I'm Lost! The Call In/Sick/Late/NCNS/Attendance Thread

I don’t really see anything about lack of ADA accommodations in this. I see an employee who got sick several times and either called out or went home early. An employee who didn’t like their lack of training (who doesn’t???) and didn’t want to work scheduled shifts. An employee who lost keys 3 (!!!) times. An employee who forgot to give a guest their merchandise. All during their 90 days. Doesn’t bode well.
@Anelmi Read the post again. Limitation of work hours due to medical issues, depression and anxiety causing at least one tardy, anxiety affecting ability to close or open because lack of training is causing enough stress to trigger the anxiety symptoms. The only two things I see that isn't mental health related is the food poisoning and possibly the loss of keys, though that may also be part of the mental illnesses as depression destroys memory and stress is going to make both conditions worse.

Edit: I found one of the court cases I heard about regarding mental illness and attendance.
Humphrey Decision
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But OP also thought maybe they mentioned their limitations, maybe not. And if you have those limitations, I'm fairly sure Target would want some sort of documentation prior to orientation. Not I want to only work 25 hours because I have bad knees.
Sorry, but the odds are stacked against you.

That's what I figured

All this back and forth between TL and HR, I don't get it. You likely have to go up the chain because you said at the interview you need ADA accommodations and your ADA accommodations are being ignored. You likely will need paperwork from your doctor to support your accommodations, but by law you don't even have to be receiving treatment to be covered by the ADA. If they do let you go, they will have to be damned careful in how they word it because any whiff that it was due to ignored accommodations (like schedule limitation) and you could have the EEOC crawling up their backside. There were actually a few cases about attendance issues caused by mental illness and the courts supported the employee.

I personally would try going to the ETL that's over the TL and say that you need assistance talking to TL and HR about the ADA accommodations you requested and were agreed to during the interview as well as reiterated during your time there. After that....folks, would ignoring ADA accommodations be a hot line issue? I would think so but I've never had to go that far.

I didn't ask for Ada or anything like that, but was super clear that I didn't want more than 25 hours a week because I have joint problems (even 25 is pushing it :/) and I did work the 30 hours I was scheduled but I was laid out in bed for a day or 2 after.

When I talked to my TL, He said that HR isn't really in charge of the schedule for electronics and because he had been sick someone else had done the scheduling and I shouldn't have been put in that position. Tbh I'm not really sure how anything gets done at this store. However my schedule is now at hours I can work thanks to my TL, so I don't really think that I should go over his head. He's been great trying to accommodate me.

I don’t really see anything about lack of ADA accommodations in this. I see an employee who got sick several times and either called out or went home early. An employee who didn’t like their lack of training (who doesn’t???) and didn’t want to work scheduled shifts. An employee who lost keys 3 (!!!) times. An employee who forgot to give a guest their merchandise. All during their 90 days. Doesn’t bode well.

I can't really do anything about food poisoning my dude. It Had nothing to do with not wanting to work my scheduled shifts, but I can see why it looks that way. And i did work them to the best of my ability despite telling my TL that I couldn't work them at all.

But do you really expect someone who has worked for the company a total of 16 hours to close an entire department by themselves? Or open?

And i agree, losing keys is bad but it's never been for more than a few minutes until yesterday.

I honestly don't EXPECT them to keep me past seasonal (my record is atrocious), but I was curious if this kinda thing happened often.
@Anelmi Read the post again. Limitation of work hours due to medical issues, depression and anxiety causing at least one tardy, anxiety affecting ability to close or open because lack of training is causing enough stress to trigger the anxiety symptoms. The only two things I see that isn't mental health related is the food poisoning and possibly the loss of keys, though that may also be part of the mental illnesses as depression destroys memory and stress is going to make both conditions worse.

Edit: I found one of the court cases I heard about regarding mental illness and attendance.
Humphrey Decision

Thanks dude. I'll deff look into it and losing keys is deff part of my ADD (also doctor diagnosed) as hard as I try and control it.

Plus like that's just the work stress, nevermind it's the holidays and my mom's accident and other personal stressors. Lmao my brain is fucked.

Thanks again for your info.

