I'm Lost! The REDCard Thread

Ok, so I did Cashier for the first time Friday. It went ok, for me never using a register.

Read the training book, but I can't remember everything. There was no one to pair me off with, because they were all new too.
So we kind of winged it, and asked each other for help when stuck.

I asked guest's about signing up for a Redcard credit/debit when prompted.

Kind of happy no one said yes, still a little confused what to do!

I know to scan the barcode on the pamphlet, and most is self prompted on the machine.
What about for debit? ID & Check is needed right?

What do we do with the check exactly? Have them write void on it? Do we give it back to them after running through register or keep it in the register?
I think I read they get what receipt prints too?

Still not sure what to do with guest registry's yet. Would like to take a moment to figure out how to put in multiple amounts.

Had someone buy like 50 folders, and I was too nervous to fiddle around and figure it out, so I just scanned each one. LOL 🙂
1) For Redcards you scan the pamphlet at the end of the transaction before you hit total (you can also start an application without the guest buying anything by scanning the pamphlet). After you've scanned it in, hit total and it should prompt you to enter some of the guest's information (name, address, ID #, etc.) so you should ask for their driver's license and ask if the address on the ID is correct (if not, ask the guest for their address) and fill out the information based on the ID. While you're doing this it should be prompting the guest on the card reader for their information (SSN, income, phone #, etc.).

Once you're both done, it will have the guest confirm the information you put into the register. The application will be processed. If the card is approved it will print out a temporary card on receipt paper and the guest can use that until their card comes in the mail in 7-10 days. Sometimes it takes longer for the application to be processed and the register will tell you that the application needs more processing. Tell the guest this and that they should be contacted by mail in 7-10 days.

For a debit card it is basically the same thing except you put the check through the scanner when the register prompts you. The guest doesn't need to void it out before giving it to you. The scanner will endorse it as "void". It will keep the check in the scanner until all prompts are completed. After that is done, give the check back to the guest and tell them that it has been voided.

2) For registries, after you scan all items in, scan the barcode on the guest's registry list. It will pull up items in the transaction that were on the registry and have you select the items that the guest wants taken off the registry. Use your K buttons to chose. If the guest buys two of the same item (for example, if the guest buys two towels off the registry) it will ask you how many to be taken off the registry (in the previous example, two). If there is more than one item off the registry it will ask you if they want one gift receipt or separate ones for each item so ask the guest what they want.

3) When you have large quantities of the same exact item you can push K2 (I believe) or whichever button is indicated for Quantity of the right side of the screen and then enter the amount you want.

Hope this helped!
if you are using the quantity button make absolutely sure it is the same item. Sometimes the items are sorted by color in the system and sometimes they are not. You want to make sure that each item you are going to use the quantity button on has the same DPCI.
And using K2 works only if you're entering a qty of 7 or more or you'll get a message of "qty too low".
Unless it's a food item, then you can key any quantity.

Ooh! Fabulous! Thanks for this!

And believe me, your GSA/GSTL will be so thrilled when you get your first Redcard, that they will jump through fire to come over and walk you through it your first time through. Within a couple of days you'll get more used to it and will be asking more people than prompted, as that is what they will likely expect.
Ok, I am getting used to soliciting red cards, though it is by far my least favorite part of the job. Anyway, is there a way for a guest to pay an order partially one way and then put the rest on a red card application?

Specifically, I'm talking about gift cards. You can't scan the application when payments have already been made, and if you scan the application, then the entire amount goes on it without a prompt. Luckily the one guest I had this happen to was really cool about it, but not all guests would be....as they obviously want to use their "free money" first (or store credit from a return). So is there a way to use both? As it stands now, I'm not even asking people about a red card if I see a gift card in their hands...and that seems to be such a waste to me.
Ok, I am getting used to soliciting red cards, though it is by far my least favorite part of the job. Anyway, is there a way for a guest to pay an order partially one way and then put the rest on a red card application?

Specifically, I'm talking about gift cards. You can't scan the application when payments have already been made, and if you scan the application, then the entire amount goes on it without a prompt. Luckily the one guest I had this happen to was really cool about it, but not all guests would be....as they obviously want to use their "free money" first (or store credit from a return). So is there a way to use both? As it stands now, I'm not even asking people about a red card if I see a gift card in their hands...and that seems to be such a waste to me.

Yep! You can't use multiple payments as part of the redcard application, but if you know they want to use a giftcard, suspend the transaction and process the app separately. Then once you have completed the app, pull the transaction back up, pay with the giftcard, then pay with the redcard. They won't save 5% on the giftcard portion. Usually that's not a big deal, but inform them of that, just in case. If their total is $100 and they use a $50 giftcard, they'll only end up saving $2.50 with their redcard discount, some guest might be upset about that if they don't understand it fully.
Oooh.....thank you! I would have never thought of that. This is why I love this board. And I did know that about it only coming off on the part they pay for on the red card. But it's a good reminder that a guest may not know that.
Oooh.....thank you! I would have never thought of that. This is why I love this board. And I did know that about it only coming off on the part they pay for on the red card. But it's a good reminder that a guest may not know that.

