I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

ok thanks I have an ingrown toe nail from cart attenting most of last week even though im a cashier.

You may want to consider getting new shoes. Wearing the wrong shoes can mess up your feet, especially if you're cart attending and you're constantly walking.
You can use them upto your average hours scheduled. A lot of my store does that to supplement their checks during big cuts with payroll.
It depends on your state, I have put in for days off in max for doctors appts. (put in comments doctor appt) then filled out paper sick form for that day.
I've used them to fill in for weeks when they cut my hours.
There was never a problem.
I will be leaving Target voluntarily, but was wondering what happens to my Vacation, PH, and Sick hours I have accumulated over the years? I have almost 100 combined between the 3 and was wondering if I needed to take action now to ensure I could cash in on those hours or will they be paid to me in my last paycheck? I am in California (if that matters). Thanks!
put in request to use your sick, ph pay or you'll lose it.
you should get your vacation paid out to you (although in some states it's not legally required), timeline will depend on your state laws.
My next question would be: I only have a few weeks left before my last day, can I use my PH or sick pay to reach my max average hours those weeks or can that only be done with vacation pay? I have only done it with vacation pay in the past.
Is it better to go into work sick, looking like crap and do a half-ass job, and potentially get sent home, than to just call in sick in the first place?

I'm supposed to close tonight and I have no idea what's wrong with me. Yesterday afternoon I just got a sore throat, fatigue, terrible runny nose, swollen eyes and sneezing. It could be a sinus infection and it could be a cold, I really don't know. I just know I feel like crap and probably look like it too.

Should I just go in and try to tough it out, and risk getting other people sick? I'm not really sure how target feels about coming in sick.
My first response as a coworker is stay home and don't give it to me.
Second response is as a guest (especially if you work in any of the food departments) really stay the hell at home at don't give it to me or my kids.

Are you worried that they are going to give you a rough time for calling out?
Only if you do it on a regular basis and don't give follow the rules (call out two hours before your shift).
Are you in a bind and need the money or have you not worked your 90 days and worried about not getting kept on?
I don't know what to tell you there.
I still think you should stay home and get better.
Take a bunch of Vitamin C and some serious decongestants, drink lots of fluids.
My first response as a coworker is stay home and don't give it to me.
Second response is as a guest (especially if you work in any of the food departments) really stay the hell at home at don't give it to me or my kids.

Are you worried that they are going to give you a rough time for calling out?
Only if you do it on a regular basis and don't give follow the rules (call out two hours before your shift).
Are you in a bind and need the money or have you not worked your 90 days and worried about not getting kept on?
I don't know what to tell you there.
I still think you should stay home and get better.
Take a bunch of Vitamin C and some serious decongestants, drink lots of fluids.
I'm in electronics(which is also toys and baby stuff in our store) so I would be around kids too. I'm a parent and my view is the same thing.
I'm past my 90 days but I'm still worried about getting chewed out. I'm also worried because I am scheduled on Saturday too as a cashier and through the rest of the weekend and I'd hate to call out today and then show up tomorrow like everything is fine (which it won't be because I typically stay sick for at least 3-4 days)
The only official thing I've read about coming in sick was a paper that we had to sign at our store a while back. I said that if you were vomiting, had diarrhea, or had a fever, then you will not come in. Honestly, I think it was just a CYA measure after having a terrible flu season.
If its highly contagious then don't come in especially if its Food Ave. Flu, strep, severe cold, stomach flu.... If its a simple bug (sinus infection/cold/light stomach bug/sniffles/allergies), then its up to you to work or not.

Most of time I worked with sinus infections and colds.
While i'll hate dealing with call outs and picking up the slack, If you're sick, I'd stay home. I hate being around sick coworkers, makes me all worried I'll get it. Everyone gets sick, so don't worry. Just call out 2 hours or more before your shift.
In orientation, we were told not to come in if there was vomiting or diarrhea. I go in with like little colds/sinus-allergy problems. Those snot-nosed kids are the ones making everyone sick lol. I'm an awful person, but I've never been that sick. Most of the time I am sick, it's an allergy thing, though, so that's not even contagious.
I just don't know if I'm contagious or not.
I called in today for my Electronics shift but I have a cashier shift opening so IDK what I'm going to do about that. I'm just going go in and tell them I'm sick and see what they do with me. I know I personally wouldn't want to go through a line with a sniffly snotty cashier 😛
Pleaaaase try to give lots of notice when calling in as an open cashier, if you do that. It's a pain in the but to have the only opening cashier call in with no time to tine a replacement.

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