Logistics The Flow/Inbound thread: Until We Yeet Again edition 🤙

@tmap98 happen to know if/when truck scanning is getting moved to the Zebras? If it's been posted somewhere before my appy lolly loggies in advance.

My store's scanning accuracy is apparently the highest in the district but it's not as high as it could be because the gun likes to freak out and reboot suddenly in the middle of the unload. The ETL-LOG has been testing a new process he cooked up by scanning stuff as it's unloaded in myWork and separating out NOLO transition onto its own pallets, but the Zebras are going to have to get way less laggy very soon if scanning with them is to be viable at all (the front of the line is a WLAN dead zone) lol
Scanning the unload is going away. We started the push all process .
Target is going to become WAL-MART with all these changes. That will only piss-off the customers with blocking aisles and putting displays all over the place. Sad to see it.
Apparently the push all nonsense at my store today was just a practice run for a couple weeks until they make it official...whatever. According to etl-log we’re going with more uboats next week. As far as I’m concerned it can be flats, pallets, uboats or laundry hampers and it won’t matter if the callouts and turnover keep up
Apparently the push all nonsense at my store today was just a practice run for a couple weeks until they make it official...whatever. According to etl-log we’re going with more uboats next week. As far as I’m concerned it can be flats, pallets, uboats or laundry hampers and it won’t matter if the callouts and turnover keep up
Lol. Yep.
Scanning the unload is going away. We started the push all process .

We started that recently. It’s easier I feel. Too many boxes were missed anyway. It doesn’t help that the two people throwing the truck never put the labels up. It creates a lot of backstock and unnecessary work on the floor but I prefer it over scanning every box.
So today we did some weird deal where we switched mostly to uboats but also scanned. It was a 2500 and took the same amount of time as normal (no callouts). Bowling is kill. I’m glad about that too because I’m always the one who had to bowl if the usual bowlers called out lol
Im getting a double tommarow
And for added fun im the only one on the entire team that has seen or unload a double truck day. So thats going to be great morning
Hell its not even 4th quarter yet! We had a double and a extra truck this week. Next 2 weeks 5 trucks each. Seems to be the norm now. We are not a college town. I miss my day off.
New schedule has 6 trucks. Lots of people working 6 days that week. Myself included and I’m still only scheduled 32 hours. Laughing to keep from crying.
My store has literally never had more than one truck in a single day, although I’m sure I just jinxed it
If you only have three dock doors doubles becomes a bit tougher but are still possible. We’re at 6-8 trucks a week right now. Last year at this time we got 4 maybe 5 a week. Christmas is going to be rough, I’m expecting 10-12 trucks a week with no room in bulk
Last night we had 2 trucks - but they were approx. 6000 pieces. And due to open the store an hour earlier than usual. Anddddd we had a bunch of callouts and a NCNS. 😡
This has probably been the hardest 2 months I've ever experienced at Target. 6 days is killing the team! Yes we like the $ but it's been so demanding!!
If you only have three dock doors doubles becomes a bit tougher but are still possible. We’re at 6-8 trucks a week right now. Last year at this time we got 4 maybe 5 a week. Christmas is going to be rough, I’m expecting 10-12 trucks a week with no room in bulk
We take all our doubles on the same dock door. Unload one and wait for the driver to swap in the next one. It’s a pain but at least it’s a break.
WAAAAAY too much softlines transition in the last couple of trucks. Also fuck whoever put the heavy ass Wild Fable signage on top of a double-stacked Bounty PIPO pallet that caused it to lean over and collapse as it was being pulled out
An extra truck 2 weeks ago, last week (which I got to miss due to having requested the day off), and an extra one tomorrow too. Granted, tomorrow's extra truck is because last Thursday's truck didn't show up for some reason.

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