Corporate The CEO, Executives and Shareholder’s Profit (that’s all that matters, right?)

May 16, 2020
Welcome to America! Land of the free market, and home of the rich shareholders, executives and CEOs who keep getting richer.

When you see the company profits, that $500 bonus that went straight to paying a car payment that was 3 months late or rent or anything else that keeps increasing in price — it’s disappointing at the moment for some I imagine..

I invest so much of myself. More than I should and then have to spend all the vacation time I earned on filling in the time I need to keep my average hours up. Because I desperately need medical insurance and since Obamacare made private insurance too expensive for employers, I have to work 4 hour shifts split amongst part-time employees now that cooperate pulls back on giving payroll for months as they do each year.

The rich Uppers Divvy out payroll numbers that will maximize their salaries and show favorable to the shareholders; and the uninsured, part-time, poor scramble to get heavy workloads somewhat (but never really) complete for angry, frustrated leaders who are rethinking their lives every time they are called for on the walkie.
(and having to hear how miserable they ALL sound is enough to kill morale as if their aren’t an abundance of reasons why the culture is getting worse by the day)

We all just want to have purpose don’t we? I want to go to work and be effective at whatever it is I do. If I, as a high performing, (and usually) self-motivated, self-sufficient team member feel so worthless, how the hell do you expect the lazy, entitled morons I’m ashamed to call the majority of my generation to unload your relentless freights in 4 hours with a budget that only gives us 3 inbound team members.
Yes, the company gives a model of processes, but doesn’t give the resources to do it. So you have to take hours from every work center just so you can get the first task of the day complete. Really makes for a successful day.

Does it ever get better?
how long have you been with the company? the only way i think to participate with the big boys is to open up 401k and their retirement on hewitt and make sure they match it. ive been with them for about 10 years and accumulated quite a lot already. if u dont have a gameplan at the moment and you plan on sticking around, i suggest doing this. so even if u quit, u can cash this out as a safety net before u look for another job. somethin to think about.
Is your availability wide open? Do you try to pick up shifts. With spot you have to work hard to get the hours you need. Don't call out (unless you have covid of course). When you are there, work hard.
Target seems to have become greedier during the pandemic. I think the shareholders are positively engorged and can longer be sated. I swear it was not like this 18 months ago when I started.
I wouldn't say they have become greedier (its always all about the money, honey) but businesses across the globe have had to rethink things. Sure Target has weathered this storm much better than most, but I'm sure there have been areas of the business that have suffered and there are no guarantees.

I've been in retail for decades, so nothing surprises me. Payroll is the biggest expense for any company, and it's where they trim the fat first, always.
You know, Target didn't have to give out any bonuses of any amount to regular TMs. They didn't have to give us hazard pay or bump to the $15 earlier than planned. Of course, it could always be better. But complaining about something being given to you that you had no reason to expect is really looking a gift horse in the mouth.
And considering that a whole lot of people are still without any job at all? Even with all the jerk guests who don't wear their masks properly, I'm feeling fortunate that I've had a job the whole time and have been able to keep up with my bills.
Don't like it? Go work somewhere else. Someone who's out of a job and struggling will step right up to take the job you don't want.
Or, do like I did when I had a horrible TM and jobs that fit my schedule weren't falling into my lap: suck it up and get through until things got better.
Target loves profits and good publicity that makes the guests think that Spot treats its team members right, or at least better than their competitors do, so that they shop there, and same thing regarding hiring, they have to offer competitive pay to attract applicants. It’s like the retail equivalent of keeping up with the Joneses, if one retailer gives something, the others need to follow suit. It’s great that Spot gave bonuses and hazard pay, but it’s not out of altruism, they squeezed every possible ounce of good publicity out of both, and bonuses are less costly in the long run than continuing hazard pay. Didn’t see all these press releases when Spot cut benefits and hours that kept many from qualifying for them a few years ago. Just saying.
Welcome to America! Land of the free market, and home of the rich shareholders, executives and CEOs who keep getting richer.

When you see the company profits, that $500 bonus that went straight to paying a car payment that was 3 months late or rent or anything else that keeps increasing in price — it’s disappointing at the moment for some I imagine..

I invest so much of myself. More than I should and then have to spend all the vacation time I earned on filling in the time I need to keep my average hours up. Because I desperately need medical insurance and since Obamacare made private insurance too expensive for employers, I have to work 4 hour shifts split amongst part-time employees now that cooperate pulls back on giving payroll for months as they do each year.

The rich Uppers Divvy out payroll numbers that will maximize their salaries and show favorable to the shareholders; and the uninsured, part-time, poor scramble to get heavy workloads somewhat (but never really) complete for angry, frustrated leaders who are rethinking their lives every time they are called for on the walkie.
(and having to hear how miserable they ALL sound is enough to kill morale as if their aren’t an abundance of reasons why the culture is getting worse by the day)

We all just want to have purpose don’t we? I want to go to work and be effective at whatever it is I do. If I, as a high performing, (and usually) self-motivated, self-sufficient team member feel so worthless, how the hell do you expect the lazy, entitled morons I’m ashamed to call the majority of my generation to unload your relentless freights in 4 hours with a budget that only gives us 3 inbound team members.
Yes, the company gives a model of processes, but doesn’t give the resources to do it. So you have to take hours from every work center just so you can get the first task of the day complete. Really makes for a successful day.

Does it ever get better?
Obamacare didn’t “make insurance too expensive for employers”. I don’t know what you meant by that. I’m on private insurance through Obamacare. Insurance companies raise prices every year as usual but it’s gone up less than it would’ve if Obamacare didn’t exist and the companies are required to cover more preventative care. I am in the same lane as you as far your described work ethic and sympathize with your situation. It is a shame we have to use our vacation hours to fill in hours we didn’t get for a particular week or weeks, while the entire corporate team gets raises in the tens of thousands or millions each year.
Is your availability wide open? Do you try to pick up shifts. With spot you have to work hard to get the hours you need. Don't call out (unless you have covid of course). When you are there, work hard.
None of that actually matters. All the team leaders care about is doing what their leaders tell them so they can cover their own jobs. They’ll cut anyone’s hours no matter if you’re one of the most productive team members, who never calls out.
Honestly, I remember getting hired by target in 2009, when starting pay was $7.50/hr and when I promoted to GSTL, it was $10.50....things have improved pretty dramatically in the last decade. But even in 2009, there were no hours lol so, you have to make yourself as indispensable, even if the nature of retail is otherwise. I’ve worked almost every position and very shift possible, from splits to supports to overnights. Though, I would say 401k based on the data, personally, is a bit of joke IMO for most lower income earners, but that’s not on Target as it’s an industry standard and the match is good. It can’t hurt but I guess it depends on how long you want to live, what level of expenditures, and how the market performs.

Unlike Walmart, I never got the impression on trying to prevent people from getting enough hours for benefits. Sometimes, you’re at a ULV and it’s a struggle. Or your schedule and business needs don’t mesh.
None of that actually matters. All the team leaders care about is doing what their leaders tell them so they can cover their own jobs. They’ll cut anyone’s hours no matter if you’re one of the most productive team members, who never calls out.
As a TL we have very little control over the schedule usually. We have no control over hours. What you are saying isnt 100% true though. Stores only get so many hours and thats that. Doesnt matter how good or bad you are theyll spread it around. However you bet the people we call in or ask to stay first are the ones who deserve the hours and are actually going to use the hours to get stuff done. If you call out, show up late, take long breaks, or just simply dont do work while your there im not asking ypu to stay no matter how far behind we are.

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