing but I've been pog for 8 years & a pretty good investigator. But this one has me stumped. Have looked in all the downloadable manuals.
I need the part number for the white baby gate divider. Thanks for your help!View attachment 1658
I'll have to check if those are the same as mine...check the tradition guide and new pogs. I know there are changes in infant hardline coming up that might list a new part number.
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