Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

Pretty sure that's illegal.
who knows.
My store has literally never had more than one truck in a single day, although I’m sure I just jinxed it
nah you will just get a 3000 piece truck at the worst possible time.
If you only have three dock doors doubles becomes a bit tougher but are still possible. We’re at 6-8 trucks a week right now. Last year at this time we got 4 maybe 5 a week. Christmas is going to be rough, I’m expecting 10-12 trucks a week with no room in bulk
or anything else.
Corporate must be full of nothing but the super popular/outgoing kids from middle school, because they can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that not everyone enjoys interacting with people.

I stopped going to stores that have greeters a few years ago, because my anxiety was just too high- I had to sit in the parking lot and psych myself up to go in. With the total obsession of making us basically stalk our guests I’m kinda shocked we DONT have greeters at this point.
The simplest answer to this post (which isn't in the string because new multiquote remembers) is yes.
WAAAAAY too much softlines transition in the last couple of trucks. Also fuck whoever put the heavy ass Wild Fable signage on top of a double-stacked Bounty PIPO pallet that caused it to lean over and collapse as it was being pulled out
Its not a normal truck day with out this happening or something spilled of the freight.
we've been getting 7 trucks (lmao Sunday srsly??) instead of 5. softlines push was already rolling over into the next week with 5x and "no payroll". stl stopped the breakout and put 5 pallets of unsorted truck in the steel. that took me an entire week to catch up. stl begging me to stay as late as i wanted on Saturday but stay under 40 after i refused to work Sunday to mop up the mess of his own creation.

some great spills include new tm standing in a lake of bleach and a green tl ruining his boots with cooking oil
As I suspected, they’re making me work a bunch of short shifts so I can be there every day for the unload instead of the 8 x 5 week I was scheming for. Fuck outta here with the 4 hr shifts.

Also the flow children have submitted their school availability so we’re going to be even more short handed until they hire more noobs, following which they will run out of payroll and slash hours again. 💸💸💸💸
The Tide has come in 😱
And who doesn’t love baptism by Prego. The more garlic the better.
Dogs gave me the stinkeye when I got home...
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Anyone start the “trailer sort and unload” process yet? Region 400 is slated to start in September. It seems like a great idea as long as flow is open to change.
We are taking baby steps to get us ready. Some of the changes we really like. Biggest challenges will be having the tools (vehicles) and TM with the availability to stay.
We are taking baby steps to get us ready. Some of the changes we really like. Biggest challenges will be having the tools (vehicles) and TM with the availability to stay.
Yeah I’m interested in both those challenges. I feel like a lot of our flow team does it because they like tha 4am and it’s a side job but now that it’s 6am I can imagine a decent amount will leave. Also I’m curious how long it takes to get all these new uboats
Anyone start the “trailer sort and unload” process yet? Region 400 is slated to start in September. It seems like a great idea as long as flow is open to change.

Yikes. I wonder if there's a projection for when each region will start this (not R400)
Anyone start the “trailer sort and unload” process yet? Region 400 is slated to start in September. It seems like a great idea as long as flow is open to change.

im in 400 and etl log was teasing me because we won't be able to do the breakout near the line bc it will be a constant u boat parking lot. naturally we haven't had a huddle or any further explanation yet so i have no idea what will happen. im pretty sure the real joke is on etl log because there are so few reliable people left.
im in 400 and etl log was teasing me because we won't be able to do the breakout near the line bc it will be a constant u boat parking lot. naturally we haven't had a huddle or any further explanation yet so i have no idea what will happen. im pretty sure the real joke is on etl log because there are so few reliable people left.
Yeah I guess they’re moving a couple backroom aisles to support the A&A sort at the end of ten line. Only thing I’m hesitant on is the line being set at all times. I like the idea that when someone’s done with pushing that vehicle they bring it back and all the backstock is staged on the line and it’s set again for the next day but that means they absolutely have to finish all backstock everyday which almost never happens. The concept of it is a great idea. Super sort off the truck, only one vehicle per person on the floor so there’s no random pallets or push in the way for guests, and it forces you to come clean everyday. I just hope they implement it properly and it doesn’t fall flat. Having more TMs here dayside will be cool help out with the guest facing work. I just think it’s not a great idea for everystore.... like where my store receives 10-12 GM trucks a week during BTS and Q4....
R100 here. Starting in September. The info is on learn@target, so I assume it's rolling out to everyone soon.
Yeah I guess they’re moving a couple backroom aisles to support the A&A sort at the end of ten line. Only thing I’m hesitant on is the line being set at all times. I like the idea that when someone’s done with pushing that vehicle they bring it back and all the backstock is staged on the line and it’s set again for the next day but that means they absolutely have to finish all backstock everyday which almost never happens. The concept of it is a great idea. Super sort off the truck, only one vehicle per person on the floor so there’s no random pallets or push in the way for guests, and it forces you to come clean everyday. I just hope they implement it properly and it doesn’t fall flat. Having more TMs here dayside will be cool help out with the guest facing work. I just think it’s not a great idea for everystore.... like where my store receives 10-12 GM trucks a week during BTS and Q4....