Not only that, but if I remember correctly, it doesn't apply when purchasing a Target gift card either (just like the TM discount).
Yep! You can't use multiple payments as part of the redcard application, but if you know they want to use a giftcard, suspend the transaction and process the app separately. Then once you have completed the app, pull the transaction back up, pay with the giftcard, then pay with the redcard. They won't save 5% on the giftcard portion. Usually that's not a big deal, but inform them of that, just in case. If their total is $100 and they use a $50 giftcard, they'll only end up saving $2.50 with their redcard discount, some guest might be upset about that if they don't understand it fully.

Yup. I always just tell them they only save 5% on the amount charged to their card.
This morning as soon as i clocked in for work, one of the gsa asked me to sign this paper that says i acknowledge i did not get any redcard lastweek with 50prompts...
I'm almost getting to 90days and i have got 1-2redcards per week which is pretty low i guess. I work 38+hrs so i do get lots of prompt. I ask everyone and emphasize on debit card but most just cut me off and say no or just say they have one but cant find one.. Or they lefr check so maybe later.
I used to enjoy asking for redcard cause it is thrilling when i get one. Now i feel desperate asking for one and feel relief when i get one which makes job not fun than before...
I did search and read tips on getting redcard but it just seems it's not working for me... I got one today so i'm not worried about signing paper (what a relief🙁 )but i dont see how i can keep this up..
Do you think low conversion rate would lead to target not keeping me?

I work at suburb of illinois.. Not disclosing exact location to save me from trouble.
A GSA asked you to sign it? Ehh, seems like they might have crossed that very fine line that a GSA isn't supposed to cross.

We're allowed to give you tips and suggestions, but otherwise we're not allowed to "coach" or "punish" you based on your performance.

And yes, within your 90 days they can fire you for any reason, including not getting redcards.

After your 90 days, it is a coachable-reason, not getting redcards.
I had this happen to me too except i had my gstl sign it. honestly I'm not that worried as long as you are doing your best. My gstl was very nice of her to tell me it's just a procedure and she knows I'm trying.
I agree that it's very demoralizing after hardwork you put into only resulting in signing the piece of paper that says you underachived, but hey, hardwork never lets you down right?
I'm also still under 60days but I dont think it should let your work affected. Try to enjoy!
We have a cashier (only) who has only gotten a couple in the 10 months he's been here....never asks unless prompted. I'm so confused on how that is okay...but apparently he gets away with it.
ahh i didn't get any for a whole week, too. and the gstl for that day was really nice about it so the next day i literally asked every single person and ended up with 5 redcards for the day. i think it's all about luck tho... for our store you need 2 redcards per shift or the gstl/gsa (depends on which one we have for the day) will coach you.
I'm lucky to get one a day. Two a day is a rare treat. One week, I had five "almosts". In other words, I got all the way to scanning the application, and then the guest couldn't go through with it for some reason or another. My GSTL saw one of them and knew the week I was having and desperately wanted to give me credit for at least one. It wasn't my fault the guest didn't have their ID, couldn't remember their SSN, got confused when entering the wrong phone number and got frustrated and quit, etc. It was not my week.
My conversion isn't so good, but my GA's, GSTL, and ETL-GE all appreciate the effort in all of us. My store makes a game of getting red card. Every time you get one, you spin a wheel with prizes on it anything from a candy bar and soda to a Starbucks drink, gum, $5 gift card, $5 movie and whatever it lands on, thats what you get. It has helped our conversion as whole a little bit, but not significantly.
That might make me try harder, honestly. As it is, if I get my one for the day, I stop asking guests unless prompted, know I will be prompted (large cash order), they write a check, or there's a GSA, GSTL, or LOD nearby.

I figure if they want me to get them that badly, they can offer something besides a shout out on a walkie.
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If its the Front End Cashier Report were it breaks down the number of transactions, speed scores, and # of prompts & conversion average. That is common practice for cashiers to sign it. Its just to acknowledge you have viewed and know your performance.

Target may push cashiers hard to get red cards. But your only requirement for the cards is to be knowledgeable of the card and benefits, and to present the card and its benefits to the guest when the POS prompts you to. If it comes down to it, you can ask every guest about the card. One of the best things to mention is to link the guest's checking account to the Target debit card, and they will still receive the 5% discount. Just make sure the guest knows the withdraw process of the debit card.
Speed scores will only show up for the registers for the lanes.

If they have only done Guest Service or haven't cashiered at all that week, or cashiered off the front lanes. Then the report won't show speed scores.
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