Archived The "my store is a disaster" thread

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May 22, 2016
Like the title says, come here to rant about your stresses about the job, as I know it's alot of you that feel the same way.

I'm a plano TL. Nearly everyone I noticed the past week has been grumpy, and frustrated!! Myself included. The lack of communication, recognition, positivity, and motivation to solve problems are all lacking.

My STL has become the dictator, and piles on many unrealistic expectations for each area. I know she's challenging us, but they are absurd. Many TL's I've talked to seem checked out..the culture is awful, and I dread going to work now..woohoo..

It's never been like this, and I've been working here for 5 years!

Anyone else feeling this?
Like the title says, come here to rant about your stresses about the job, as I know it's alot of you that feel the same way.

I'm a plano TL. Nearly everyone I noticed the past week has been grumpy, and frustrated!! Myself included. The lack of communication, recognition, positivity, and motivation to solve problems are all lacking.

My STL has become the dictator, and piles on many unrealistic expectations for each area. I know she's challenging us, but they are absurd. Many TL's I've talked to seem checked out..the culture is awful, and I dread going to work now..woohoo..

It's never been like this, and I've been working here for 5 years!

Anyone else feeling this?

Last time people at my store felt like that, the STL got fired.
The backroom is so backed up you can barely walk. The floor is empty and unzoned. The SFS/Flex program has taken over the whole store. It gets all the equipment and most of the man power to try to keep up. We are a huge store that normally does great holiday business but not this year. We are now ignoring the store front to be a wear house.
My day yesterday explains the "disaster" at my store lately. I was scheduled a 5 hour instocks shift starting mid morning. I clock in & head to the equipment room and find 1 walkie & no My Devices (Research CAN'T be done without a My Device). I call out to the LOD to let him know that myself & the other team member doing instocks are here & ask what he wants to get started on. Now mind you that everyday by mid morning there are NO My Devices left in the equipment room, he tell us to go ahead & jump into the task list!!?? So I let him know that the walkie is the only equipment we have, he says he can give the girl I am working with a My Device so she can start scanning & tells me to start pushing pulls. So I go to the back & find pulls, a LOT of pulls. It looks like pulls that the Flow team didn't push (truck day) plus at least a few left over from last night/yesterday. I manage to get a My Device from another team member & walkie the LOD to see if he wants me to scan, he says no just keep pushing.

Then the GSA starts bellowing for back ups and people aren't responding a fast as she'd like (I'm sure there was a call off) she gets testy on the walkie & demands responses. As soon as my hands are free I answer & say I can come up. As I walk up to the checklanes I can see that she is no where NEAR as backed up as she had said & get up front to be told that she just said that because she wanted to hear responses to her back up demands. So I go back to pushing. A little while later I hear "Tink will you come the back room SFS area?" I do & am told that they want me & the team member I am doing Instocks with to pack orders. After a little explanation we start packing orders. I actually kind of like this and might ask to get hours in this area if they need more help (I'm on the POG team so picking orders would be easy for me as well). Other team members come to the SFS area and say that they have pulled almost everyone off the salesfloor to pick/pack SFS orders. At that point I turned my walkie down. I pack orders for 45 minutes or so when I hear....

"Tink can you come to the front lanes?" there is a GSA/GS team member whose name is similar to mine & she's working today so I ask "Do you mean Tink or Tank?" They want me, so I head up and the LOD tells me that they need me to run a register, they have someone who needs to take a break. I let them know that I am out in 45 minutes & they say ok just run a register for now. I am checking guests out, the other cashier (she's newer) is having problems. First she has sells a guest a EXP and has NO paperwork at her register (it drives me crazy the they want cashiers to try to sell these things but can't be bothered to have the paperwork you need to scan to actually SELL them at the registers!) Then she has a tax exempt order which takes a long time to complete. I am a very fast cashier, so I am running thru guests (being FFF) as quickly as I can. I have a guest at the SCO ask me if there is someone who can help them as they are having problems, I call out on my walkie for someone to come help. I'm keeping an eye on the time (I was never told HOW long they wanted me to stay up front) & about 5 minutes before my out time I shut my light off. Surprisingly I am able to finish up with my current guest and leave my lane to go clock out.

Now I am happy to multitask, and am very able to switch gears and then get back to what I was working on. But ALL of this chaos on 1 FIVE hour shift was absolutely ridiculous! EVEN by Target standards! 🙁
The backroom is so backed up you can barely walk. The floor is empty and unzoned. The SFS/Flex program has taken over the whole store. It gets all the equipment and most of the man power to try to keep up. We are a huge store that normally does great holiday business but not this year. We are now ignoring the store front to be a wear house.
Same at our store, it's so backed up in the backroom, I honestly don't know how we'll get a truck, not that we need one, there's so much backstock, it makes no sense to get more stuff to push, when we can't even push the stuff from yesterday or the day before.
*redacted juuuust in case some of ya'll apparently have eagle eyes*

the majority of this is my toys push

theres more outside

and then like 5 carts of electronics and half as much push

there is still only 1 of us at a time
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the majority of this is my toys push