our br is already congested with empty and filled zracks, uboats, and metros with bins. unless they are going to remove aisles or steel like they did for sfs then lol.

im currently imagining all the deadweight people stacking an atrocious uboat (like when the market guy isn't there for the truck), taking out one uboat to push and then bringing a 2/3rds unpushed uboat back and punching out promptly at 1030. so the ETL-Log and the same 4 people will stay until 330 and we can start having the entire truck fall behind a week like sl and market already does.
no room to sort A&A at the end of our line. That would be a huge mess & mistake.

And we are lucky to come clean. In fact it doesn't happen very often, any more. Unfinished Repacks & Backstock and double trucks are doing us in.

+ the lack of hours.
"Super sort off the truck" means?
The line will consist of uboats, tubs, flats and only a couple pallets. Your priority one (essentials) like hba, pets, food, chem stuff like that will be on the side closest to the sales floor and your priority two will be on the opposite which will be most everything else. Uboats will be used for almost everything. Tubs occasionally and the flats are for plastics, paper, and furniture (the big crap). Then the only thing that should be on pallets are your first two spots on either side of the line for transition so it can be stored in steal after the unload. Every uboat will be for a specific section like pets but on the uboats your three shelves will be sorted separately to the aisles which is where the “super sort” comes from. Your flow team/general merchandise team does the whole unload then you take your priority one vehicles first go to the floor push your vehicle then bring back your trash and backstock and the backstock goes back onto the like where your vehicle was for someone to backstock and the empty vehicle should be back on the line ready for tomorrow’s unload. All the repacks will be coming more sorted from the DC but will be sorted as they come off the line and you’re no longer allowed to to do the horseshoe breakout on the floor. Every piece of freight on the flooor should be actively being worked by one TM and there should never be pallets of freight or shopping carts of truck laying around
Also I know the truck team will also be responsible for breaking out softlines and sorting beauty into the new beauty carts by brand.
What have been the biggest challenges? Scheduling part seems quiet interesting.

Scheduling is one, for sure. Which ties into the rest, IMO. Lack of equipment; sometimes I won't get a zebra until halfway through my shift. Another is that the flow folks who are now hardlines aren't trained on the registers, so no backups at the checklanes.

Only having one TM throw the truck is slowing things down considerably. Unload has been taking twice the time it used to.

I'm sure some of this will be resolved with time, but it's tough when you're in the thick of it.

Hope that made sense lol
The line will consist of uboats, tubs, flats and only a couple pallets. Your priority one (essentials) like hba, pets, food, chem stuff like that will be on the side closest to the sales floor and your priority two will be on the opposite which will be most everything else. Uboats will be used for almost everything. Tubs occasionally and the flats are for plastics, paper, and furniture (the big crap). Then the only thing that should be on pallets are your first two spots on either side of the line for transition so it can be stored in steal after the unload. Every uboat will be for a specific section like pets but on the uboats your three shelves will be sorted separately to the aisles which is where the “super sort” comes from. Your flow team/general merchandise team does the whole unload then you take your priority one vehicles first go to the floor push your vehicle then bring back your trash and backstock and the backstock goes back onto the like where your vehicle was for someone to backstock and the empty vehicle should be back on the line ready for tomorrow’s unload. All the repacks will be coming more sorted from the DC but will be sorted as they come off the line and you’re no longer allowed to to do the horseshoe breakout on the floor. Every piece of freight on the floor should be actively being worked by one TM and there should never be pallets of freight or shopping carts of truck laying around

I will believe it when I see it.

"why, Hello, one random smashed box of Quinoa, shoved into a repack full of stuff from 5 different departments."


Our U-boats have 2 shelves. Meh. I really dislike the U-boats.

We are already doing most of ^.

I wonder how our BR compares to other stores. We don't have room to store tons of u-boats.
I will believe it when I see it.

"why, Hello, one random smashed box of Quinoa, shoved into a repack full of stuff from 5 different departments."


Our U-boats have 2 shelves. Meh. I really dislike the U-boats.

We are already doing most of ^.

I wonder how our BR compares to other stores. We don't have room to store tons of u-boats.
You won’t be storing them in the way you currently tuck vehicles in every nook and cranny. Most vehicles will be placed back on the line. From the time this process roles out your line should be set 24/7
Also I know the truck team will also be responsible for breaking out softlines and sorting beauty into the new beauty carts by brand.


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