Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

I am jealous. Our store is failing re: toys.

We're just lucky in that regard. We share a parking lot with a defunct Toys 'r Us that was larger than our entire store. We get visitors every couple of days the last two weeks, both announced and unnacounnced, checking up on our toy shelves. Toys are the only thing keeping us good on sales. Leadership takes the department seriously right now. We even have ETLs helping stock our shelves. They suck at it. Too slow. Too chatty. Too prone to mistakes. But, whatever. Help is help. There are only 3 regular toys TMs and one regular inbounds TM to support us. At least we have the support we need to stay afloat now. Mind you, this was not the case a couple of weeks ago when I was the only person being scheduled in toys from open to late afternoon on Sundays. Sundays in Q4 one person in toys! Da fuq? Nope, nothing got done. Shelves went unstocked from the Saturday human sea in toys. We couldn't catch up on Saturdays because Sundays were a human sea too. Then corporate started showing up and noticed the empty shelves. Fortunately, my SrTL had my back and didn't throw me under the bus. She told them nothing could possibly get done in toys without more help and that it was pointless to even have one person try.
🎶 Oh, payroll this month is frightful
But my hours are so delightful
And since they can’t let me go
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰

🎶 Man, it doesn’t show signs of stopping
And I’m stocking while guests are shopping
But my walkie’s turned way down low
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰

🎶 And the company is slowly dying
And all the ETLs are crying
But as long as you pay me so
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰🎶
🎶 Oh, payroll this month is frightful
But my hours are so delightful
And since they can’t let me go
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰

🎶 Man, it doesn’t show signs of stopping
And I’m stocking while guests are shopping
But my walkie’s turned way down low
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰

🎶 And the company is slowly dying
And all the ETLs are crying
But as long as you pay me so
Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow! 💰🎶
The Grammy for parody goes to Can't touch this
backroom guy took out 5 pallets of toys last night at 10 to midnight and bowled all that shit in each aisle, so as the pallets don't go back to the backroom !!

Thanks corporate for staying open an hour longer, so we can get 5 pallets of toys bowled out.

so hopefully today they have to push toys, lol i was laughing the whole entire time he was doing it !!
Backroom said we had 70 Lol dolls in 6 locations today, not a single one found 🙄

Store is falling apart!!!

Its sad when a guest asked for something from the back and you have to tell them its out of stock because its going to take atleast 2hrs to clear enough space to get into the backroom aisle and the guest is just going to lose interest and go tell the Lod that you abandoned them and went to hide in the back even though you were risking your life climbing over shit to get them there stupid toy
Lol. That’s back over in softlines which I usually don’t even mess w but we had to backstock above it bc we ran out of room for all the seasonal/DEMS/toys. I guess softlines don’t use many wacos? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Lol, we do at mine. We're running out of room, even though I'm sure there's a ton of overstock on the floor. But there's probably also a lot of d-code in the back.
Its sad when a guest asked for something from the back and you have to tell them its out of stock because its going to take atleast 2hrs to clear enough space to get into the backroom aisle and the guest is just going to lose interest and go tell the Lod that you abandoned them and went to hide in the back even though you were risking your life climbing over shit to get them there stupid toy
Better than the way being completely clear, but it's on a high shelf, and you're not wave trained, and you don't have a walkie, and the first person to walk by with wave training is the PMT who understands advanced electrical circuits but can't figure out how to use the Zebra even after you explained it to him. And the guest still thinksyou abandoned them.
My pmt can use a zebra and well do opu if theres alot and he can spare some time
I'm not saying one couldn't, I'm saying that mine isn't particularly good with them, at least not with myWork. Whatever he did, I couldn't figure out either, so we had to find a backroom TM to fix it. Not putting him down, he's a treasure.
Just quoting here to say thanks for the laugh. Our ETL-Log is able to do a good job at it, but the others are as you say. Always find myself saying under my breath that I wish they'd shut up and just move the boxes along.
Our ETLs have usually been good at it (except my first ETL-log) but not our current STL, not even when she was ETL.
It has begun. Two weeks out and I'm at 16hours 🤣

I ain't mad, though. I knew I'd have to pay for my 4th quarter sins at some point. I nearly hit 60 hours last week and I was prancing around the store with a goofy smile because I thought I was slick. I'm one of those people who rarely smile, so when I do my co-workers get creeped out because it's not a happy smile, it's a "This place is a joke," smile. Kind of douchebagy and arrogant. Actually, it's more of a leer mixed with a s*** eating grin.


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It's almost fucking over with fam I can't wait

Well akshully it wasn’t that bad (IN SPITE OF modernization) and I low key don’t really want it to be over because I’m still jonesing for that extra bread

For example I’m back to 6am shifts starting tomorrow but I decided that I like 4am better so I asked for that to be our regular start time but they were like lmao nope get rekt. These precious few months of schmoney are too fleeting, fam.
Christmas Eve truck didn't show up until six hours after unload is supposed to start. Truck TL basically said fuck it, we're unloading it on Wed. instead. They've been getting people to leave and come back for all the other days the truck didn't show up on time, but I think TL knew nobody was going to leave and come back on Christmas Eve.
Q4 2018: a year in review

Welp it’s safe to say that 2018 wasn’t anything to write home about. I have mixed feelings overall. In some ways it was better than last year, in many other ways it was shat upon by all previous years going all the way back to 1962.

This year we:

- said our heart wrenching goodbyes as the trash cages (RIP) were loaded up and swept off into the outer darkness

- watched in silent horror as dozens of new uboats were unloaded from trailers

- endured many sad departures and welcomed many long overdue ones

- clocked in early and clocked out late (or, if you’re on flow, clocked in late and clocked out early)

- got really fucking sick of school supplies, Trim-A-Tree and Funko Pops

- saw many a TM escorted from the store by the popo

- tried and failed to make sense of many many planograms, extensive analysis proving futile

- got a competent STL with a low-key sense of humor, narrowly avoided getting the other asshole from a different store in the district. Met that other guy once...think “Hipster Hitler”

- overspent by 9000 hours but made it up in sales. I am legit probably one of the main recipients of said overspending, lololol

- somehow managed to not die in a backroom avalanche

Final rating: 3.2/5 (Q4 17- 1.6/5)

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