Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

I've been scheduled on non truck days to push autos for almost as long as I've been at Target. I like it. Except when there's 420 HBA eaches on a busy weekend.
We use to have 3 flow team members scheduled to come in and do the autos on non truck days. Then they started scheduling one person, usually one of the slower people, and they were only scheduled for like 4 hours or so. Now all the ETLs, pricing, Plano (if someone is there for it), beauty, electronics, and all 3 sales floor team members push them. Sometimes for shits n giggles they'll have the gstl or gsa and OPU person push as well. Consumables minds their own business until everyone has to go over there and help push. Probably the only people that don't help push is the one self checkout cashier, starbucks, Food Cafe, the backroom team member, and receiving.
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Plano, wtf? At my store they used to have other flow people scheduled but they overpushed and backstocked non-backstock and generally sucked so I've had 90% of the autofill schedules for a while now. The BRTL apparently campaigned on my behalf because he got tired of getting sent back things that he knew were push and he quickly noticed that it didn't happen when I was the only one scheduled. Sucks to suck lol
Has anyone else recently got new line rollers at their store and how did you go about getting them? Ours are absolute garbage, grimy and bent up and some of the legs are missing their casters. I know several other stores in my district got new ones this year but we haven't. We need them desperately like a person with kidney failure needs dialysis. Help?
Ahhhhhh I remember the days we scan the trucks

Those were the days

Then they decided to stop scanning.

Then they wonder why we have a lot of backstock

We didn't scan for the longest time but started doing it earlier this year. I have my doubts as to how accurate it is. Just as a test I've marked cartons that scanned as backstock with an X and then the next day when I'm scheduled to push autos (non truck day) the marked cartons will pull and mostly go to the shelf.
Has anyone else recently got new line rollers at their store and how did you go about getting them? Ours are absolute garbage, grimy and bent up and some of the legs are missing their casters. I know several other stores in my district got new ones this year but we haven't. We need them desperately like a person with kidney failure needs dialysis. Help?
It too very long time to get replacements. Every chance our flowtl would point it out to execs. saying they were becoming safety issues. The new ones had less footage not very productive during the unload until another store gave us an extra one that they had.
Has anyone else recently got new line rollers at their store and how did you go about getting them? Ours are absolute garbage, grimy and bent up and some of the legs are missing their casters. I know several other stores in my district got new ones this year but we haven't. We need them desperately like a person with kidney failure needs dialysis. Help?

You need to complain they are safety issues and that you can unload faster, it still took an STL who was willing to be an asshole and push it up the chain until he got them to spend the money. We got it cause we couldn't unload doubles without it taking ages now they can unload two trucks at the same time.. But its never going to happen unless your STL wants to do the work and get them.
You need to complain they are safety issues and that you can unload faster, it still took an STL who was willing to be an asshole and push it up the chain until he got them to spend the money. We got it cause we couldn't unload doubles without it taking ages now they can unload two trucks at the same time.. But its never going to happen unless your STL wants to do the work and get them.

Our STL is pretty new and I haven't interacted with him much but I'll definitely be running it by him. I'm just sick to death of shit flying off our line and making the unload take 45 minutes longer than it needs to.
Right now I’m trying to figure out how in the hell I can push these trucks with limited hours they give me. I have to use every TM I have and that means I, the TL, have to help bowl A&B (Chemicals, HBA, Office/Stat/Home) and Paper, push with the team, do 9 bins of overflowing trash, and then the damages.

I have to pray to Bullseye that I get no callouts.

But hey, since everyone’s getting paid $12, does that mean I can use any TM in the store to push?

Going to be fun with three 2000+ back to back
Nope. However, Our Flow TL isn't allowed to bowl Chemicals, HBA, pets and Paper, we aren't allowed to have bins anymore and flow cant even sort to block anymore properly.
This brings me to a question. How do you sort your freight? Is it by Block, location, or something else?

Where's my palletized freight?

The DC can't even get web repacks right let alone the number of things that need come in repacks that "aren't sold in this store" and they aren't even from the transfer pallets.
SMH. I want to know this too.

