Archived The NEW EHR system

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I like the new eHR. Again, though, it's poorly done. Mobile, it's ugly. You have to log in twice to view a paycheck. Time functionality is inaccessible outside of store network. Frequent network connection failures. It's a step in the right direction, but hopefully will be improved.
so when is HR gonna approve my request to fill up my average hours for last week ?? i put it in on Monday around 2:40 PM when I got to work and 2 days later it's still pending ??
What does HR do all day ?? They don't clean the breakroom, now one TM each shift, has to take time on their shift to clean the breakroom. Damn I hope they never schedule me too do that it's sooo nasty.
I wonder if it's going to get time off request right now....for the past few months, whenever anyone has been requesting a partial day off (meaning, "I need to be off by 6 pm on Wednesday"), it's been telling them "tgtcpht can't work AT ALL on Wednesday." I have started printing the screen when I submit time off requests because they've been getting "lost" as well (even though I get the "your time off request has been submitted" message)....I submitted for time off on 3 different days on 1 request & 2 on another, 2 went through on the first and none on the other.
I have put in three punch corrections that eventually helped lead to an ETL getting a write up for not opening the store timely. Scheduled at 8, when the store opens. Arrive at 7:45, ring bell. At 7:55, ring bell again. Ring bell at 8. Store should be open but still nothing. Ring again every 5 minutes until about 8:25 when they roll themselves around to the door and by now there's a line of TMs and guests waiting. Punch in at 8:30 and immediately punch-correct for 8, because if I'm going to be scheduled at 8 and am present at 8, I'm getting paid at 8 regardless of whether or not they let me in.

I have a very distinctive way I ring the doorbell, and by now the story has circulated enough that when an ETL hears that ring, they come running because nobody wants to fall victim to the HRTL's wrath by negligence.
Don't worry, the cameras saw you & guests waiting...
What does HR do all day ?? They don't clean the breakroom, now one TM each shift, has to take time on their shift to clean the breakroom. Damn I hope they never schedule me too do that it's sooo nasty.[/QUOTE]

Right now our HR is spending most of each day helping team members get onto eHR. They also fix all the missing punches for people that can't figure out you need to punch in and out to get paid. Also they spend a good part of a day updating training and following up on who needs recertification or new training due to cross training. For fun they pre-edit schedules every Monday. Currently they are helping with all of the United Way stuff. They do clean the break room, however they are not anyones personal servant. If your food splatters in the microwave, wipe it out! If you dirty dishes then you wash them. They should be wiping down tables once a day and making sure supplies are filled not cleaning up after a bunch of pigs. You do realize that when an LOD is late letting people in,the HR people are the ones who have to take care of making sure all punches are approved. By the way do you have any idea how many adults have no clue that there is a difference between 4am and 4pm when submitting punch corrections. All of the paperwork required by states is kept in order by HR.
Like any position at Target, unless you have personally done it you have no clue to what is involved. Sorry but I get really ticked off when people throw shade when they have no idea what they are talking about.
Anyone able to cancel their United Way deduction?
I did when they came around with the current year's slip.
I switched it to zero, signed it & made a copy of it (didn't trust my ETL-HR at the time).
I then watched my paycheck to make sure no more was taken out.
UW had dropped several of our local aid groups so I told HR I'd be donating directly to them from now on.
Stopping mid-cycle is more difficult & you'd have to check eHR or with your HRTM.
so when is HR gonna approve my request to fill up my average hours for last week ?? i put it in on Monday around 2:40 PM when I got to work and 2 days later it's still pending ??
What does HR do all day ?? They don't clean the breakroom, now one TM each shift, has to take time on their shift to clean the breakroom. Damn I hope they never schedule me too do that it's sooo nasty.
In the store I'm in we have to have our add hours and punch corrections in by 9:30 Monday morning. Otherwise it will sit till the following Monday.
Would someone happen to happen to the link to the new eHR? Because I encounter a error every attempt.
I checked out the new eHR last night and it's pretty awful. I had a hard time navigating. It's just not logically organized. Give me back my navigation bar on the left side of the screen...
Was there a mandate when designing this site that capital letters were absolutely not allowed to be used anywhere?
It was designed in part by ee cummings, bell hooks, and k.d. lang.

and archy and mehitabel.

poem by archy the cockroach

i went into a
speakeasy the other night
with some of the
boys and we were all sitting
around under one of
the tables making
merry with crumbs and
cheese and what not but
after while a strange
melancholy descended
upon the jolly crew and
one old brown veteran roach
said with a sigh well
boys eat drink and
be maudlin for
tomorrow we are dry the
shadow of the padlock
rushes toward us
like a sahara sandstorm
flinging itself at an oasis
for years myself and my
ancestors before me have
inhabited yonder ice box but
the day approaches
when our old homestead
will be taken away from
here and scalded out
yes says i soon there will
be nothing but that
eheu fugaces stuff
on every hand i
never drank it says he
what kind of a
drink is it
it is bitter as wormwood
says i and the
only chaser to it is
the lethean water
it is not the booze itself
that i regret so
much said the old brown
roach it is the
golden companionship of
the tavern myself
and my ancestors have been
chop house and tavern
roaches for hundreds of years
countless generations back
one of my elizabethan
forbears was plucked from
a can of ale in the
mermaid tavern by
will shakespeare and
put down kit marlowe s back
what subtle wits they were in
those days said i yes
he said and later
another one of my
ancestors was
introduced into a larded
hare that addison
was eating by dicky steele
my ancestor came
skurrying forth dicky
said is that your own
hare joe or a wig a
thing which addison
never forgave yours is a
remarkable family
history i said yes he
said i am the last
of a memorable
line one of my
ancestors was found drowned
in the ink well
out of which poor
eddie poe wrote the
raven we have
always associated with wits
bohemians and bon
vivants my maternal
grandmother was slain by
john masefield with
a bung starter well well it
is sad i said the
glad days pass yes
he says soon we will all
be as dry as the
egyptian scarab that
lies in the sarcophagus
beside the mummy of rameses and
he hasn t had a
drink for four thousand
years it is sad for
you he continued but
think how much sadder it
is for me with
a family tradition such as
mine only one of my
ancestors cheese it i said
interrupting him i do
not wish to injure
your feelings but i weary
of your ancestors i
have often noticed that
ancestors never boast
of the descendants who boast
of ancestors i would
rather start a family than
finish one blood will tell but often
it tells too much

i have had my ups and downs
but wotthehell wotthehell
yesterday sceptres and crowns
fried oysters and velvet gowns
and today i herd with bums
but wotthehell wotthehell
i wake the world from sleep
as i caper and sing and leap
when i sing my wild free tune
wotthehell wotthehell
under the blear eyed moon
i am pelted with cast off shoon
but wotthehell wotthehell
~song of mehitabel
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