theres more outside

and then like 5 carts of electronics and half as much push

there is still only 1 of us at a time

My backroom and add every cart and tub shoved down the aisles full of seasonal push since we got sent our "end of season" push early like on black Friday. We have taken 15 trucks in 8 days we are fucking full.. And there was a double last night.. We need some time to sell some of this shit before you send us more!
I was having a conversation with another team member about just Target in general. Part of why I feel all stores are "stressed, jammed up, low team morale etc." is we all don't listen to one another. We all are different and unique in all our unique way. No workcenter should have "priority" over another workcenter. Granted we are hired to work a given area, fine. Work it and work it well. When we speak to one another, we should listen to our fellow workers. Sometimes, myself included, get caught up with our own issues, but once we get back to the subject at hand, guests, we should and can be great again. Thing is until we actually "be" a team instead of just "acting" like a team, we are always going to get the results we get and just dread our jobs.
My backroom and add every cart and tub shoved down the aisles full of seasonal push since we got sent our "end of season" push early like on black Friday. We have taken 15 trucks in 8 days we are fucking full.. And there was a double last night.. We need some time to sell some of this shit before you send us more!

My store generally has a very clean backroom but it is a joke right now. Pallets sit in seasonal while people shop. We better hope no one visits us in the next few days.
I was having a conversation with another team member about just Target in general. Part of why I feel all stores are "stred, jammed up, low team morale etc." is we all don't listen to one another. We all are different and unique in all our unique way. No workcenter should have "priority" over another workcenter. Granted we are hired to work a given area, fine. Work it and work it well. When we speak to one another, we should listen to our fellow workers. Sometimes, myself included, get caught up with our own issues, but once we get back to the subject at hand, guests, we should and can be great again. Thing is until we actually "be" a team instead of just "acting" like a team, we are always going to get the results we get and just dread our jobs.

Lots of truth to this. An ETL needed a TM bc of call outs and another ETL told me, nah I am not giving anyone away this time of year. Unfortunately some only look out for number one.
the majority of this is my toys push

theres more outside

and then like 5 carts of electronics and half as much push

there is still only 1 of us at a time

Wow, I haven't seen those hangers used in years. At my store the flow team is told to get every piece of hanging out no matter what. The only exception is for street dated items.

Oh and our backroom looks like that too, just pallets and flats and tubs up and down the aisle. With extra boxes and trash just laying around to add some decoration. Makes it feel real cozy you know?
Oh boy! After a recent ETL LOG change, my store's logistics process has completely broken down. All of the leadership (TL-wise and replacement ETL LOG) involved in the process are either new to the company or new to role, there's literally no communication between LOG and sales floor leadership (each finds out the others have directed changes when TMs inform them), every day we have to spend an hour emptying out the BR to even start the truck, most days there aren't vehicles or even pallets left to unload onto, and they've been literally changing our process every month for the past 3-4 months (stuff that my previous store tested and implemented over the course of several years) to the point no one knows what they'll be doing until they get to work in the morning. One day we're Viper, next we're Metered, today we're DPOs, the next day we're waving, "there's no backroom team anymore", oops no one is backstocking their stuff so now the whole team is backroom, the schedule for most days is changed by them calling the team in early after seeing the carnage left behind the previous day, they're pushing for the brand new and barely trained flow TMs to backstock and research (LOL), pog fills drop into autos so today your auto push is 6 hours alone (and make sure autos are done before you start pushing the truck!), etc etc.

Metrics are blood (or is it "Target"?) red everywhere and we've gotten several DTL visits in recent weeks. The scheduled visits go swimmingly (after our hours magically doubled that week); the surprise visits have been comically disastrous and apparently the worst seen in our district.

Luckily I'm in the acceptance phase too and am just enjoying the unusual amounts of OT trying to keep up with this mess. 🙂
Wow, I haven't seen those hangers used in years. At my store the flow team is told to get every piece of hanging out no matter what. The only exception is for street dated items.

I have 1,542 pairs of snow bibs (boys and girls) so the BR has hanging backstock for the first time in a LONG time. The VMML (Visual Merch Market Leader) has made a big deal out of things being neat and not overstuffed on the floor so backstock is allowed currently.
I'm a cart attendant and overnight the team took all of the carts for Flow and freight and backstock and stuff and hardly any of the carts got emptied out...

Oh man. I made a big post about it I'll just link it lol

To that one Team Member..
God I'm so glad to work at a super small location compared to others. My store has its problems, but it's nothing compared to a super target.
I'm also glad the sfs process is failing. It's because they stuck a bunch a fat and slow people in it that can't even scale ladders. Now leadership knows what the BRTMs have to deal with. It's fantastic!
My backroom looks like total shit. SFS is so bad they have EVERY smart cart and almost all the tubs, we're pulling into shopping carts. Even our STL is running around all over. Our major backroom problem is they aren't scheduling enough team members, we had 5 backroom TMs for a double. By the time we pulled all the black line back from the second truck it was almost lunch time. It's only going to get better, they chopped hours and days on the newest schedule. Backroom is under 30 a person during 4th quarter, this is honestly pathetic.
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