Has anyone else recently got new line rollers at their store and how did you go about getting them? Ours are absolute garbage, grimy and bent up and some of the legs are missing their casters. I know several other stores in my district got new ones this year but we haven't. We need them desperately like a person with kidney failure needs dialysis. Help?
Have to agree, you either need STL or DTL stumping for you to get them.
We just started breaking out HBO into tubs (like Sterlite but heavier) we have multiple metros (baker's racks) which hold the tubs. Each is numbered by valley. Once break out is done TM moves the metros to an out of the way location and takes one tub places it on a short metro and pushes it. The team members who push over there love it! Feel its more organized. As they push they use the bottom shelf for backstock.
As far as hours i asked if i could write a realistic schedule based on our average truck size (1600-1800) of course my orginal schedule got scaled back lol but my STL really worked with me to compromise. We schedule our break people longer, usually to 11 for HBO 2 and home combo 1 but they also finish stationary and back-stock if time permits. It is now is rare to add hours unless its between 2200-2500. Oh and going forward 2 people until 9 to finish SL breakout
yo it's ridiculous how much better everything goes when I have 8 hours to work with ~and~ the truck is reasonably sized. Today was 1800/220 repacks and mostly transition so the ETL-LOG kicked everybody out at 9:30 except me (well, more like they kicked themselves out, as per usual) and had me finish up the rest. I had time to push, touch up the zone, stow my backstock and make a bale. I've noticed that I basically do e2e on days like this even though we're not e2e, just something that ends up happening spontaneously. All around chill ass day today, the guests were buying stuff but content to browse and not hassle me, the ETLs looked bored and one of them ended up coming by to shoot the shit about her recent trip to Scotland. Now if I could just copy+paste today into the next 365 days that would be baller, famdango.
BRUH. Stop fucking sorting repacks just by the number marked on the label! The labels are usually wrong! You are throwing repacks that you assume are housewares on the housewares flat and then I go to push it later and oh what's this, it's actually a combo full of toys and grocery and pets! OPEN EVERY REPACK AND USE YOUR EYEBALLS. Goddamn. I waste so much time because this goofy old man is a few months away from retirement and doesn't give a shit.
BRUH. Stop fucking sorting repacks just by the number marked on the label! The labels are usually wrong! You are throwing repacks that you assume are housewares on the housewares flat and then I go to push it later and oh what's this, it's actually a combo full of toys and grocery and pets! OPEN EVERY REPACK AND USE YOUR EYEBALLS. Goddamn. I waste so much time because this goofy old man is a few months away from retirement and doesn't give a shit.
My store does exactly this. Poor guy in toys always gets all the combos.
BRUH. Stop fucking sorting repacks just by the number marked on the label! The labels are usually wrong! You are throwing repacks that you assume are housewares on the housewares flat and then I go to push it later and oh what's this, it's actually a combo full of toys and grocery and pets! OPEN EVERY REPACK AND USE YOUR EYEBALLS. Goddamn. I waste so much time because this goofy old man is a few months away from retirement and doesn't give a shit.

Opening every repack on that unload line is an unreasonable expectation. Having done hardlines breakout 5+ days a week for 6-14 trucks for two years, the numbers aren't that wrong.
We do our repack breakouts in softlines during the unload, but not actually on the line. We've got a kid at the front of the line who catches the red and black repacks and loads them on a flat, and breakout team swaps out the flat for an empty one when its full. softlines girls deal w/their own green repacks. Pull it out to softlines, break everything out into shopping carts except for housewares which has its own flat that we push from. The problem we're having is that repack team doofus assumes all the repacks marked housewares are actually housewares and doesn't open them to check, even though we have time and it's expected that we sort accurately. At the very most it would add another 10 minutes to breakout time. Getting bawled out by the ETL-LOG does nothing because doofus is twice his age and looks down on him like he's a teenager or something. Doofus is loaded so he doesn't really care if he keeps his Target job or not (which leads one to wonder why he's here to begin with).

Anywho he's been talking about retiring for a year now so he needs to go on ahead and fuck off already. Repack team really took a hit when our other guy the repack master (sorting accuracy: 100% and at top speed) got a better job and quit.
BRUH. Stop fucking sorting repacks just by the number marked on the label! The labels are usually wrong! You are throwing repacks that you assume are housewares on the housewares flat and then I go to push it later and oh what's this, it's actually a combo full of toys and grocery and pets! OPEN EVERY REPACK AND USE YOUR EYEBALLS. Goddamn. I waste so much time because this goofy old man is a few months away from retirement and doesn't give a shit.
Opening every repack on that unload line is an unreasonable expectation. Having done hardlines breakout 5+ days a week for 6-14 trucks for two years, the numbers aren't that wrong.

I would love it if they could open and check the repacks on the line. If DC would stop, for example, putting a few H&B items in a box of stationery and marking it as H&B, then I would say having the line check them would be reasonable. I always end up with at least one repack box full of stuff that doesn't go to my area. Yesterday's truck, I had three full mislabeled repacks and two boxes full of stuff in the H&B boxes that wasn't such. The other hardlines repack sorters got two mislabeled boxes that were full of H&B.

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