Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

With the new way unload is going for us, which is supposed to be a 3 hr ordeal now, I’m supposed to sort the combo packs on the line while we’re unloading. I’m also supposed to eventually sort the beauty boxes onto a cart by brand after unload. Is there anyone that already does this and has a picture of the beauty cart?
With the new way unload is going for us, which is supposed to be a 3 hr ordeal now, I’m supposed to sort the combo packs on the line while we’re unloading. I’m also supposed to eventually sort the beauty boxes onto a cart by brand after unload. Is there anyone that already does this and has a picture of the beauty cart?

We use a stainless steel metro, bought from Home Depot, I think. Use cardboard wacos and sort into them.
We use a stainless steel metro, bought from Home Depot, I think. Use cardboard wacos and sort into them.
Instead of getting a metro fron Home Depot, the ETL should've just got one from Target. Anyway we sell them, those storage shelving racks and get PMT to put casters on. See what I mean. They don't even care about their own store instead they spend $ someplace else.
Yes, it does take awhile. But you know, sorting everything first, even though it makes sense and is efficient, is not what we're supposed to do. Idiots at corporate who come up with such fabulous ideas!
Depends on the repack, sorting efficient? Can be, can also not be.
Sorting isn't stocking, it's an added touch and requires time to set up, gather carts push them to asiles etc. Alot of repacks can be pushed directly from the box. Some repacks you open up you should just not even attempt to stock directly because DC doesn't give a fuck.

You should throw random items that go in far away places into another cart to push later, maybe set aside 3-5 carts for far off items. But most boxes will fall about 80% with-in +- 2 aisles which is not worth sorting assuming you're not the slowest walking guy out there or don't know the department you're stocking well enough to already be walking to the place the item roughly goes just by sight.

Sorting can easily be a waste of time especially for the TMs who just post up the cart at the end of an aisle and walk back and forth between the cart and the place the items go. That TM essentially just wasted all the saved steps. Plus sorted carts tend to be filled, meaning you'll walk up and down the aisle anyways because you have items you can't see under other items so you can just visit one area and be done with all of one item.

That actually falls apart though when you try pushing when the store is open, that walking distance becomes a big problem if that area is busy with guests, but in general pushing once the store is open is a loss in stock rate.
@semantics, I work mostly in HBA and my repacks come in a few varieties - for instance, feminine care, oral care, men's & women's body wash will all be mixed up in one box. And I have multiple repacks like that, sometimes with 1 item of a certain product that I'll find in 2 other repacks, 1 each for all 3. It's lovely.
Sorting repacks saves time. Shit, I have seen one repack with like 5 different departments. Much easier to push a tub of bedding, or a Smart Cart of Health items.

Nothing like wasting time wandering the entire store putting away the product in hard lines repacks.
Random question how long is the line? You’d think I’d know but found an old Fitbit measurement that seems off. Thanks for answers. I’m about to be roasted on the LGBT thread.
Sorting repacks saves time. Shit, I have seen one repack with like 5 different departments. Much easier to push a tub of bedding, or a Smart Cart of Health items.

Nothing like wasting time wandering the entire store putting away the product in hard lines repacks.
This is my point. If we can't
4.5 hours for domestic repacks?!? That's a whole shift for one of my team members, not including the unload! I'm sorry, but one flat of domestic repacks should, under the worst circumstances, take 1.5 hours at MOST. So for 2 flats that's 3 hours or else you're not fit to work repacks on my team, sorted or unsorted.
Define a flat of repacks. I have seen 6, 12 and 16 repack boxs fit on a flat. So the question is how many?
Define a flat of repacks. I have seen 6, 12 and 16 repack boxs fit on a flat. So the question is how many?

A full flat would be between 15-20 repacks. We stack them 5 repacks per layer and either 3-4 layers tall. If course it can be less, but when speaking about general time efficiency I assume a full flat of 20.
wew lad got about 30 BTS repacks from Tuesday's truck waiting for me tomorrow morning plus whatever comes in on tomorrow's truck too

A full flat would be between 15-20 repacks. We stack them 5 repacks per layer and either 3-4 layers tall. If course it can be less, but when speaking about general time efficiency I assume a full flat of 20.
Green? Black ? Or red? I can’t see 15-20 of blacks ones on a flat.
Green? Black ? Or red? I can’t see 15-20 of blacks ones on a flat.
Black repacks. You put two side by side going long ways (same way as the flat), another row like that, and then one short ways at the end of the flat. 5 repacks per layer, 3-4 high depending on the stability of the repacks (how heavy they are, what's inside, etc.).
Black repacks. You put two side by side going long ways (same way as the flat), another row like that, and then one short ways at the end of the flat. 5 repacks per layer, 3-4 high depending on the stability of the repacks (how heavy they are, what's inside, etc.).
No safety issues there lol
We currently have two rolled trucks in the back room with another truck coming tomorrow. You can barely get a person, let alone a tub, flat, pallet, or three tier through most portions of receiving and the backroom. Need something on a U boat? Good luck getting that merch out to the floor for it to sell. Flow’s hurting for people, we’re pulling from other stores just to keep up, and anyone from non-flow workcenters that knows how the process works is being scheduled as flow just so we can try to get the line clean, if nothing else. We had multiple pallets in the fire tunnel despite the mantra of “nothing in the fire tunnel” because the LODs got complaints from guests when pallets were on the floor.

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