But OP also thought maybe they mentioned their limitations, maybe not. And if you have those limitations, I'm fairly sure Target would want some sort of documentation prior to orientation. Not I want to only work 25 hours because I have bad knees.

I deff mentioned my limitations before and during the interview. I wrote it on the paper during orientation, but I doubt they looked at that. They never asked for documentation.

I did just go to the doctor though and I have a note about it (we'll see if I need surgery in a few months I guess, doctors :eyeroll: )

Plus is it really that hard to give me a chair? To let me sit for 10 seconds so my knee doesn't lock up? Or to schedule me for 25 hours tops?

All of the application stuff asks can you do this job with or without accommodations, and yes, with some small accommodations I'm great at this job.

However I am seasonal and I think my offences are too egregious for them to really consider keeping me.
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Hey y’all,

So I have a weird situation here. I’m one of the people goes on Educational LOA and comes back for Christmas and sometimes the summer. Anyways, this time around I’ve caught a snag. I understand NCNS/call out policies vary from store to store but hopefully someone can help. I turned in my LOA form for the end of the Christmas season as Jan 6, 2019. Turns out, I got scheduled for today (Jan 9) and Friday (Jan 11). My store called while I was taking the GRE but checked once I saw the missed call and the voicemail. I would go to my Friday shift but I’m already 100+ miles away so I’ll have to call out. But for the NCNS for today, will anything happen? There’s a paper trail, my LOA has already gone through, and my HR TMs and HR ETL are pretty flexible and understand stuff like this happens.

I started at Target earlier this month and some things were never gone over. With the extreme cold temperatures coming this week in my area (-25 temps with wind chill around -55), what do I do if my car won't start and I can't make it in? All I have is the store number that I could call, but that won't do much good if I start at 6am
Yeah, keep calling until you get someone. I'm sure you won't be the only one in that particular boat this week. I'm hoping not to be in that boat myself. My van's battery is 6 years old. It's not had any issues yet, but -30 standing temperature is quite a different animal, and we have a detached, unheated garage.
When you call before the store opens press 0 otherwise the automated system will just be like “we’re closed, goodbye” and hang up on you lol before I knew to do that I was having to call out for my 8am shifts at 8am
When you call before the store opens press 0 otherwise the automated system will just be like “we’re closed, goodbye” and hang up on you lol before I knew to do that I was having to call out for my 8am shifts at 8am
Now it’s press 9 I believe.
Quick nervous vent: I’m gonna talk to my TL tomorrow about my absences and see if I can get my upcoming time off for appointments approved because they will be posting the schedule on Wednesday and I have an appointment on the new schedule for an ultrasound. I’m nervous though because I haven’t been openly discussing my medical issues until very very recently, and especially not to my direct TL (because I almost never work with him when these things happen so I end up talking to other leads) but mostly to peers who I am close friends with. I have the documentation though so that’s why I’ve waited so long, I think. I haven’t missed a lot of work. I’ve never been late since my rehire, but have had a day in December and this last week where I was so sick that I had to call in, but it is something that is continuing and may possibly result in surgery. Anyway, I’m a bit nervous and don’t want to bug my friends with this, so I’m typing it out here. I work dayside tomorrow and it sucks when I’m a lot of pain because lately they’ve been unknowingly throwing me in fast-paced zones to cover call-outs, and I’m trying to keep up. I love being able to help out, but I really need to take care of what’s going on without making things worse for myself which may make me need actual time off work instead of just swapped shifts.
Why haven't you talked to someone already? If it's serious enough to need an ultrasound and possible surgery and you are being assigned to duties that are making your condition worse and causing you physical pain then you should have talked to someone a long, long time ago. I mean, seriously, work accommodations, maybe even FMLA.
Yeah, keep calling until you get someone. I'm sure you won't be the only one in that particular boat this week. I'm hoping not to be in that boat myself. My van's battery is 6 years old. It's not had any issues yet, but -30 standing temperature is quite a different animal, and we have a detached, unheated garage.
Thank you!!
I called out because I needed a mental health day but said I was sick. First call out in all my years being here and people lost their minds, kept asking my friend if I was okay and asked me what happened when I came back. I did it on a Sunday so that might be why.

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